
!!!Establish Benefit Plans
*Define Benefit Plan Types   (IBPT)
*Define Business Contacts (IECI)
*Define Business Calendars (IDCL)
*Maintain Remittance Reports Rules  (IBRM)
*Define Processing Frequencies (IPPF)
*Benefit Components 
**Define Benefits Components (IBBC)
**Report Benefit Components (RBBC)
*Plan/Coverage Definitions 
**Define Plan / Coverage Definitions  (IBPN)
**List Benefit Plans (RBPN)
*Benefit Schedules 
**Establish Benefit Schedules  (IBSC)
**Report Benefit Schedules  (RBSC)

!!!Linking Payroll to Benefits
*Pay Components (IPPC)

!!!Manage Benefit Enrollments
*Process Benefit Elections (IBEL)
*Maintain Benefit Enrollments (IBEN) 
*Update Benefit Enrollments (UBEN)
*Report Benefit Enrollments (RBEN)
*Employee Benefit Report (RBEB)
*List Employee Benefit Elections (RBBE)
*List Employee Benefits (RBBS)

!!!Remit Benefit Contributions
*Maintain Benefit Line Details (IBBL)
*Update Benefit Remittances (UBRH)
*Maintain Benefit Remittance Amounts  (IBRH)
*Report Benefit Remittances (RBRE)
*Report Remittance Details (RBRD)

!!!Dependents and Beneficiaries
*Define Employee Contacts (IECT)
*Maintain Benefit Recipients for All Plans  (IBRA)
*Maintain Benefit Recipients By Plan (IBRP)