[{TableOfContents }]

High Line has defined processes to complete Canadian government reporting from the employee's YTD information according to the government defined requirements.  These processes include:
* Generating and printing the RL-2 Slips
* Generating the Magnetic Media xml file required to electronically submit to the government.

!!IDFD Form Definition
__IDFD Changes__\\
For 2019 reporting, the IDFD HL$CAN-R2-YYYY Form Code is used.   \\ \\
High Line provides this definition each year as part of the year end software delivered in December.  It is not necessary to maintain this form, unless instructed to do so by High Line.
This seed data script is re-runnable.  It will not erase the IDFDV set up of the same Form Code.

__IDFD Store Options__\\
%%important Users must run the RPYEC process with the current year Form Code, or a copy of this Form Code that has the "Store Option" set up to store the Names, Addresses and the Amounts in the Government Remittance Tables.%%

After the current year IDFD is loaded, users must set up their organizations's information for this Form Definition on the IDFDV form.  Users can copy the IDFDV Variable definition form the last year to the current year.  Please refer to the 'Copy Last Year's Definition to Current Year' section below for full details.

!!IDFDV Form Definition Variables
||Field Identifier||Descirption||Suggested Field Source||Suggested Variable
|R2-ER-NAME|Employer Name|Data Base Column|DED.ENTITY_NAME
|R2-ER-CAREOF|Employer Name (care of)|Data Base Column|Optional
|R2-ER-ADDR2|Employer Address Line 1|Data Base Column|DLN.ADDRESS_LINE_1
|R2-ER-ADDR2|Employer Address Line 2|Data Base Column|DLN.ADDRESS_LINE_2
|R2-ER-ADDR3|Employer City|Data Base Column|DLN.LOCALITY
|R2-ER-ADDR4|Employer Province|Data Base Column|DSP.STATE_PROVINCE_CODE
|R2-ER-ADDR5|Employer Country|Data Base Column|DCO.COUNTRY_NAME
|R2-ER-POSTAL|Employer Postal Code|Data Base Column|DLN.ZIP_POSTAL
|R2-ER-MAG-PROV|Employer Prov for Mag File|Constant|Blank
|R2-ER-MAG-CNTRY|Employer Country for Mag File|Constant|Blank
|R2-NEQ-NUMBER|Quebec Enterprise NEQ #|Constant|Enter your company data
|R2-EE-NAME1|Employee Surname|Data Base Column|EID.LAST_NAME
|R2-EE-NAME2|Employee First Name|Data Base Column|EID.FIRST_NAME
|R2-EE-NAME3|Employee Middle Initial|Data Base Column|EID.MIDDLE_NAME
|R2-EE-ADDR2|Employee Address Line 1|Data Base Column|EPS.ADDRESS_LINE_1
|R2-EE-ADDR2|Employee Address Line 2|Data Base Column|EPS.ADDRESS_LINE_2
|R2-EE-ADDR3|Employee City|Data Base Column|EPS.LOCALITY
|R2-EE-ADDR4|Employee Province|Data Base Column|DSP.STATE_PROVINCE_CODE
|R2-EE-ADDR5|Employee Country|Data Base Column|DCO.COUNTRY_CODE
|R2-EE-POSTAL|Employee Postal Code|Data Base Column|EPS.ZIP_POSTAL
|R2-EE-MAG-PROV|Employee Prov for Mag File|Constant|Blank
|R2-EE-MAG-CNTRY|Employee Country for Mag File|Constant|Blank
|R2-EE-SIN|Social Insurance Number|Data Base Column|EID.GOVERNMENT_CODE
|R2-EE-REFER|Print Distribution|Constant|Blank or 1.  If 1, print employee distribution
|R2-EE-DESTIN|Print Pay Destination|Constant|Blank or 1.  If 1, employee destination is concatenated to employee distribution for printing purposes
|R2-EE-REFER2|Employee Distribution 1|Data Base Column|PPA.PAYROLL_CODE
|R2-EE-REFER2|Employee Distribution 2|Data Base Column|EID.PERSON_CODE
|R2-FORM-NUM-BEG|RL-2 Slip beginning number|Constant|Enter your company data

This is the beginning number for the RL-2 Slips, using the modulus 7 method, to derive the ninth digit.  The RL-2 Slip is printed with the complete 9 digit number. \\ \\For each RPYEC run, users must ensure this number contains the last number that was derived from the last RPYEC run and add 1, to define the next beginning number.  This will ensure no duplicate numbers are derived for the RL-2 Slips.  Users only need to enter the first 8 digits in this field, from the previous RPYEC run. \\ \\

||Field Identifier||Descirption||Suggested Field Source||Suggested Variable
|R2-FORM-NUM-LAST|RL-2 Slip ending number|Constant|System Derived

