Geographic Information#
The Geographic Information section defines the physical areas that govern an organization.
- Countries (IDCO)
- States and Provinces (IDSP)
- Counties (IDCN)
- School Districts (IDSD)
- Tax Jurisdictions (IDTX)
- Load GEO Codes (UDTX)
- Locations (IDLN)
Organization Structure#
- Entities (IDEN)
- Business Calendars (IDCL)
- General Ledger Companies (IDGL)
- Industry Codes (IDIN)
- Authorization Areas (IDAA)
- Departments (IDDP)
- General Ledger Segments (IDGS)
- Distribution Defaulting Logic (concept ?)
- Organization Levels (IDOL)
- List Entities, Departments and Organization Levels (RDEN)
Human Resources Policies#
- Change Reason Codes (IDCR)
- List Change Reasons (RDCR)
- Termination Reason Codes (IDTR)
- Employment Statuses (IDES)
- Units (IDUN)
- Groups (IDGR)
- List Units and Groups (RDGR)
- Approvals (IDAP)
Job and Position Definitions#
- Occupation Codes (IDOC)
- Jobs (IDJB)
- List Jobs (RDJB)
- Positions (IDPS)
- List Positions (RDPS)