[{TableOfContents }] !!!CANADIAN T4 PROCESS This process allows organizations to report to the Canadian government, from the employees' YTD information, according to the government defined requirements and to generate the Magnetic Media files for this reporting. !!Current Year End Changes __New for 2018__ \\ An amendment reason explanation tag has been added at the Summary level for the following form types: T4, T4A, T4A-NR, T4RSP, T4RIF, T4E, T4AP, T4OAS, T1204, PRPP, T5, T5007, T5008, T5013, T5018, T3, NR4, TFSA, RRSP. The tag is not mandatory and is intended allow a filer to provide a brief explanation for the amendments within the file, up to 1309 characters. \\https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/e-services/filing-information-returns-electronically-t4-t5-other-types-returns-overview/filing-information-returns-electronically-t4-t5-other-types-returns-what-you-should-know-before.html#xmlspcs !T4 Form Employer's Guide - Filing T4 Slip and Summary 2017 (RC4120)|https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/cra-arc/migration/cra-arc/E/pub/tg/rc4120/rc4120-17e.pdf For 2017 reporting, T4 (14) Form Layout is used.\\ https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/cra-arc/migration/cra-arc/E/pbg/tf/t4/t4flat-14b.pdf The latest T4 form (14) has no changes in alignment from lat year's form. %%warning For Oracle reports, users must run all Government Form Print programs (i.e. RPT4, RPT4A, RPT4ANR, RPNR4, RPRL1, RPRL2) and send the report to PDF file instead of to the Previewer. All Form Print programs are aligned with the government forms in PDF format and allow you to adjust the parameters for 'Top Margin' and the 'Between Form Space' when generating the PDF file. Once the PDF file is generated, you do not need to adjust the page setup when printing.%% !T4 Government XML File The 2017 T4 Government XML File layout change for this reporting year. An amendment reason explanation tag has been added at the Summary level. Please download CRA 2017 XML Schema from:\\ http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/esrvc-srvce/rf/hwfl-eng.html * The IDIF form is configured for the 2017 xml schema format. T4A Form For 2017 reporting, the T4A(17) Form Layout is used. \\ https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/cra-arc/migration/cra-arc/E/pbg/tf/t4a/t4a-17e.pdf \\ https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/cra-arc/migration/cra-arc/E/pub/tg/rc4157/rc4157-17e.pdf * The latest T4A forms (17) has no changes in alignment from last year’s form. !T4A Government XML File The 2017 T4A Government XML File layout change for this reporting year. An amendment reason explanation tag has been added at the Summary level. \\ Please download CRA 2017 XML Schema from: \\ http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/esrvc-srvce/rf/hwfl-eng.html * The IDIF form is configured for the 2017 xml schema format. !T4ANR Form For 2017 reporting, the T4ANR (16) Form Layout is used. \\ http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/E/pbg/tf/t4a-nr/t4a-nr-16e.pdf !NR4 Form For 2017 reporting, the NR4 (17) Form Layout is used. \\ https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/cra-arc/migration/cra-arc/E/pbg/tf/nr4/nr4-17e.pdf !!Government Reporting Procedures !Government Reporting – Sequence The following steps outline the sequence to produce the Government Reports and Files, and to print the Forms: __RPREGT__ * Produce YTD Register * For the ‘Provide Totals By’ parameter, select ‘Fed Regist Number’ \\ \\ __IDFD__ * Set up the Form Code