After each RPYEC run, this identifier is updated to store the last number assigned according to the R2-FORM-NUM-BEG Identifier.  After users run the RPRL2/RPRL2W program to print the actual RL-2 Slips, users must manually add 1 to this number and then update the R2-FORM-NUM-BEG Identifier so the next RPYEC run can begin with the correct new number.\\ \\

||Field Identifier||Descirption||Suggested Field Source||Suggested Variable
|EXCLUDE-EE|Exclude Employee|Data Base Column|Enter your company data
|R2-BOX-A|Employment Income|Element|R2-BOX-A
|R2-BOX-B-QPP|Employee’s QPP contribution|Element|R2-BOX-B-QPP
|R2-BOX-B-CPP|Employee’s CPP contribution|Element|R2-BOX-B-CPP
|R2-BOX-C|Employee’s EI Premiums|Element|R2-BOX-C
|R2-BOX-D|RPP contributions|Element|R2-BOX-D
|R2-BOX-E|Quebec Income Tax deducted|Element|R2-BOX-E
|R2-BOX-F|Union Dues|Element|R2-BOX-F
|R2-BOX-F-PRT|Union Dues Printed|Not specified|Information only, do not set up this identifier
|R2-BOX-G|QPP Pensionable Earnings|Element|R2-BOX-G
|R2-BOX-G-EXCEPT|QPP Excepted Earnings|Element|R2-BOX-G-EXCEPT
|R2-BOX-G-OTHER|QPP Other Earnings|Element|R2-BOX-G-OTHER
|R2-BOX-G-PRT|QPP Earnings Printed|Not specified|Information only, do not set up this identifier
|R2-BOX-G-PRT-0|QPP Earnings Printed ZERO|Not specified|Do not set up this identifier, High Line internal use only. \\If the value of this box is 1.00, then Box G will be printed with 0.00.
|R2-BOX-H|Meals and Accommodation|Element|R2-BOX-H
|R2-BOX-I|Personal Use Motor Vehicle|Element|R2-BOX-I
|R2-BOX-J|Employer Paid Private Health Plan|Element|R2-BOX-J
|R2-BOX-K|Trip to Designated Remote Area|Element|R2-BOX-K
|R2-BOX-L|Other Benefits|Element|R2-BOX-L
|R2-BOX-N|Charitable Donations|Element|R2-BOX-N   
|R2-BOX-O|Other Income not in Box A|Element|R2-BOX-O
|R2-BOX-O-CODE|Box O Footnote Code|Not specified|Do not set up this identifier
|R2-BOX-O-RA|Payment by Supplemental Unemployment Benefit Element|Element|Enter your company data
|R2-BOX-O-RB|Scholarship, bursaries, fellowship|Element|Enter your company data
|R2-BOX-O-RC|Research Grants|Element|Enter your company data
|R2-BOX-O-RD|Fees for services rendered|Element|Enter your company data
|R2-BOX-O-RE|Post-doctoral fellowship award|Element|Enter your company data
|R2-BOX-O-RF|Maternity Allowance|Element|Enter your company data
|R2-BOX-O-RG|Benefit under Labour Adjustment Benefits Act|Element|Enter your company data
|R2-BOX-O-RH|Labour Adjustment Benefits|Element|Enter your company data
|R2-BOX-O-RI|Plant Workers Adjustment Program|Element|Enter your company data
|R2-BOX-O-RJ|Retirement Allowance|Element|Enter your company data
|R2-BOX-O-RK|Death Benefits|Element|Enter your company data
|R2-BOX-O-RL|Patronage Dividends|Element|Enter your company data
|R2-BOX-O-RM|Self-Employed Commissions|Element|Enter your company data
|R2-BOX-O-RN|Benefit Paid under Wage Loss Insurance Plan|Element|Enter your company data
|R2-BOX-O-RO|Benefits Received by a Shareholder|Element|Enter your company data
|R2-BOX-O-RP|Benefits Received by a Partner|Element|Enter your company data
|R2-BOX-O-RQ|Retirement Compensation Arrangement|Element|Enter your company data
|R2-BOX-O-RR|Non Resident in Canada|Element|Enter your company data
|R2-BOX-O-RS|Employment Assistance Allowance|Element|Enter your company data
|R2-BOX-O-RT|Indemnities Paid by Employer|Element|Enter your company data
|R2-BOX-O-RU|Amount Paid to Beneficiary under RESP|Element|Enter your company data
|R2-BOX-O-RV|Amount Paid to Subscriber under RESP|Element|Enter your company data
|R2-BOX-O-RW|Action Emploi Program|Element|Enter your company data
|R2-BOX-O-RZ|Miscellaneous|Element|Enter your company data
|R2-BOX-P|Contributions to Multi-Employer Insurance Plan|Element|R2-BOX-P
|R2-BOX-Q|Deferred Salary or Wages|Element|R2-BOX-Q
|R2-BOX-R|Tax Exempt Income Paid to an Indian|Element|R2-BOX-R
|R2-BOX-S|Tips Received|Element|R2-BOX-S
|R2-BOX-T|Tips Allocated|Element|R2-BOX-T
|R2-BOX-U|Phased Retirement|Element|R2-BOX-U
|R2-CHILD-EXP|Child Care Expenses (MESS)|Element|R2-CHILD-EXP
|R2-BOX-56|PPIP Insurable Earnings|Element|R2-BOX-56
|R2-DEDN-FORCE|Deduction for Canadian Force or Police Officers|Element|R2-DEDN-FORCE
|R2-NOTE-01|User Defined Footnote Description|Pay Component|Enter your company data
|R2-NOTE-02|User Defined Footnote Description|Pay Component|Enter your company data
