Many of the forms in the application hold date sensitive information - jobs, positions,
assignments, etc. Each of these forms have a special block called the Date Sensitive Navigator.
It is positioned below the header just above the date sensitive data.
The Date Sensitive Navigator shows a time line with segments for each effective date from the
beginning of time on. The effective date of the current record is highlighted. Up to 5 time
segments show at one time but you can use the left and right arrows to scroll through earlier or
later time periods. Below the time line is the Effective date, the Expiration date and a Change
Reason. These are followed by a Remove icon.
To choose a specific effective record, simply click the appropriate time segment on the time line.
Date Sensitive Changes
To make a date sensitive change, you locate the date sensitive record that the new effective
date will fall in. You enter the new effective date and an appropriate change reason in the
navigator, key the new information in the data block below and save your changes. If you forget
to key the new effective date, you get a second chance. The system will prompt you for the date
at the time you save the record.
You are responsible for changing all future records manually.
Special Form Components
4 - 22 ePersonality User Interface
Version 4.02
Effective Date Correction
If an effective date has been entered incorrectly, locate the record with the bad effective
date, key the correct effective date and immediately save the record. Do not make any data
changes. The system will update the date appropriately.
Removal Of An Effective Record
To remove an effective record that is not needed, locate the record and click the remove icon
on the navigator. The system will remove the record and adjust the expiration date of the
prior record to eliminate gaps.
Normal Data Correction
Sometimes you only want to correct data and you do not need to make a date sensitive
change. Locate the record, key your changes and save. Click OK in the Date Sensitive
Dialog without keying a new date.