!!!Information on Clock Punches

Within the Time Management module and Time Management Self Service module there is the capability to track when an employee punches in and out when reporting for work or leaving work.  In addition to this, there is a facility for an administrator to see and maintain clock entries. 

There are a variety of ways the application handles clock punches. 
*Run [LTCE] to load a clock entry file from an external source
*Real time feeding from a clock device
**Genus G1 or G2 clocks are supported 
*Employees clock in using the application from a Public Kiosk
**[WPCIO] – Clock In/Out Kiosk
**[WPECI] - Exempt Employee Clock In
*Managers may clock in or review clock information for their employees within Self Service
*Administrators may review clock punch information within the application 
**[DTCP], [ITCE]

The following pages review the clock punch technology available within the application. 

*[Process Flow of Clocking|CLOCKING PROCESS FLOW]
*[Clock Punch Processing|CLOCK PUNCH PROCESSING]
*[Missing Clock Punches|MISSING CLOCK PUNCHES]

![Notes|Edit:Internal.CLOCK INFORMATION]
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