|R2-NOTE-03|User Defined Footnote Description|Pay Component|Enter your company data
|R2-NOTE-04|User Defined Footnote Description|Pay Component|Enter your company data
|R2-NOTE-05|User Defined Footnote Description|Pay Component|Enter your company data
|R2-NOTE-06|User Defined Footnote Description|Pay Component|Enter your company data
|R2-NOTE-07|User Defined Footnote Description|Pay Component|Enter your company data
|R2-NOTE-08|User Defined Footnote Description|Pay Component|Enter your company data
|R2-NOTE-09|User Defined Footnote Description|Pay Component|Enter your company data
|R2-NOTE-10|User Defined Footnote Description|Pay Component|Enter your company data
|R2-NOTE-11|User Defined Footnote Description|Pay Component|Enter your company data
|R2-NOTE-12|User Defined Footnote Description|Pay Component|Enter your company data
|R2-NOTE-13|User Defined Footnote Description|Pay Component|Enter your company data
|R2-NOTE-14|User Defined Footnote Description|Pay Component|Enter your company data
|R2-NOTE-15|User Defined Footnote Description|Pay Component|Enter your company data
|R2-NOTE-16|User Defined Footnote Description|Pay Component|Enter your company data
|R2-NOTE-17|User Defined Footnote Description|Pay Component|Enter your company data
|R2-NOTE-18|User Defined Footnote Description|Pay Component|Enter your company data
|R2-NOTE-19|User Defined Footnote Description|Pay Component|Enter your company data
|R2-NOTE-20|User Defined Footnote Description|Pay Component|Enter your company data
|R2-ALPHA-01|User Defined Alpha Footnote Description|Data Base Column|Enter your company data
|R2-ALPHA-02|User Defined Alpha Footnote Description|Data Base Column|Enter your company data
|R2-ALPHA-03|User Defined Alpha Footnote Description|Data Base Column|Enter your company data
|R2-ALPHA-04|User Defined Alpha Footnote Description|Data Base Column|Enter your company data
|R2-ALPHA-05|User Defined Alpha Footnote Description|Data Base Column|Enter your company data
|R2-ALPHA-06|User Defined Alpha Footnote Description|Data Base Column|Enter your company data
|R2-ALPHA-07|User Defined Alpha Footnote Description|Data Base Column|Enter your company data
|R2-ALPHA-08|User Defined Alpha Footnote Description|Data Base Column|Enter your company data
|R2-ALPHA-09|User Defined Alpha Footnote Description|Data Base Column|Enter your company data
|R2-ALPHA-10|Stock option 110(1)(d.1)|Data Base Column|Enter your company data
|FILE-TYPE-OF-DATA|Type of Data|Constant|P01 for Releve 1
|FILE-TRAN-NUM|Transmitter number|Constant|Enter ‘NP’ and 6 digits, such as NP001159
|FILE-TYPE-PACKAGE|Type of Package|Constant|Enter your company data
|FILE-TRAN-TYPE|Transmitter type indicator|Constant|Enter your company data
|FILE-SLIP-SOURCE|Source of RL-2 slips used|Constant|Enter your company data
|FILE-TRAN-NAME1|Transmitter Name – line 1|Constant|Enter your company data
|FILE-TRAN-NAME2|Transmitter Name – line 2|Constant|Enter your company data
|FILE-TRAN-ADDR2|Transmitter Address – line 1|Constant|Enter your company data
|FILE-TRAN-ADDR2|Transmitter Address – line 2|Constant|Enter your company data
|FILE-TRAN-CITY|Transmitter City|Constant|Enter your company data
|FILE-TRAN-PROV|Transmitter Province|Constant|Enter your company data
|FILE-TRAN-COUNTRY|Transmitter Country|Constant|Enter your company data
|FILE-TRAN-POSTAL|Transmitter Postal Code|Constant|Enter your company data
|FILE-CONT-NAME|Technical contact name|Constant|Enter your company data
|FILE-CONT-TEL-AREA|Technical contact tel area code|Constant|Enter your company data
|FILE-CONT-TEL|Technical contact telephone|Constant|Enter your company data
|FILE-CONT-TEL-EXT|Technical contact tel extn|Constant|Enter your company data
|FILE-CONT-LANG|Technical contact Language|Constant|Enter your company data
|FILE-CONT-EMAIL|Contact E-mail address|Constant|Enter your company data
|FILE-ACCT-NAME|Accounting contact name|Constant|Enter your company data
|FILE-ACCT-TEL-AREA|Accounting contact tel area code|Constant|Enter your company data
|FILE-ACCT-TEL|Accounting contact telephone|Constant|Enter your company data
|FILE-ACCT-TEL-EXT|Accounting contact tel extn|Constant|Enter your company data
|FILE-ACCT-LANG|Technical contact Language|Constant|Enter your company data
|FILE-ACCT-EMAIL|Accounting E-mail address|Constant|Enter your company data