and Government File Definitions * This form defines the default values for users to enter on the IDFDV form * The information on this form is provided by High Line with the Year End software \\ \\ __IDFDV__ * Set up the Form and File Definition with your user information \\ \\ __RDFD__ * Print the Form and File Definition from the IDFD and IDFDV forms \\ \\ __IDIF__ * High Line supplied government Magnetic Media file layout * The information on this form is provided by High Line using a script. * Users only need to execute the script to load the most current information. \\ \\ __RDIF__ * Print the government Magnetic Media file layout from the [IDIF] form \\ \\ __RPYEC__ * Stands for ‘Report Payroll Year End Canada’ * Extracts information from the YTD information according to the Form Code on IDFDV * Produces the Summary Total Report by government registration or by employee detail * When RPYEC is run, the 'Process Remittance' field should be set to Yes * Users must verify the Summary Total balances to the YTD Register report * Check the exception messages from the Summary Report and correct any exceptions * Stores results by GVT Run Number for each employee in the Government Reporting tables \\ \\ __IPGR__ * View data by GVT Run Number after the RPYEC process is run \\ \\ __IPGH__ * View data by GVT Header after the RPYEC process is run for an employee * Users can change the Print Stage to request a ‘Duplicate' or ‘Amended Copy’ \\ \\ __RPGRC__ * Stands for ‘Report Payroll Government Reporting Canada’ * Reads the Government Reporting table information generated by the RPYEC process * Produces the Summary Total Report by government registration, or by detail employee, for the defined Form Code on IDFDV * Produces the government Magnetic Media File to be submitted to the government * Users must verify the Summary Total balances to the RPYEC/RPREGT reports * Check the exception messages from the Summary Report and correct any exceptions * Generates the High Line XML file to feed into the Form Print programs RPT4, RPT4W, RPT4A, RPT4AW, RPRL1, RPRL1W etc. to print the T4, T4A or Releve Forms by employee \\ \\ __Form Print__ * RPT4, RPT4W, RPT4A, RPT4AW, RPRL1, RPRL1W etc. to print government forms for the employee * Reads the XML file generated from the RPGRC process to print on the Government forms * Prints the Employee or Employer Copy on the Government forms * Generates grand totals for the RMEX report to balance to the RPGRC grand totals \\ \\ __RMEX__ * Reads the Execution Run Log from the Form Print programs RPT4, RPT4W, RPT4A, RPT4AW, RPRL1, RPRL1W etc. * Prints grand totals to balance to the RPGRC grand totals \\ \\ __UPGRUNDO__ * Users can undo by GVT Run number by employee * To undo an erroneous GVT Run due to set up issues or to remove archived GVT information !!IDFD Form Definition !IDFD - Form Code HL$CAN-T4-YYYY (where YYYY is the current reporting year) The IDFD form provides on-line help and updates to the definition of T4s. This form defines the default values for users to enter on the IDFDV form. \\ High Line provides seed data scripts to our clients with the Year End software release to load in the IDFD Form Code SEED_IDFD_HL$CAN_T4_YYYY.sql. * It is not necessary to maintain this form, unless instructed to do so by High Line. * This seed data script is re-runnable. It will not erase the IDFDV set up of the same Form Code. !IDFDV - Copy Last Year's Definition to Current Year After the HL$CAN-T4-YYYY information has been loaded, users can copy the 'IDFDV Variable' definition from last year to the