!!!CL_DATE(System Preference) When a Contract Limit changes in the middle of a Pay Period, there are choices as to how the Contract Payment will be calculated. This is done by applying the Function Preference CL DATE to UPTG. |__Description__|Apply Contract Limit Rule on Renewal of contracts |__Set at__| This preference is set by Function ([IMFN]). |__Takes effect__| Immediately |__Values__| 1 = ''Use the Contract Limit at the beginning of the Pay Period'' \\ \\2 = ''Use the Contract Limit at the end of the Pay Period''\\ \\3 = ''Use the Contract Limit in effect for each Work Day. Prorate the Contract Amount Paid by the Work Days.'' |__Default__| 3 = ''Use the Contract Limit in effect for each Work Day. Prorate the Contract Amount Paid by the Work Days. '' |__Notes__|The Preference can be applied to the function UPTG. ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.CL_DATE(System_Preference)] [{InsertPage page='Internal.CL_DATE(System_Preference)' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]