!!!RPRL2W Selection Criteria

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!!!RPRL2W Slip Print Processing
The RPRL2W Form Print program format is based on the current Government published RL-2.L Form.  The IN-412-V RL Requirements for Computer-Generated Forms document is included in the year end software.  \\

The RPRL2W Form Print program prints all information generated based on the GVT Run number. \\ 

If an employee has many footnote codes to be reported, each subsequent RL-2 Slip is printed with footnote codes until all footnotes codes are printed. \\ 

The RPRL2W program generates Summary Totals by each Business Number.  At the end of the RPRL2W run, a grand total is generated for all Business Numbers. \\ 

Users must run RMEX with the RPRL2W Mex ID to obtain the Summary and Grand totals to balance to the RPGRC Summary report. \\ 

The RPRL2W Summary and Grand Totals are accumulated for the Boxes shown on the Slip.  The footnote codes are not totaled. \\ 

Users should confirm that the RPRL2W Boxes balance to the RPGRC Summary Report. \\ 

If the RPRL2W process cannot select any information from the xml file to print, users must run RMEX with the RPRL2/RPRL2W Mex ID to review any error or exception messages to identify the problem.  \\ 

__Employer and Employee Copy__\\
Users are required to print the Employer and Employee Copy of the RL-2.  Users must run RPRL2W twice; once to print the Employer Copy and once to print the Employee Copy. \\ 

When RPRL2W is run, the Print RL-2 Copy field defines if the Employer or Employee Copy is printed.  

[Employer Copy|]\\
* On one sheet, the RL-2 information is printed 
* The Employer Copy can be sent to the government or to be kept by your organization  

[Employee Copy|]
* On one sheet, 1 RL-2 copy is printed for one employee
* The Employee Copy should be distributed to the Employees \\ 

__Duplicate Copies__\\
If an employee loses their RL-2 Slip, the employee can request the employer to issue a duplicate copy of their original RL-2 slip to replace the lost or destroyed slips. \\

To issue Duplicate copies:\\
1. Go to the IPGH form for the employee and highlight the form to be duplicated 
*Change the Print Stage to 'Duplicate Requested'
*Click Save
*Repeat for all employees who have requested duplicate copies

When users are running RPRL2W with the new GVT Run number, RPRL2W will automatically print the DUPLICATE COPY or AMENDED on the RL-2 Slip depending on the GVT Run option of the RPRL2W run. \\

When RPRL2W is run in non-trial mode, the GVT Header stage will be updated to Duplicate or Amended. \\ 

