[{TableOfContents }] !!!MAINTAIN EMPLOYEE SCHEDULES The Employee Schedules (DTESH) screen allows authorized users to: * view/override detailed shift information * view/update generated time exceptions * manual enter time exceptions * manual enter miscellaneous exceptions * view/update a log of any calls that have been made Detailed schedules are based on generated time entries derived from: * Operational definitions * Team post assignments * Holiday calendars * Planned leaves * Clock entries from polled clock devices * Time entries submitted electronically from other systems or the WEB Schedules show daily details a week at a time from a specified date. Shift times are shown for each day for each work team or worker. ;Dynamic Calendars ;:To allow companies to specify the start of the work week ;:In [IMST] in preference tab add [1ST_DAY_OF_WEEK] preference; with a value of 1 thru 7; 1 representing Sunday to 7 representing Saturday. !!Shift Info tab ;[Shift Date|SHIFT_DATE]: ;[Shift|SHIFT_CODE]: ;[Shift Start Time|DRV_SHIFT_START_TIME]: ;[O/R Shift Start Time|OVERRIDE_SHIFT_START_TIME]: ;[Shift End Time|DRV_SHIFT_END_TIME]: ;[O/R Shift End Time|OVERRIDE_SHIFT_END_TIME]: ;[Station Post|OVERRIDE_SHIFT_END_TIME]: ;[Job|JOB_CODE]: ;[Department|DEPARTMENT_CODE]: ;[Work Team|WORK_TEAM_CODE]: ;[Work Station|WORK_STATION_CODE]: ;Go to Work Station Schedule: ;Exceptions ;[Assignment|ASSIGNMENT_CODE]: ;[Start Date|START_DATE]: ;[End Date|END_DATE]: ;[Start Time|START_TIME]: ;[End Time|END_TIME]: ;[Time Exception Type|TIME_EXCEPTION_TYPE]: ;[Reason For Time|REASON_FOR_TIME]: ;[Time Code|TIME_CODE]: ---- !Misc Exceptions tab ;Other Exceptions ;[Assignment|ASSIGNMENT_CODE]: ;[Time Code|TIME_CODE]: ;[Start Time|START_TIME]: ;[End Time|END_TIME]: ;[Job|JOB_CODE]: ;[Value|TIME_EXCEPTION_VALUE]: ;Planned Exceptions ;[Start Date|START_DATE]: ;[End Date|END_DATE]: ;[Time Code|TIME_CODE]: ;[Leave Type|LEAVE_TYPE_CODE]: ;[Start Time|START_TIME]: ;[End Time|END_TIME]: ;[Projected Time|PROJECTED_TIME]: ;[Leave Time|OVERALL_LEAVE_TIME]: ;[Basis|TIME_BASIS]: ;[Cascaded|CASCADED]: ---- !!Call Logs tab