*[Workflow Samples|WORKFLOW_SAMPLES] 
* [A New Hire Workflow Procedure|WF SAMPLE 01]
* [Print Screens of Workflow Action Setup|WF SAMPLE 02]
* [Set Up Of Workflow Usercalc|WF SAMPLE 03]
* [Update the Job Seniority Date Field|WF SAMPLE 04]
* [Send An Email To The Manager At Specific Time Intervals|WF SAMPLE 05]
* [Sending An Email To A Specific Identity|WF SAMPLE 06]
* [Update A Field|WF SAMPLE 07]

*[Workflow Custom Functions|AVAILABLE_WF_CUSTOM_FUNCTIONS]

Here are some other points or information to help make your use of workflow a success.
%%information Once a Workflow UserCalc has been put "In Production", to stop it from firing you not only have to "UNPUBLISH" it but also then you need to set its status back to be "Under Construction".%%	

!!!UserCalc Usage - Secondary WF
!!!Comparison of Null Values
[Comparison of Null Values|COMPARISON_OF_NULL_VALUES]