current year by using the "Copy" button on the IDFDV form as follows: # On the IDFDV form, select last year's Form Code # Press the "Copy Form Definition" button # The Copying dialog box is displayed. Enter the current year Form Code # Set the "Copy Definition with Variables" toggle to ON. This will copy the variables set up from the previous year to the current year for the same Field Identifier name. \\ \\ !T4 Form Definition Variables The Variable Definition (IDFDV) form is used to enter the variable data needed to complete the printing of T4’s, for both the printed T4s and the Magnetic Media files. On this form, users define where, in their particular set up, each required field of data will be retrieved from. \\ \\ Example: Users can reference pay components, elements, database items, etc. For more information regarding the possible sources, refer the Field Descriptions table below. \\ \\ Users should only work with the 'Field Source' and 'Field Variable' columns. The Derivation Expression field can be used by __advanced__ users or under the guidance of a High Line consultant. \\ Please refer to Revenue Canada for a clearer and more in depth description of the appropriate method to complete your forms. Users should read the following Form Descriptions and refer to the ‘Employer’s Guide – Filing T4 Slip and Summary 2017 (RC4120)’ prior to setting up IDFDV form. !IDFDV Field Descriptions ||Field||Desciption |Identifer|This value defaults in from the IDFD form and shows the relevant box on the T4 form or stored on the file. |Seq #|Defines the sequence number of the Identifier |Description|This value defaults in from the IDFD form and displays the corresponding T4 Form Box description form or stored on the file. |Level|Defaults from the IDFD form, displays the Level (Federal, State, Employer, etc.) that is being reported on for forms/media file. |O/R Prompt|Displays the user-defined text (prompt) to print on the Summary Reports. These user-defined terms are __not all__ used on the T4 __forms__ but are __all__ used on the summary __reports__. |Source|Defines the source of the variable data to report on the T4 from. The Source defines the Field Variables that will be available. Options are: \\* Constant: Input a character string, such as the company name. Manual data entry \\* Database column: Choose from a list of Data Base fields available \\* Statistic: Choose from a list of Statistics from IDSC \\* Pay Component: Choose from a list of Pay Components from IPPC \\* Element: Choose from a list of Elements from IPPE \\* IDGV Variable: Choose from a list of User Defined fields defined for the Government Registration (IDGV) form |Field Variable|Defines the relevant value for the record from the LOV previously defined in the Source field. |Field Usage|This value defaults in from the IDFD form and defines where this record will be used. Options are: Form only, File only or Form and File. |Text|Defaults in from the IDFD form, help/explanation text for the field. |Derivation Expression|Used to format the information so that it is presented as required. \\Example: Users can show all of the information in upper case. This is where a string formula would be defined. __Descriptions and Suggestions__\\ Users should read the following prior to setting up the IDFDV form: * Employer’s Guide – Filing T4 Slip and Summary 2017 (RC4120) * Refer to Revenue Canada for a clearer and more in depth description of the appropriate method to complete your forms, at: \\https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/cra-arc/migration/cra-arc/E/pub/tg/rc4120/rc4120-17e.pdf !IDFDV T4 Form Code Identifiers IDFD FORM: HL$CAN-T4-YYYY - supplied by system IDFD FORM TYPE: CDN T4 Definition - defines the T4 definition is used ||Field Identifier||Description||Suggested Field Source||Suggested Variable |T4-ER-NAME|Employer Name|Data Base Column|DED.ENTITY_NAME |T4-ER-NAME2|Employer Name Line 2|Data Base Column|DED.ENTITY_NAME, optional |T4-ER-CAREOF|Employer Name (care of)|Data Base Column|optional |T4-ER-ADDR1|Employer Address Line 1|Data Base Column|DLN.ADDRESS_LINE_1 |T4-ER-ADDR2|Employer Address Line 2|Data Base Column|DLN.ADDRESS_LINE_2 |T4-ER-ADDR3|Employer City|Data Base Column|DLN.LOCALITY |T4-ER-ADDR4|Employer Province|Data Base Column|DSP.STATE_PROVINCE_CODE |T4-ER-ADDR5|Employer Country|Data Base Column|DCO.COUNTRY_CODE |T4-ER-POSTAL|Employer Postal Code|Data Base Column|DLN.ZIP_POSTAL |T4-ER-MAG-PROV|Employer Prov for Mag File|Constant|blank |T4-ER-MAG-CNTRY|Employer Country for Mag File|Constant|blank |T4-ACCT-NAME|Accounting contact name|Constant|Enter your company data |T4-ACCT-TEL-AREA|Accounting contact tel area code|Constant|Enter your company data |T4-ACCT-TEL|Accounting contact telephone|Constant|Enter your company data |T4-ACCT-TEL-EXT|Accounting contact tel extn|Constant|Enter your company data |T4-ACCT-LANG|Accounting contact Language|Constant|E |T4-REGIST-PEN1|Registered pension plan number 1|Constant|Enter your company data |T4-REGIST-PEN2|Registered pension plan number 2|Constant|Enter your company data |T4-REGIST-PEN3|Registered pension plan number 3|Constant|Enter your company data |T4-REGIST-PEN4|Registered pension plan number 4|Constant|Enter your company data |T4-REGIST-PEN5|Registered pension plan number 5|Constant|Enter your company data |T4-PROP1-SIN|Proprietor #1 SIN |Constant|Enter your company data |T4-PROP2-SIN|Proprietor #2 SIN |Constant|Enter your company data |T4-YOUTH-IND|Youth Hires Program Indicator|Constant|1 |T4-EE-NAME1|Employee Surname|Data Base Column|EID.LAST_NAME |T4-EE-NAME2|Employee First Name|Data Base Column|EID.FIRST_NAME |T4-EE-NAME3|Employee Middle Initial|Data Base Column|EID.MIDDLE_NAME |T4-EE-ADDR1|Employee Address Line 1|Constant|EPS.ADDRESS_LINE_1 |T4-EE-ADDR2|Employee Address Line 2|Constant|EPS.ADDRESS_LINE_2 |T4-EE-ADDR3|Employee City|Constant|EPS.LOCALITY |T4-EE-ADDR4|Employee Province|Constant |DSP.STATE_PROVINCE_CODE |T4-EE-ADDR5|Employee Country|Constant|DCP.COUNTRY_CODE |T4-EE-POSTAL|Employee Postal Code|Constant|EPS.ZIP_POSTAL |T4-EE-MAG-PROV|Employee Prov for Mag File|Constant|blank |T4-EE-MAG-CNTRY|Employee Country for Mag File|Constant|blank |T4-BOX-SIN|Social Insurance Number|Data Base Column|EID.GOVERNMENT_CODE |T4-EE-DISTR|Print Distribution on T4 form|Constant|blank or 1\\If 1, print employee distribution |T4-EE-DESTIN|Print Pay Destination|Constant|blank or 1\\If 1, the employee destination is concatenated to employee distribution for printing purposes |T4-EE-DISTR1|Employee Distribution 1|Data Base Column|PPA.PAYROLL_CODE |T4-EE-DISTR2|Employee Distribution 2|Data Base Column|EID.PERSON_CODE |T4-BOX-14|Employment Income|Element|T4-BOX-14 |T4-BOX-16|Employee's CPP contribution|Element|T4-BOX-16 |T4-BOX-16-ER|Employer's CPP contribution|Element|T4-BOX-16-ER |T4-BOX-17|Employee's QPP contribution|Element|T4-BOX-17 |T4-BOX-17-ER|Employer's QPP contribution|Element|T4-BOX-17-ER |T4-BOX-18|Employee's EI Premiums|Element|T4-BOX-18 |T4-BOX-18-ER|Employer's EI Premiums|Element|T4-BOX-18-ER |T4-BOX-20|RPP contributions|Element|T4-BOX-20 |T4-BOX-22|Federal Income Tax