Copy Pilot Data to Prod Database#

Since the data within the PILOT database will continue to be changed by the implementation team, we need to periodically take the data to the PROD or CONV database to have the conversion process run smoothly.

The following steps are used to copy the copy the contents of the PILOT database to PROD before the conversion process can start. These steps will have to be done each time the PILOT database has changed, and these changes will affect the data being converted.

Step 1: Export Export the data from the PILOT database. The following command can be used to export the entire contents of the database:


Note: you will have to replace <PASSWORD> with the actual password of the SYSTEM user.

This will create two files in the current working directory of the system the command is run from. The first file, PILOT.DMP, will be used to load the data into the production database PROD. The second file, PILOT.LOG is only used as a reference, if something should go wrong during the export process.

NOTE: if you are a “Quick Start” customer, the database is located on an Oracle server in Toronto. High Line will have to export the data and provide this on the FTP server for downloading.