!!!Dependents / Beneficiaries	
Employee dependents/recipients may be updated using Benefit Self Service.
*My Dependents	([WEBDP])
*Define Benefit Recipients	([IBRA])
*Define Benefit Recipients by Plan	([IBRP])
*Maintain Benefit Enrollments	([IBEN])
!!!Life or Work Events	
Various Life / Work events may affect which benefit plans/coverages an employee may be eligible for. These events may be recorded in the application and may be defined to spawn Open Enrollemnts. 
*Record Life or Work Events	([IBEV])
*My Life and Work Events	([WEBEV])
!!!Open Enrollment	
An Open Enrollment period may be generated for one employee or for a group of employees. The Open Enrollment period may be for one benefit plan or it may be generated for many. 
*Create Benefit Open Enrollments	([UBOE])
*Manage Open Enrollments	([IBOE])

!!!Benefit Elections	
The employees may review their election options through the Self Service application. 
*View Employee Benefit OE Elections	([VBOEE])
*Process Employee Benefit OE Elections	([IBPOE])
*My Benefit Elections	([WEBOEE])
*My Benefit Elections ([WEBEL])
!!!Process Enrollments
When the elections have all been submitted the Benefit Administrator may process the elections to the [IBEN] form so the new elections may be processed during the payroll cycle. 
*Process Benefit Open Enrollments ([UBPOE])
*Process Employee Benefit Elections	([IBPOE])
*My Current Benefits	([WEBEN])

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