deducted|Element|T4-BOX-22 |T4-BOX-24|EI Insurable Earnings|Element|T4-BOX-24 |T4-BOX-24-PRT|EI Insurable Earnings Printed|Not specified|Information only, do not set up this identifier |T4-BOX-26-CPP|CPP Pensionable Earnings|Element|T4-BOX-26-CPP |T4-BOX-26-QPP|QPP Pensionable Earnings|Element|T4-BOX-26-QPP |T4-BOX-26-EXCEPT|CPP/QPP Excepted Earnings|Element|T4-BOX-26-EXCEPT |T4-BOX-26-OTHER|CPP/QPP Other Earnings|Element|T4-BOX-26-OTHER |T4-BOX-26-PRT|CPP/QPP Earnings Printed|Not specified|Information only, do not set up this identifier |T4-BOX-28-CPP-PRT|CPP Exempt Indicator|Not specified|Information only, do not set up this identifier |T4-BOX-28-QPP-PRT|QPP Exempt Indicator |Not specified|Information only, do not set up this identifier |T4-BOX-28-EI-PRT|EI Exempt Indicator|Not specified|Information only, do not set up this identifier |T4-BOX-28-PPIP-PRT|PPIP Exempt Indicator|Not specified |Information only, do not set up this identifier |T4-BOX-29-PRT|Employment Code|Not specified|Information only, do not set up this identifier |T4-BOX-44|Union Dues|Element|T4-BOX-44 |T4-BOX-44-PRT|Union Dues Printed|Not specified |Information only, do not set up this identifier |T4-BOX-46|Charitable Donations|Element|T4-BOX-46 |T4-BOX-50-REG1|RPP Registration Number 1|Data Base Column|constant, must be numeric |T4-BOX-50-REG2|RPP Registration Number 2|Data Base Column|constant, must be numeric |T4-BOX-50-REG3|RPP Registration Number 3|Data Base Column|constant, must be numeric |T4-BOX-50-REG4|RPP Registration Number 4|Data Base Column|constant, must be numeric |T4-BOX-50-REG5|RPP Registration Number 5|Data Base Column|constant, must be numeric |T4-BOX-50-RPP1|RPP Amount 1|Element|T4-BOX-50-RPP1 |T4-BOX-50-RPP2|RPP Amount 2|Element|T4-BOX-50-RPP2 |T4-BOX-50-RPP3|RPP Amount 3|Element|T4-BOX-50-RPP3 |T4-BOX-50-RPP4|RPP Amount 4|Element|T4-BOX-50-RPP4 |T4-BOX-50-RPP5|RPP Amount 5|Element|T4-BOX-50-RPP5 |T4-BOX-50-PRT|RPP or DPSP Plan Number Printed|Not specified|Information only, do not set up this identifier |T4-BOX-52|Pension Adjustment|Element|T4-BOX-52 |T4-BOX-55|PPIP Employee Premium|Element|T4-BOX-55 |T4-BOX-55-ER|PPIP Employer Premium|Element|T4-BOX-55-ER |T4-BOX-56|PPIP Insurable Earnings|Element|T4-BOX-56 |OTHER-30|Housing, Board and Lodging|PC or Element|T4-BOX-OTH-30 |OTHER-31|Special work site|PC or Element|T4-BOX-OTH-31 |OTHER-32|Travel in prescribed zone|PC or Element|T4-BOX-OTH-32 |OTHER-33|Medical travel|PC or Element|T4-BOX-OTH-33 |OTHER-34|Personal use of employer auto|PC or Element|T4-BOX-OTH-34 |OTHER-35|Reasonable KM allowance|PC or Element |T4-BOX-OTH-35 |OTHER-36|Interest free loan|PC or Element|T4-BOX-OTH-36 |OTHER-37|Home relocation loan deduction|PC or Element|T4-BOX-OTH-37 |OTHER-38|Stock option benefits|PC or Element|T4-BOX-OTH-38 |OTHER-39|Stock option 110(1)(d)|PC or Element|T4-BOX-OTH-39 |OTHER-40|Other Taxable benefits|PC or Element|T4-BOX-OTH-40 |OTHER-41|Stock option 110(1)(d.1)|PC or Element|T4-BOX-OTH-41 |OTHER-42|Employment Commissions|PC or Element|T4-BOX-OTH-42 |OTHER-53|Deferred stock option benefits|PC or Element|T4-BOX-OTH-53 |OTHER-70|Officer expense allowance|PC or Element|T4-BOX-OTH-70 |OTHER-71|Status Indian employee|PC or Element|T4-BOX-OTH-71 |OTHER-72|Section 122.3 income|PC or Element|T4-BOX-OTH-72 |OTHER-73|Number of days outside Canada|PC or Element|T4-BOX-OTH-73 |OTHER-74|Pre 1990 Past Serv-Contributor|PC or Element|T4-BOX-OTH-74 |OTHER-75|Pre 1990 Past Serv-Not Contributor|PC or Element|T4-BOX-OTH-75 |OTHER-77|Workers Compensation repaid|PC or Element|T4-BOX-OTH-77 |OTHER-78|Fishers