
!!!Getting Started
*[Launching the Application|LAUNCHING THE APPLICATION]
**[Your First Login|YOUR FIRST LOGIN]
**[Application Startup|APPLICATION STARTUP]
**Welcome Screen
**Your Session

!!!System Navigation
Once the leave policies have been defined, it is important to then determine if the attendance plan is to be linked with the Payroll application or not. If the plan should be linked to Payroll, there is setup required in order for the Payroll functions to process the attendance plans and potential leaves. 
*Main Application Window
**Menu Processing
**Top Level Menu
*Command Line
**Command Line Area
**Function Lookup
**Most Recently Used Commands
*Other Navigation Tools
**Toolbars and Icons
**Quick Keys
**Accelerator Keys
**Right Mouse Click
**Most Recently Used List

!!!Form Processing 
After the policies have been defined and are in use by the employees, the employee leave accruals must be managed. 
*Form Components
**Form Window
**Form Toolbar
**Find Block
**List Block
**Content Area
*Field Formats
*Form Actions
**Form Toolbar
*Special Form Components
**Date Sensitive Navigator
**Approval Bar
**Text Editor
**Distribution Editor

!!!Report Processing
Once employees begin taking leaves using the defined policies, the organization may use the tools listed below to record and track those leaves. 
*Report and Update Functions
**Report Criteria
**Parameter Sets
**Report List
**Report History
*Report Launching
**Run Options
**Run Report

!!!Special Features
**Global Preferences
**Field Preferences
**Procedure Definition
**Procedure Usage
*Translation Capability

*Appendix A - Menu Content
*Appendix B - Form Toolbar Content
*Appendix C - Right Mouse Click Menu
*Appendix D - Quick Keys (Ordered by Name)
*Appendix E - Quick Keys (Ordered by Key)