2. Run RPRL2W with the 'Gvt Form Option' set to 'Duplicate Forms' and the 'Trial Print Only' set to 'Yes'
*RPGRC retrieves all GVT Headers with the Print Stage defined as 'Duplicate Requested'.
*There is no need to generate a government xml file for duplicate forms.  Users do not need to enter the Govt Interface Format definition for RPGRC.\\ 

3. Run RPRL2W to print the duplicate forms
*Run the Form Print RPRL2W program to print the duplicate forms
*At the end of the Form Print, if the 'Trial Print Only' field is set to No, the GVT Header stage will be updated to 'Duplicate Printed'
*Users can re-run the Form Print program for the Employee Copy or the Employer Copy.  The GVT Header stage will be updated to 'Duplicate Printed' depending on the 'Trial Print Only' field setting. \\ 

__Amended Copies__ \\
If a user discovers erroneous box information on the RL-2 slip and needs to revise the Box information, users may need to either correct the employee amounts or modify the IDFDV set up, then re-run the RPGRC and RPRL2W processes.  This produces the Amended RL-2 slip.  \\

To issue Amended copies: \\

1.	Update the employee’s YTD information through payroll.\\

2.	Check the IDFDV set up and revise the box information, if necessary. \\

3.	Go to the IPGH form for the employee.  Locate the form to be amended.
*Change the 'Print Stage' to 'Amendment Requested'
*Repeat this for all employees who requested Amended copies of their forms. \\

4.	Run RPYEC with the GVT Form Option set to 'Amended Forms' \\
*__Do not__ set the Trial Print Only toggle to YES, for the RPYEC process
*Users can set the Retain Amend/Reject Form to YES, to retain the original copy prior to generating the amendment.
*The RPYEC process will retrieve all GVT Headers with the Print Stage set to 'Amendment Requested' and re-derives the YTD according to the IDFDV setup to generate the GVT Header with:
**Print Stage = Amend, Form not Printed
**File Stage = Amend, File not Created \\

5.	Run RPGRC with the 'GVT Form Option' set to 'Amended Forms' \\
*Do not set the Trial Print Only toggle to YES, for the RPGRC process
*The RPGRC process will retrieve all GVT Headers with the Print Stage set to 'Amend, File not Created' and generates the HL xml file for the RPRL2/RPRL2W print program.
*Users should enter the Govt Interface Format definition for the RPGRC to generate the amended government xml file.
*At the end of the RPGRC, the GVT Headers is updated with:
**Print Stage = No Change, Existing Value
**File Stage = Amend File Created \\

6.	Run RPRL2W to print the Amended forms. \\
*When the user is running RPRL2W with the new GVT Run number) RPRL2/RPRL2W will automatically print the word DUPLICATE COPY or AMENDED on the RL-2 form, depending on the GVT Run option of the RPGRC run.
*If other wording is required to print on the RL-2 slip, in the Duplicate/Amended parameter, users can enter the text for RPRL2W, such as CANCEL COPY or ORIGINAL COPY.
*At the end of the RPRL2W run in non-trial mode, the GVT Header Stage will be updated with either the DUPLICATE or AMENDED stage. \\ \\

!!RL-2 Slip Print Characteristics
When RPYEC is run, users must enter:\\

1. The Federal Government Registration to select employees at the Federal level.\\
2. The Province of Quebec to run RPYEC for Releve 2.\\
3. The Provincial Government Registration for Quebec.\\

* RL-2 slips are printed in alphabetical order by the employee’s Surname, First Name.
* The font size for printing RL-2 slips is the standard 10 characters per inch font size.
* Negative (credit) amounts are never allowed for RL-2 reporting.  If negative amounts are encountered, an exception message is displayed, and users must resolve the negative amount(s) and re-run the process.
* If there is no amount to be printed in a Box on the RL-2 Slip, the Box is left as Blank.
* Users can sort inactive and active employees so inactive employees are printed separately for mailing purposes.
* If the Employment Status is A (Active) then the Employee is considered Active, otherwise the employee is considered Inactive.
* When RPRL2/RPRL2W is run, RL-2 Grand Totals are generated for all RL-2 Slips as Execution Run Log Exception messages to balance to RPYEC summary report.
* Users MUST run the RMEX report for the Mex ID from the RPRL2W run to print the RL-2 Grand Totals to verify all records are printed. \\ \\