Gross earnings|PC or Element|T4-BOX-OTH-78 |OTHER-79|Fishers Net partnership amt|PC or Element|T4-BOX-OTH-79 |OTHER-80|Fishers Shareperson amt|PC or Element |T4-BOX-OTH-80 |OTHER-81|Placement Agency Earnings|PC or Element|T4-BOX-OTH-81 |OTHER-82|Drivers Earnings|PC or Element|T4-BOX-OTH-82 |OTHER-83|Barbers Earnings|PC or Element|T4-BOX-OTH-83 |OTHER-84|Public Transit Pass|PC or Element|T4-BOX-OTH-84 |OTHER-85|EE prem private health plan|PC or Element|T4-BOX-OTH-85 |OTHER-86|Security Options selections|PC or Element|T4-BOX-OTH-86 |OTHER-87|Emergency services volunteer exempt amount|PC or Element|T4-BOX-OTH-87 |OTHER-88|Indian (exempt income)|PC or Element|T4-BOX-OTH-88 |OTHER-97|Stock option benefit-before Feb 28, 2000|PC or Element|T4-BOX-OTH-97 |OTHER-98|Stock dedn 110(1)(d)-before Feb 28, 2000|PC or Element|T4-BOX-OTH-98 |OTHER-99|Stock dedn 110(1)(d.1)-before Feb 28, 2000|PC or Element|T4-BOX-OTH-99 |SUB-REF-ID|Submission Reference ID|Constant|Unique number for each filing IDIF is set up to use GVT Run Number for Submission Reference ID as default, if users want to override the GVT Run Number, then enter the value in this IDFDV Identifier and manually change the IDIF set up for the <sbmt_ref_id> tag to pick up the Variable Name from IDFDV Identifier with this SUB-REF-ID sequence |FILE-TYPE-CODE|Transmitter Type Code|Constant|Constant '904' for T4 |FILE-DATA-TYPE|Data Type Code|Constant|1 |FILE-TRAN-NUM|Transmitter number|Constant|MM999999 |FILE-TRAN-TYPE|Transmitter type indicator|Constant|1 |FILE-TRAN-NAME1|Transmitter Name - line 1|Constant|Enter your company data |FILE-TRAN-NAME2|Transmitter Name - line 2|Constant|Enter your company data |FILE-TRAN-ADDR1|Transmitter Address - line 1|Constant|Enter your company data |FILE-TRAN-ADDR2|Transmitter Address - line 2|Constant|Enter your company data |FILE-TRAN-CITY|Transmitter City|Constant|Enter your company data |FILE-TRAN-PROV|Transmitter Province|Constant|Enter your company data |FILE-TRAN-COUNTRY|Transmitter Country|Constant|Enter your company data |FILE-TRAN-POSTAL|Transmitter Postal Code|Constant|Enter your company data |FILE-CONT-NAME|Technical contact name|Constant|Enter your company data |FILE-CONT-TEL-AREA|Technical contact tel area code|Constant|111 |FILE-CONT-TEL|Technical contact telephone|Constant|2223333 |FILE-CONT-TEL-EXT|Technical contact tel extn|Constant|1234 |FILE-CONT-LANG|Technical contact Language|Constant|E |FILE-CONT-EMAIL|Contact E-mail address|Constant|Enter your company data !Report T4 Form Definitions Variables - RDFD Generates a list of the T4 Form and File Definitions defined on the IDFDV form. !Special Notes for T4 Boxes __Exclude EEs__\\ Users can exclude certain employees from T4 reporting by setting up the EXCLUDE-EE Identifier on the IDFDV form. \\ \\ If the value of the EXCLUDE-EE Identifier is set to Yes, the employee is by-passed. \\ Example: If a user does not want to report employees whose assignment title is "Election Worker" or "Self Employed", then:\\ For the EXCLUDE-EE Identifier, set up the following: * Field variable = EASD.ASSIGNMENT_TITLE * Derivation Expression = decode(~,'Election Worker','Y',‘Self Employed’,'Y','N') \\ \\ __NOTE__: Use UPPER(~) to convert an alphanumeric field to compare all upper case letters.