The View Daily Instance Session Audits (DMISA) allows you .....
Data for the ' View Daily Instance Session Audits' screen is maintained on the P2K_AM_SACTIVE_USERS, P2K_AM_SINSTANCE_ALERTS, P2K_AM_SOPENED_FORMS and P2K_AM_SJ2EE_LOG_RECORDS tables.
- Log In
- Last Request Time
- Session Source
- This field indicates the program that is the source of the session.
- Context
- User
Alerts tab#
- Timestamp
- Alert Text
- Function Name
- Description
- Exception
- Opened
- Closed
- Function Name
- Exception
- View Only Open Forms
Server Logs tab#
- Timestamp
- Level
- Class Name
- Method
- Trace Text
- Filter By
- Timestamp
- This field indicates the time of the alert.
- Employee #
- The employee to whom the alert was sent will be indicated in this field.
- Function Name
- The function on which the event occurred will be listed in this field.
- Event Text
- The actual wording of the alert will be listed here.
- Exception Info
- Further details of the exception that triggered the alert will be shown in this field.
{If var='loginstatus' contains 'authenticated'
[{InsertPage page='Internal.DMIA' default='Click to create a new discussion page'}]
Screen captures are meant to be indicative of the concept being presented and may not reflect the current screen design.
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