
!!!Getting Started
*[Launching the Application|LAUNCHING THE APPLICATION]
**[Your First Login|YOUR FIRST LOGIN]
**[Application Startup|APPLICATION STARTUP]
**Welcome Screen
**Your Session

!!!System Navigation
*[Main Application Window|MAIN APPLICATION WINDOW]
**Menu Processing
**Top Level Menu
*[Command Line|COMMAND WINDOW]
**[Command Line Area|COMMAND LINE AREA]
**[Function Lookup|FUNCTION LOOKUP]
**[Most Recently Used Commands|MOST RECENTLY USED COMMANDS]
*[Other Navigation Tools|SYSTEM NAVIGATION]
**[Toolbars and Icons|SYSTEM NAVIGATION#Toolbars and Icons]
**[Buttons and Links|SYSTEM NAVIGATION#Buttons and Links]
**[Quick Keys|SYSTEM NAVIGATION#Quick Keys]
**[Accelerator Keys|SYSTEM NAVIGATION#Accelerator Keys]
**[Right Mouse Click|SYSTEM NAVIGATION#Right Mouse Click]
**[Bookmark|SYSTEM NAVIGATION#Bookmark]
**[Most Recently Used List|SYSTEM NAVIGATION#Most Recently Used]

!!!Form Processing 
*[Form Components|FORM COMPONENTS]
**[Form Window|FORM WINDOW]
**[Form Toolbar|FORM TOOLBAR]
**[Find Block|FIND BLOCK]
**[List Block|LIST BLOCK]
**[Content Area|CONTENT AREA]
*[Field Formats|FIELD FORMATS]
*[Form Toolbar|FORM TOOLBAR]
*Special Form Components
**[Date Sensitive Navigator|DATE SENSITIVE NAVIGATOR]
**[Approval Bar|APPROVAL BAR]
**[Text Editor|TEXT EDITOR]
**[Distribution Editor|DISTRIBUTION EDITOR]

!!!Report Processing
*[Report and Update Functions|REPORT AND UPDATE FUNCTIONS]
**[Report Criteria|REPORT CRITERIA]
**[Parameter Sets|PARAMETER SETS]
**[Report List|REPORT LIST]
**[Report History|REPORT HISTORY]
*[Report Launching|REPORT LAUNCHING]
**[Run Options|RUN OPTIONS]
**[Run Report|RUN REPORT]

!!!Special Features
**[Global Preferences|GLOBAL PREFERENCES]
**[Field Preferences|FIELD PREFERENCES]
**[Procedure Definition|IMPC]
**[Procedure Usage|PROCEDURE USAGE]
*[Translation Capability|TRANSLATION CAPABILITY]

*Appendix A - Menu Content
*Appendix B - Form Toolbar Content
*Appendix C - Right Mouse Click Menu
*Appendix D - Quick Keys (Ordered by Name)
*Appendix E - Quick Keys (Ordered by Key)