This is the edit mask for the distribution code that provides a default value which overlays the distribution code on the position and assignment records. You would normally enter the segments of the distribution for the wages associated with the department and enter the value ‘?’ for the other segments. See the section on ‘Distribution Defaulting Logic’ in this manual for more detail.
The information displayed in the Distribution Editor screen is based on the set up in the G/L Segments (IDGS) form, which is described later in this workbook.
If, on the IDGS form, the segment values are completed for a segment and the ‘Must Validate’ toggle is on, then an LOV will be provided on the Distribution Editor for that segment.
As each segment is chosen the segments will be concatenated in a display at the bottom of the form.
When you are satisfied with the distribution code created, you may choose ‘Return Code’. This will take the full or partial distribution and place it back on the previous form in the Distribution field.
If you do not want the newly created distribution code returned to the previous form then you may choose ‘Cancel Edit’.
Screen captures are meant to be indicative of the concept being presented and may not reflect the current screen design.
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