Cleaning Up Conversion Data #

Date Adjustments#

All the date sensitive tables in the application, such as JOBS, POSITIONS and ASSIGNMENTS need to have a complete set of records that span from the beginning of time to the end of time. If there is a gap in time or an overlap within the records there could be errors generated during normal use of the screens or reports.

Each date sensitive table has a corresponding date adjustment function within the application that will need to be run after the records have been loaded and converted. Each function will read through the records in the appropriate detail table in the P2K schema and look for overlapping records and gaps in time, starting with the records with the highest effective date and working backwards.

If the first record it finds does not have an expiry date of 31-Dec-3999, the routine will change it to this date, making it the end of time. The routine will then continue going through the records in descending order looking at the expiry date of each record. If the expiry date is not equal to the effective date of the previous record less a day, the expiry date will be adjusted. This process will eliminate the gaps and overlaps in time for the table. However, if the last record it finds in the table does not start on 01-Jan-0001 it will not alter this record. Instead it will create a duplicate of the record with an effective date of the beginning of time and an expiry of the day before this record. This will fill in the gap at the beginning of time without altering the effective date of the record loaded and converted.

The process of adjusting the dates requires the records to have the correct effective date on them. If the current record is loaded and converted with the beginning of time and then the historical records are loaded in after this the routine will cause the current record to become the most historical record in the table. It will expiry before all of the other records that have valid effective dates on them.

The following table is a list of the date adjustment utilities in the application and the tables that they will scan through looking for gap and overlaps in time:

Function name Date Adjustment for …
UMDA_ALP ... Leave Policies
UMDA_BCG ... Benefit Coverage
UMDA_BEN ... Enrollments
UMDA_DDP ... Departments
UMDA_DEN ... Entities
UMDA_DGR ... Groups
UMDA_DJB ... Jobs
UMDA_DPS ... Positions
UMDA_DUN ... Units
UMDA_DWR ... Work Rules
UMDA_EAS ... Assignments
UMDA_EPS ... Personals
UMDA_MVR ... User Variables
UMDA_PPR ... Payment Rules
UMDA_PPRC ... Canadian Pay Rules
UMDA_PPRU ... USA Pay Rules
UMDA_SPM ... Premiums
UMDA_SSR ... Salary Ranges
UMDA_SWSS ... Wage Scale Steps
UMDA_XPA ... Pension Accounts
UMDA_XPO ... Pension Options
UMDA_XPR ... Pension Recipients
UMDA_XPT ... Pension Tables

Only run the functions from this list that you are actually loading and converting data for. If the data in these tables is being keyed into the application, the data entry screen will ensure that the beginning of time and end of time records are created correctly without gaps or overlaps.

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