!!!ESS Introduction	
**[Message Board|ESS_MENU#Message Board]
**[Internal Request I Need to Respond To|ESS_MENU#Internal Request I Need to Respond To]	
**[My Work Flow Tasks|ESS_MENU#My Work Flow Tasks]	
*[Time Management and Career Planning|ESS_MENU#Time Management and Career Planning]	

!!!My Personal Assistant
*[My Personal Assistant|MY_PERSONAL_ASSISTANT]
**[Self Service Navigation Guide|MY_PERSONAL_ASSISTANT#Self Service Navigation Guide]
**[Employee Self Service Manual|MY_PERSONAL_ASSISTANT#Employee Self Service Manual]
**[Search the Web|MY_PERSONAL_ASSISTANT#Search the Web]	
**[View Company Directory|VIEW_COMPANY_DIRECTORY]	
**[Create A Request|CREATE_A_REQUEST]	
***[View Request (Inbox)|MY_PERSONAL_ASSISTANT#View Request (Inbox)]

!!!My Personal Information
The My Personal Information menu allows you to view and edit the personal information about yourself kept by your company. 
* My Personal Profile ([WEEPP])	
* My Assignments ([WEEAS])	
* My Contacts ([WEECN])	
* Change My PIN ([WEDPN])	
* Track Changes I Make ([WEESCR])

!!!My Pay Information
The My Pay Information menu allows to you view and edit information about your banking details, pay and timesheet history.
* My Banking Information ([WEPBI])	
* My Transaction History ([WEPTH])	
* My Pay Line History ([WEPLH])	
* My Pay History ([WEPPH])	
* View My Pay Stubs ([WEPDS])	

!!!My Attendance
The My Attendance menu allows you to see information regarding your leave time.
* My Leave Balances ([WEALB])	
* My Leave History ([WEALH])	
* My Leave Planning ([WEALP])

!!!My Benefits
The My Benefits menu allows you to view information about the benefits available through the company.  
* My Current Benefits ([WEBEN])	 
* My Benefit Elections ([WEBEL])
* My Dependents ([WEBDP])	

!!!My Training
The My Training menu allows you to view and request the training you have received offered through your company.  In addition, you may view detailed descriptions of training courses that are available.
* My Training History ([WECTH])	
* View Training / Course List ([WECCL])	
* View Areas of Study ([WECAS])	

!!!MSS Introduction
*Site Map									

!!!My Personal Assistant
*Self Service Navigation Guide									
*Self Service Manual									
*Search the Web									
*Company Directory									
*Message Board									

!!!My Employees
*Manager Hierarchy									
*View My Employees									
*Reset Employees PIN									
*Process Promotions									
*Process Terminations									
*Process Change Requests									
*View Personnel Changes History									
*Process Training Requests									
*View Training Request History									
*View Employee Leave Planning									
*View Employee Leave Balances									

*Process Personnel Actions									
*View Personnel Action History									
*Approve Training Requests									
*View Training Request History									
*Approve Leave Requests									
*My Designated Approvers									

!!!Requests and Approvals
**Outstanding Approvals I Need To Make		
**My Designated Approvers		
*Approval Levels									
**Level 1- Assignment Manager	
**Level 2-Department Manager	
**Level 3-Payroll	

!!!Manager Self Service FAQs
*How Do I Approve or Cancel a Training Request?
*How Do I Approve or Cancel a Personnel Action?	
*How Do I Promote an Employee?
*How Do I Demote / Transfer an Employee?	
*How Do I Terminate an Employee?