!!!DISTRIB_FMT_EXT (System Preference) __NOTE - This Preference is no longer supported.__ \\ \\ This preference is used for Cayenta integration. This helps to transform the distribution request data (Gl Account LOV) into the Cayneta financial system format (e.g. '123 4378') |__Description__| This helps to transform distribution request data (Gl Account LOV) in the Cayneta financial system format |__Set at__| [IMST] = Site \\ [IMRO] = Role |__Takes effect__| |__Values__| |__Default__| |__Notes__| ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.DISTRIB_FMT_EXT(System_Preference)] [{InsertPage page='Internal.DISTRIB_FMT_EXT(System_Preference)' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]