The application stores the information for employee leave balances in a set of tables accessible from the IALA screen. This screen reads from the P2K_AT_LEAVE_ACCRUALS and it dependent table P2K_AT_LEAVE_ACCRUAL_DETAILS. The process of converting these records is to load them into the interface table, INF_CV_ACCRUALS, first and run the conversion procedure to move them from this table into the two application tables.
Since each leave policy can have a different setup and a different set of Attendance Component codes that will be required, the records can be loaded in separately for each policy type. This will allow the records to be loaded into the environment in smaller batches, over a period of time. As each set of records are loaded and converted they can be validated while the next set of records are being processed.
Typically, each employee will have up to three records loaded and converted for each leave policy type they are eligible to be a member of, for each leave bank year they needs to be maintained for historical purposes. The only set of records that will need to loaded and converted are for the current leave bank year. This is the only set of records that will have any impact on the payroll process, or will be picked up for leave time validation. The three records to be loaded for the leave accruals will be the total time accumulated for the leave bank, the total time taken within the current leave bank year and the total time rolled over from the previous leave bank year. These three records correspond to the AC290, AC300 and AC900, respectfully.
The following table is the layout of the ACCRUAL interface table:
Screen captures are meant to be indicative of the concept being presented and may not reflect the current screen design.
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