The following statements are taken from the ICMA Retirement Corporation's web site: 
"The International City/County Management Association created the ICMA Retirement Corporation (RC) as a separate, not-for-profit organization in 1972." \\

!!ICMA Setup 
To execute the required report the only set up required is a pay element and the Interface Format form ([IDIF]). 
The benefit plan may be set up with the standard benefit components documented in the Benefits Administration manual (see the Pension Sample Plan). \\  \\
!Pay Element - [IPPE] 
One pay element must be created in order to execute the report: 
ICMA Element Pay element that contains the deduction pay components that qualify for ICMA\\  \\
!Interface Format - [IDIF] 
If not already defined in the Interface Formats Definition form ([IDIF]), load the standard interface file format using the starter_idif_hl$icma.sql script.\\
Modify the standard ICMA file to bank requirements using the [IDIF] function.  Rename the code from HL$ICMA to a user-defined code.\\
||Rec||Field||Start Position||Ending Position||Name||Variable Number||Notes 
|1 	|1 	|1 	|55 	|Company Name|  |Enter in Constant 
|2 	|1 	|1 	|11 	|Filler |	|	
|2 	|2 	|12 	|15 	|Plan ID| 	|Enter in Constant 
|3 	|1 	|1 	|4 	|Filler |       | 		
|3 	|2 	|5 	|14 	|Company PIN| 	|Enter in Constant 
|4 	|1 	|1 	|4 	|Filler| 	|	
|4 	|2 	|5 	|15 	|Total Contribution|Total Contribution|ICMA Element from [UPICMA] 
|4 	|3 	|16 	|30 	|Filler| 	|	
|4 	|4 	|31 	|41 	|Calculated Amount|Total Contribution|ICMA Element from [UPICMA] 
|5 	|1 	|1 	|9 	|Filler|        | 		
|5 	|2 	|10 	|15 	|Pay Issue Date|Pay Issue Date|Pay Header Issue Date 
|6 	|1 	|1 	|55 	|Employee Name|Employee Name|Identity Name 
|6 	|2 	|56 	|64 	|Employee SSN|Employee SSN|Identity Government ID 
|6 	|3 	|65 	|72 	|Filler|        |  		
|6 	|4 	|73 	|83 	|Employee Contribution|Employee Contribution|ICMA Element on [UPICMA] 

!!UPICMA Update 
These are the report parameters for the monthly-required report.