! RL-2 Slip Print Distribution
On the RL-2 Slip, users can print the user defined distribution information for users to distribute the RL-2 Slips to the employees.  Users must set up the following Identifiers, derived from the IDFDV form:\\
||Field Identifier||Suggested Field Source||Suggested Variable

If the R2-EE-REFER value = 1, the distribution will be printed below the employee address, and the distribution will be visible outside the window envelope, depending on the envelope. \\ \\

Otherwise, the distribution will not be printed. \\

If the R2-EE-REFER value = 1, the distribution information is printed from:
*The employee’s pay destination, such as Department, if defined
*Concatenates with the values from R2-EE-REFER2 and R2-EE-REFER2

If the R2-EE-DESTIN value = 1, the employee’s pay destination is concatenated to R2-EE-REFER2 \\ \\

!Numbering of RL-2 Slips
Refer to the Quebec publication IN-800-V section 4.4 Numbering of R Slips. \\

The number on each RL-2 Slip must be composed of nine digits, with the ninth digit representing the check digit. \\

The Ministere du Revenu du Quebec assigns each Employer with a beginning number that contains 8 digits.  The ninth digit is derived from the 8 digits number using the modulus 7 method.  \\

Beginning number: 71997012 \\

Using modulus 7 method to retrieve the remainder number:\\
71997012 / 7 = 10285287 with the remainder 3 \\ \\

Therefore the RL Slip number is:\\
	719970123 (71997012 concatenated with the remainder 3) \\ \\

The next RL Slip number is calculated by:\\
* Add 1 to the beginning number to calculate the next number: 
**71997012 + 1 = 71997013
**71997013 / 7 = 10285287 with the remainder 4 \\ \\

Therefore the RL Slip number is:
*719970134 (71997013 concatenated with the remainder 4) \\ \\

On the IDFDV form, R2-FORM-NUM-BEG Field Identifier, users must enter the 8 digit beginning number assigned by Ministere du Revenu du Quebec. \\ 

After RPYEC is run, RPYEC displays the last RL-2 Slip number assigned as an exception message on the RPYEC report. \\ 

Users need to verify all RL-2 box information on the RPYEC summary report.  If the RL-2 Summary report is incorrect, users can re-run RPYEC as many times as required without changing the R2-FORM-NUM-BEG number. \\ \\

Once all of the information is verified with the RPYEC report, users should run RPGRC to generate the xml files for RPRL2/RPRL2W to print the RL-2 Forms. \\ 

%%IMPORTANTNOTE: After the RPRL2W program is run, users must __manually go into the IDFDV form and update the R2-FORM-NUM-BEG with the last Form Number assigned + 1__ for the next RPYEC RL-2 run. \\ \\

For each RPYEC run, users must ensure that the R2-FORM-NUM-BEG number contains the beginning number to be used since the last RPYEC run so that no duplicate numbers are produced for the RL-2 forms.  Users only need to enter the 8 digits of the previous RPYEC run in this field. \\ \\

When RPYEC generates the GVT Header records for RL-2 for the employees, the system derives the RL-2 Slip number for each form and stores them in the GVT Header Form Number field.  Users can view the Form Number on the IPGH form after RPYEC is run. \\ \\

The IPGH Form Number is used by RPGRC to generate the government RL-2 xml file to send to the Quebec government, 

RPGRC displays the highest Form Number of the run at the end of the report.  If a user is selecting to print a specific employee only, the printed Form Number will not be the latest Form Number being used.  Consequently, it is the user’s responsibility to ensure the IDFDV R2-FORM-NUM-BEG is updated correctly with the highest number. \\ \\

||Field Identifier||Description||Suggested Field Source||Suggested Variable
|R2-FORM-NUM-BEG|Releve1 Form beginning number|Constant|Enter your company data
Please enter the 8 digit number assigned to you by Ministere du Revenu, such as 71997012. \\ 

||Field Identifier||Description||Suggested Field Source||Suggested Variable
|R2-FORM-NUM-LAST|Releve1 Form Last Assigned #|Constant|System Derived
After each RPYEC run, this identifier is updated to store the last number assigned according to the R2-FORM-NUM-BEG Identifier.  After RPRL2/RPRL2W is run to print the actual RL-2 Slip, users must manually add 1 to this number and then update the R2-FORM-NUM-BEG Identifier so that the next RPYEC run can begin with the correct new number. \\ \\

||Field Identifier||Description||Suggested Field Source||Suggested Variable
|R2-FORM-NUM-ORIG|Releve1 Original Form Number|Not Specified|Do not set up this identifier
When users are running Amended or Canceled forms, the system will retrieve the Original Releve Form Number and pass this Identifier to print on the RL-2 Slip and for the government Amended/Canceled XML file. \\ \\

