!!Class Registration Improvements

The Class Registration process has been enhanced with new features to provide more flexibility in registering and enrolling Candidates into offered classes.

Candidates can now be put on a 'waiting list', they can withdraw their class registration/enrollment, approved registrants may be automatically enrolled into a class, and registrants can control which courses/classes they see in [WECCL].

!! Class Enrollment Options

In [ICRSC] a new lexicon has been added called [Class Enrollment Option|CLASS_ENROLLMENT_OPTIONS]. 

!!WECCL Changes

!Show All Option
The table where the Courses are listed in the header of the form has been enhanced with a Show All toggle to provide a means of constraining the list of courses. 

When SHOW ALL toggle is On, [WECCL] will show all the courses that have at least an offered class and the system's As Of Date is between the Class's Enrollment Start and End Dates. [WECCL] will show Full classes if their courses are offered and fall between the dates. 

If SHOW ALL toggle is OFF [WECCL] will show only classes that are available for registration or the candidate is already register/enrolled in, this is to allow him to withdraw from the class. [WECCL] will also show a Full class that allows a waiting list.

!Class Status / Capacity

The [Status|DRV_AVAILABILITY] field will now show the availability status of the class or if the Candidate is registered/ enrolled, it will show the Candidate's registration status. 

The Class Availability is determined using the preference [CLASS PERC FULL]. The preference provides a percentage to use to calculate how close the class is to becoming full. 

If the number of enrolled registrants is less than X% (value used in [CLASS PERC FULL]) of the Class' [Maximum size|MAXIMUM_SIZE] the status will reflect as OPEN.

If the number of enrolled registrants is greater than or equal with the [Maximum size|MAXIMUM_SIZE] the status will reflect as FULL. 

If the number of enrolled registrants is between X% of the [Maximum size|MAXIMUM_SIZE] and the [Maximum size|MAXIMUM_SIZE] the status will reflect as ALMOST FULL. 


A Candidate can enroll into a class if the class is FULL, if the class was defined with a [Class Enrollment Option|CLASS_ENROLLMENT_OPTIONS] that allows a Waiting List. 

The [Registration Info|DRV_REGISTRATION_INFO] field will display messages indicating the status of the class and the Candidate's registration. 

! Withdraw Option

A Candidate can now cancel / withdraw from a class after registering. A new Withdraw button has been added to [WECCL] and will be available if the [Registration Status|REGISTRATION_STATUS] is Newly Entered, Requested, Approved, Enrolled, In Progress or Wait Listed. 

After Withdrawing from a class the [Registration Status|REGISTRATION_STATUS] will be set to Cancelled.

When a Candidate withdraws from a class:
*If the class was full and the class is defined with a [Class Enrollment Option|CLASS_ENROLLMENT_OPTIONS] of Auto Enroll, Allow Wait List the highest priority Candidate on the waiting list will be automatically enrolled. If no priority is given to the Candidates on the waiting list, the Candidate with the earliest request date will be enrolled. If there are no Candidates on the waiting list, an opening will be made available and the class will be made visible in [WECCL].

*If the class was full and the class is defined with a [Class Enrollment Option|CLASS_ENROLLMENT_OPTIONS] of Auto Enroll, No Wait List and there is a Candidate with an Approved status, this Candidate will be automatically enrolled. If there are more than one Approved Candidate the system will use the highest priority Candidate, or if no priority is given the earliest requested Candidate. If there are no Candidates who have been approved, an opening will be made available and the class will be made visible in [WECCL]. 


New fields have been added to the above forms indicating the class availability. 

Those new fields are:
;[Total # Registrants |DRV_HEAD_COUNT]: This is a derived field which indicates how many registrants there are in total, regardless of their status. 
;[# Enrolled|DRV_ENROLL_COUNT]: This is a derived field which indicates how many Candidates have been enrolled in the class.
;[# Waiting|DRV_WAITLIST_COUNT]: This is a derived field which indicates the number of Candidates whose enrollment status is Wait Listed.
;[# Available|DRV_OPEN_CLASS_SPACES]: This is s derived field which indicates how many spaces are available in the class, if it is not Full.

Two new fields have been added to the Registration Information area:

;[Date/Time|CREATE_DATE]:This field displays the date and time the Candidate requested enrollment in the class. This may be used to determine which wait listed Candidate is enrolled in a class when an opening occurs. 

;[Priority|PRIORITY]:This field allows an Administrator to enter a numeric value assigning the Candidate a Wait List Priority. This field would only be used if a class enables a wait list via the [Class Enrollment Options|CLASS_ENROLLMENT_OPTIONS] field in [ICRSC]. If the option is 'Auto Enroll, Allow Wait List', and this field is populated the system will automatically enroll the highest priority Candidate whose status is Wait Listed when an opening occurs for the class. If no priority is given, the system will enroll the Candidate with the earliest Date and Time as specified in the [Date / Time|CREATE_DATE] field. 

In [ICRSE] a Filter By option has also been added to the Registration Information area. This will allow the user to filter the Registrants based on their status. The filter options available are Approved, Enrolled, Requested and Wait Listed. 

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