!!Department Budget
__Main Panel__
\\ Bar Chart showing FTE Count by Department. Shows Authorized, Actual, Available and Overage.
\\ \\
**User may choose from drop down list with options for All Departments or select one or more from the list.
**User can select a number in the Top X box which will be the number of Departments displayed.
*FTE Over
**User can enter a number in the FTE Over box.
__Sub Panel 1 - Position Codes and Titles in the Department__
\\Table – list of position codes based on the Department bar selected in the main Panel. This table includes, the Position Code, Position Title, Authorized FTEs, Actual FTEs, Variances and Requisitions. 
\\Includes: Download to spreadsheet, e-mail with spreadsheet.
\\Show Positions As Of Date
\\ \\
__Sub Panel 2 (Form) - Drill to Positions ([IDPS])__
\\When any Position Code or Title is selected this will bring the user to the Position ([IDPS]) form.  Respects form security (if user does not have access to IDPS, cannot drill into via panel). 
\\ \\
__Sub Panel 3 - Requisitions for Department__
\\This table shows Requisitions for the Position selected in the Sub Panel 2. 
\\The table will show the Job Profile for the posting and the Posting Code which is a link to [IRPO].
\\Show Positions As Of Date
\\ \\
__Sub Panel 4 (Form) - Drill to Postings ([IRPO])__
Select a posting code in the Requisitions panel and the user is brought to the Maintain Postings (IRPO) form for that posting. Respects form security (if user does not have access to [IRPO], cannot drill into via panel).