!!!Evaluate Job Positions

*Evaluate Jobs and Positions ([ISEV])
*Record Wage Surveys  ([ISSV])
*Map Jobs to Wage Surveys ([ISSVM])
!!!Manage Salaries, Wage, Premiums
**Salary Ranges ([ISSR])
**List Salary Ranges...([RSSR])
**Wage Scales  ([ISWS])
**List Wage Scales/Steps ([RSWS]) 
**Salary Matrices ([ISRM])
**Premium Types ([ISPT])
**Maintain Premiums ([ISPM])
**List Premiums ([RSPM])
!!! Manage Salary / Wage Changes
*Wage Step Rules ([ISRS])
*Experience and Wage Stepping
**Maintain Experience ([ISEP])
**Track Experience and Step Rates ([USEP])
**Personnel Actions ([ISPA])
**Update Personnel Actions  ([USPA])
*Anniversary Wage Stepping  
**Step Wages Based on Anniversary  ([USAS])
*General Wage Changes 
**Apply General Wage Change ([USSC])
*Wage Scale/Steps Changes 
**Update Wage Scales/Steps  ([USWS])
*Apply Mass Wage Update ([USMC])
**Perform Matrix Mass Wage Update ([USMCSA])
!!!Review Performance
**Review Types ([ISRT])
**Code Sequences  ([IMCS])
*Record Performance Reviews ([ISRV])
*Generate Upcoming Reviews	([USUR])
*Processing Rules 
*Salary Matrices ([ISMX])

!!!Personnel Actions
*Personnel Actions (PA) 
**Personnel Action Types  ([ISPY])
**Personnel Actions ([ISPA])
**Code Sequences ([IMCS])  
**Approval Levels for Personnel Actions (PA) ([IDAP])
**Report on Personnel Actions ([RSPA])
**Update Personnel Actions ([USPPA])

!!! Pay Performance
*Salary Reviews 
**Salary Reviews (ISRV)
**Salary Matrix – (ISMX)
**Estimate Salary Increases Based on Performance  (USPF)
*Manage Salary Increases
**Balance Pay for Performance Increases (ISPF)
**Publish Pay for Performance Adjustment Details (RSPF)