!!!DESIGNATED APPROVERS [Approvers|APPROVERS] may be replaced by a designated [approver|APPROVERS] for a defined time frame or indefinitely for specific approval types known as Designated Approvers in [IEMDA]. [Approvers|APPROVERS] may also maintain who is designated as an [approver|APPROVERS] in their absence using [IEDA]. [Approvers|APPROVERS] may designate a temporary replacement in two capacities. Either a “Replacement” or an “Alternate” may be defined. Replacement designates relieve an [approver|APPROVERS] of all approval responsibilities starting as of the “From date” and end on the “To date” starting at 12am on the date specified. If these dates are left blank (null) the beginning of time and end of time are assumed respectively. When an alternate is defined all responsibilities are shared by the specified person and the original [approver|APPROVERS]. Both types of replacements may be specific to a certain type of approval. Eg a Manager may be away for a vacation and time sheets may need to be reviewed during that time frame so an alternate or replacement may be assigned specifically to “Time Sheets” so if there was a salary review during that time it would not be assigned and remain the responsibility of the original manager to approve. When responsibility is transferred from the [approver|APPROVERS] to the designate for a replacement all approval records previously created for notification are moved from the [approver|APPROVERS] to the designate. This will cause work flow, all approver screens and self service splash “to do” lists to now be full for the existing approvals previously required for the [approver|APPROVERS]. Any new approvals required will create new approval records for the designate and the original [approver|APPROVERS] will not be notified. Alternate designates will have a copy of the approval records created for them and the original [approver|APPROVERS] will retain all existing approval records. Both the alternate and [approver|APPROVERS] will receive notification of new pending approvals. The maintenance of the approval records as described above will be limited the specified approval types. If none are listed all approval records will be subject to this maintenance.