The mail merge document itself may now be created.

1. Open Microsoft Word, and under Tools select Mail Merge. The Mail Merge Wizard will begin and prompt you for three choices, but only Create should be active.

2. Click on Create and choose Form Letters. You will next be prompted to either open a new Word document for the mail merge or use the document already open.

3. Choose the latter and proceed. You will next be prompted to Select A Data Source.

4. Click on Get Data. A drop down window will appear;

5. Select Open Data Source. You will be prompted to specify the data source.

6. Specify the data source, ensuring that the file type is .mdb.

7. Following this choice you will be prompted to select the table you wish to work with and then enter your password to connect. The password window will be located on your taskbar, not in the active desktop. Immediately afterward, Word will return the following message.

This message is standard and indicates that you have not created any merge fields yet within the document. Once the merge fields have been created, this message will not be displayed again.

8. Click Edit Main Document. You will be returned to a blank Word document, but two choices will have been added:

  • Insert Merge Field and
  • Insert Word Field

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