System automatically updates a list of tables being cached both totally rely on data monitoring to maintain the cache information current. Contextr name is P2K_CTX and is create by the DB_CEATE_CONTEXT script. Data Cache - we cache everything from countries to people's current effective records - is loaded on first use and is threaded. For example, if I have 55,0000 assignment details and I request for a specific record, the system will start loaded the cache, but will also do a direct read on the data so as to minimize the apparent impact of the performance. Business Object Cache this can be seen in [VMBC] - Concept - it is more than just raw data, but is an intelligent gathering of data (for example, LOVs - which groups data and other business objects together) Is Monitored - is a derived column that starts from the IMTD toggle, but may be turned on if the data is in use by a user. As the system is used more and more, there are more tabes that will be turned on as being monitored, whether they are cached or not. A table that is cached must also be monitored. Performance - Logging - first thing to think about is logging. ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.DATA+BASE+CONTEXT] [{InsertPage page='Internal.DATA+BASE+CONTEXT' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]