!RL-2 Slip Footnotes and Messages
Users can set up the following Identifiers to print user defined footnote codes and messages: \\

__For Numeric Field Variables:__
||Field Identifier||Description||Suggested Field Source||Suggested Variable
|R2-NOTE-01|User defined footnote description|Pay Component|Enter your company data
|R2-NOTE-02|User defined footnote description|Pay Component|Enter your company data
|R2-NOTE-20|User defined footnote description|Pay Component|Enter your company data

*In the Description field, enter a brief description, up to 30 characters
*Define the Field Variable.  If the Field Variable value is greater than 0, then the description and the amount will be printed in the center of the RL-2 Slip \\

__For AlphaNumeric Field Variables:__
||Field Identifier||Description||Suggested Field Source||Suggested Variable
|R2-ALPHA-01|User defined footnote description|Pay Component|Enter your company data
|R2-ALPHA-02|User defined footnote description|Pay Component|Enter your company data
|R2-ALPHA-10|User defined footnote description|Pay Component|Enter your company data

*In the Description field, enter a brief description, up to 30 characters
*Define the Field Variable.  If the Field Variable value is greater than 0, then the description and the amount will be printed in the center of the RL-2 Slip.\\ 

If a user wants to print the message only when a Field Variable is defined, the ‘ ’ decode can be used to return for printing. \\
Example:  R2-ALPHA-02 defines the STAT EE Statistic Component.  When STAT EE = 1.00, then print Employee Non-Contrib.  Use decode(~,'1',' ',NULL) in the derivation expression. \\ 

!!RL-2 Slip - Retirement and Annuity Income
!RL-2 Slip - 2019 Format
Users should read the following Form Descriptions and refer to 2019 Guide to Filing the RL-2 Slip RL-2.G-V prior to setting up IDFDV form.\\ 
The Ministere du Revenu du Quebec web site is: http://www.revenu.gouv.qc.ca \\ \\

!RL-2 Slip - Box Descriptions
|Box|Number on RL-2 slip (Top right corner)|Derived from the IDFDV form, as below.  Please refer to the section Numbering of RL-2 Slip for full details.
|Field Identifier|R2-FORM-NUM-BEG
|Box|Year|Pre-printed on RL-2 Slip or from the user defined Calendar Year  
|Box|Code du releve|System derived.  \\If printing an Amended Form define as 1, otherwise define as 0 for Original or Duplicate Forms. 
|Box|Provenance des revenus|Derived from the IDFDV form, as below

||Field Identifier||Field Variable||Suggested Variable

__Box: Employer’s Name and Address__, derived from the IDFDV form, as below\\

||Seq||Field Identifier||Description||Field Variable
|1000|R2-ER-NAME|Employer Name|DED.ENTITY_NAME
|1220|R2-ER-ADDR2|Employer Address Line 1|MAIL
|1230|R2-ER-ADDR2|Employer Address Line 2|Blank
|1240|R2-ER-ADDR3|Employer City|Blank
|1250|R2-ER-ADDR4|Employer Province|Blank or Constant NAME
|1260|R2-ER-ADDR5|Employer Country|Blank or Constant NAME
|1270|R2-ER-POSTAL|Employer Postal Code|Blank or Constant NAME
|1280|R2-ER-MAG-PROV|Employer Prov for Mag File|Blank
|1290|R2-ER-MAG-CNTRY|Employer Country for Mag File|Blank

*The Reference Text field will guide the user to set up each Address Identifier.
*If the mailing address for the Employer is not defined on IDLN, the primary address on IDLN will be used
*If there was an Address set up prior to 2006, and the word MAIL is defined, then the mailing address will be used, otherwise the primary address will be used.
*If the Country Code is not Canada or USA, then the R2-ER-MAG-PROV Identifier should be set to ZZ – Other. \\

__Box: Employee’s Social Insurance #__, derived from the IDFDV form, as below
||Field Identifier||Field Variable||Suggested Variable
*Invalid SIN numbers are reported on the RPYEC exception report
*SIN numbers defined as 999 999 999 are invalid
*If a SIN number does not exist, leave this field blank \\ 
__Box: Reference Number (Numero de reference employeur)__.  Contains the employee’s Person Code, (PERSON-CODE Identifier) as an additional employee identifier.\\ 

