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DEDUCTION_RECOVERY is used to define how deductions that are in arrears will be recovered.

This rule is primarily used for deductions applied to irregular employees. If the employee has not worked enough hours to cover certain deductions for more than a few pays. The system will wait until the employee has enough earnings, it doesn’t recover all arrears at one time and leave the employee with very little net pay. Therefore, recover the arrears one deduction at a time.
This rule is used for larger amount deductions where it is unlikely that there will be sufficient earnings to cover more than the regular deduction plus a single arrears transaction.
This rule recovers arrears on a multiple transaction basis, for example when an employee is three deductions in arrears for the same pay component, the pay calculation process attempts to recover each of these three deductions on the next pay.
If there are insufficient earnings to collect the whole amount of the arrears transaction, the uncollected balance is generated as a new arrears transaction. This rule is used for deductions that are small enough for there to be a strong possibility of recovering more than one from the same pay.

X_DEDN_RECOVERY_RULE is a fixed lexicon with the following values:

Displayed ValueLogic
01 Only One Per PayThis rule recovers the arrears on a single transaction basis. This rule is used for
larger amount deductions where it is unlikely that there will be sufficient earnings
to cover more than the regular deduction plus a single arrears transaction.
For example, when an employee is three deductions in arrears for the same pay
component, the pay calculation process attempts to recover only the oldest arrears
transaction for that pay component. If there are insufficient earnings to collect the
whole amount of the arrears transaction, the uncollected balance is generated as a
new arrears transaction.
02 Recover All At Once This rule recovers arrears on a multiple transaction basis. This rule is used for
deductions that are small enough for there to be a strong possibility of recovering
more than one deduction from the same pay check.
For example, when an employee is three deductions in arrears for the same
pay component, the pay calculation process attempts to recover each of these
three deductions on the next pay. If there are insufficient earnings to collect the
whole amount of the arrears transaction, the uncollected balance is generated as
a new arrears transaction.