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The Maintain Employee Station Post Requirements (DTESR) allows you to create and edit employee station post requirements.

Data for the 'View Instance Alerts By Day' screen is maintained on the [P2K_TS_WORKERS], [P2K_TS_SWORKER_SCHEDULE], [P2K_TS_STATION_REQUIREMENTS], [P2K_TS_SCHEDULED_SHIFTS] and [P2K_TS_TIME_EXCEPTIONS] tables.

Dynamic Calendars are used in the [DTESR] form to allow you to specify the start of the work week.

In the [Preference tab of IMST|IMST#PreferencesTab], clients must add [1ST_DAY_OF_WEEK(System_Preference)] preference with a value of 1 through 7 where 1 represents Sunday and 7 represents Saturday.

The clock entry information below the calendar is derived based on the date in focus on the calendar.

!Employee Schedule
;[Shift|SHIFT_CODE]: The shift code that is associated with the station post requirement is entered here.
;[Station|WORK_STATION_CODE]: The station is the work station that this station post requirement is associated with.
;[Rank/Job|RANKING]: A numerical field which indicates the hierarchical order in which the employees are qualified for the selected post.

;[Shift|SHIFT_CODE]: The shift code that is associated with the station post requirement is entered here.
;[Work Station|WORK_STATION_CODE]: The station is the work station that this station post requirement is associated with.
;[Rank/Job|RANKING]: A numerical field which indicates the hierarchical order in which the employees are qualified for the selected post.
;[Required|SPR]: This is the number of vacancies that will be created for the station post requirement. This number is filled in by the user and will define how many vacancies will be created on the [Complement Tab|DTSR#COMPLEMENTTAB] and need to be filled by qualified workers.
;[Filled|DRV_FILLED]: This is a view only, derived field that displays the number of station posts that have been filled by qualified workers.
;[Vacant|DRV_VACANT]: This is a view only, derived field that displays the number of station posts that remain unfilled or vacant. This field takes the number required and subtracts the number filled.
;Schedule Button: This is an action button that will automatically schedule the worker in focus into the vacancy in question.

!Schedule Workers
;[Compliment|DRV_SHIFT_COMPLIMENT]:The compliment field derives the employee who has filled the post.
;[Scheduled by Exception|EXCEPTIONS]: Displays __Yes__ if there are any exceptions (changes to the originally scheduled time) or __No__ if there are none.

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