__Box: Employee’s Name__, derived from the IDFDV form, as below
||Field Identifier||Suggested Variable

__Box: Employee’s Address__, derived from the IDFDV form, as below
||Seq||Field Identifier||Description||Field Variable
|2100|R2-ER-ADDR2|Employee Address Line 1|MAIL
|2110|R2-ER-ADDR2|Employee Address Line 2|Blank
|2120|R2-ER-ADDR3|Employee City|Blank
|2130|R2-ER-ADDR4|Employee Province|Blank or Constant NAME
|2140|R2-ER-ADDR5|Employee Country|Blank or Constant NAME
|2150|R2-ER-POSTAL|Employee Postal Code|Blank or Constant NAME
|2160|R2-ER-MAG-PROV|Employee Prov for Mag File|Blank
|2170|R2-ER-MAG-CNTRY|Employee Country for Mag File|Blank

*The Reference Text field will guide the user to set up each Address Identifier.
*If the mailing address for the employee is not defined on IEPI, the primary address on IEPI will be used.
*If there was an Address set up prior to 2006, and the word MAIL is defined, then the mailing address will be used, otherwise the primary address will be used.
*If the Country Code is not Canada or USA, then the R2-EE-MAG-PROV Identifier should be set to ZZ – Other.\\ 

%%informationNOTE: All of the following Box Information is derived from the IDFDV form, as below%%

||Box||Title||Field Identifier||Field Variable||Suggested Variable
|A|Payments from Pension Plan|R2-BOX-A|Element|R2-BOX-A
|B|Payments from RRSP, RRIF, DPSP, PRPP, VRSP|R2-BOX-B|Element|R2-BOX-B
|C|Other Payments|R2-BOX-C|Element|R2-BOX-C
|D|Refund of RRSP Premiums|R2-BOX-D|Element|R2-BOX-D
|E|Death Benefit|R2-BOX-E|Element|R2-BOX-E
|F|Refund of unused RRSP Contributions|R2-BOX-F|Element|R2-BOX-F
|G|Taxable Amount of Revocated Pension Plan|R2-BOX-G|Element|R2-BOX-G
|H|Other Income (RRSP, RRIF)|R2-BOX-H|Element|R2-BOX-H
|I|Deduction Amount (RRSP, RRIF)|R2-BOX-I|Element|R2-BOX-I
|J|Quebec Income Tax Withheld|R2-BOX-J|Element|R2-BOX-J
|K|Death Income|R2-BOX-K|Element|R2-BOX-K
|L|Withdrawal under LLP|R2-BOX-L|Element|R2-BOX-L
|M|Tax Paid Amounts|R2-BOX-M|Element|R2-BOX-M
|N|SIN of Contributor’s Spouse|R2-BOX-N|Element|R2-BOX-N
|O|Withdrawal under HBP|R2-BOX-O|Element|R2-BOX-O

__Box: Centre of RL Slip__.  Slip Footnote Information. Derived from the IDFDV form, as below
||Field Identifier||Suggested Variable

*Up to 2 lines of messages can be printed on each RL-2 slip
*If there are more than 4 lines to be reported, the extra information is printed as Execution Run Log messages

!!!Magnetic Media - Government XML File
!XML Layout

__IDIF – RL-2 Govt XML File Layout__\\
The government file layouts are provided by the government on their web site each year.  High Line uses the IDIF form to define the government file as specified, in an xml file format.  The IDIF layout is provided by High Line with the year end software (SEED_IDIF_HL$CAN_R2_2017.sql.  Users do not need to modify this form. \\ \\

Users must run the RPYEC and the RPGRC processes to generate the Magnetic Media file in the government XML file format.  Please refer to the Government Reporting Procedures, Sequence section in this manual that describes how the processes should be run. \\ \\

%%importantNOTE: The government requires users to validate the government XML file according to the downloaded government xml schema using a validation parser prior to sending the file to the government.%%
!Validating the Govt XML File
A validating parser, from any third party tool, will perform the following checks on the government XML file generated by RPGRC:

1. Verify the government XML file is properly created according to the XML syntax rules, such as the file is well formed, no missing xml tags, etc.\\
2. Verify the government XML file conforms to the schema downloaded from the government web site.\\

Validating parser software is NOT provided by High Line.  Organizations can use any third party validating parser tool.
High Line uses the XML SPY Home edition tool to validate the RL-2 and RL-2 xml files.  
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