\\ \\ If a user has a complex situation to exclude an employee, a STAT CODE can be used to indicate the employee should be excluded. \\ Example: An employee is excluded when they work in certain groups, or with certain hours. Users can keep track of this by setting the STAT CODE value to 1.00. \\ Then on IDFDV, set up the following for the EXCLUDE-EE Identifier: * Field Source = Statistics * Field variable = the STAT CODE that is used to exclude employees * Derivation Expression = decode(~,1,'Y','N') \\ !Primary and Mailing Addresses [Employer Address|]\\ If a user wants to use the Employer Primary Address, the user does not need to set up the 1220 – 1270 Identifiers. Leave these Identifiers blank and the system will use the Primary Address as the default. If a user wants to use the Employer Mailing Address, the user needs to define the following Identifiers: ||Seq||Field Identifier||Description||Field Variable |1220|T4-ER-ADDR1|Employee Address Line 1|MAIL |1230|T4-ER-ADDR2|Employee Address Line 2|Blank |1240|T4-ER-ADDR3|Employee City|Blank |1250|T4-ER-ADDR4|Employee Province|Blank or constant NAME |1260|T4-ER-ADDR5|Employee Country|Blank or constant NAME |1270|T4-ER-POSTAL|Employee Postal Code|BLANK |1280|T4-ER-MAG-PROV|Employee Prov for Mag File|Blank |1290|T4-ER-MAG-CNTRY|Employee Country for Mag File|Blank * The Reference Text field will guide the setup of each Address Identifier. * If the Employer mailing address is not defined on the IDLN form or the Location field on the IDEN form, the IDLN primary address will be used. * If an Address was set up prior to 2006, and if the word MAIL is defined, the mailing address will be used, otherwise the primary address will be used. * If the Country Code is not Canada or USA, then the T4-ER-MAG-PROV Identifier should be set to ZZ – Other. \\ [Employee Address|]\\ If a user wants to use the Employee Primary Address, the user does not need to set up the 2100 – 2170 Identifiers. Leave these Identifiers blank and the system will use the Primary Address as the default. If a user wants to use the Employee Mailing Address, the user needs to set up the following Identifiers: ||Seq||Field Identifier||Description||Field Variable |2100|T4-EE-ADDR1|Employee Address Line 1|MAIL |2110|T4-EE-ADDR2|Employee Address Line 2|Blank |2120|T4-EE-ADDR3|Employee City|Blank |2130|T4-EE-ADDR4|Employee Province|Blank or constant NAME |2140|T4-EE-ADDR5|Employee Country|Blank or constant NAME |2150|T4-EE-POSTAL|Employee Postal Code|BLANK |2160|T4-EE-MAG-PROV|Employee Prov for Mag File|Blank |2170|T4-EE-MAG-CNTRY|Employee Country for Mag File|Blank * The Reference Text field will guide the user for the setup of each Address Identifier. * If the Employee mailing address is not defined on the IEPI form, the IEPI primary address will be used. * If an Address was set up prior to 2006, and if the word MAIL is defined, the mailing address will be used, otherwise the primary address will be used. * If the Country Code is not Canada or USA, then the T4-EE-MAG-PROV Identifier should be set to ZZ – Other. !!T4 Processing *Users can print a specific Province, or all Provinces. If all Provinces are to be printed, the Print Program will print a T4 form for each province that an employee has worked in. *If an employee is paid by multiple government registrations, then multiple T4 slips are produced, by government registration number, for the employee. *T4 slips are printed in alphabetical order by the employee's Surname, First Name, within a government registration number. *The font size for printing T4 slips is the standard 10 or 12 character per inch font, character mode. *Negative (credit) amounts are never allowed for T4 reporting. If negative amounts are encountered, an exception message is printed and users must resolve the negative amount(s) and re-run the process. *If there is no amount to be printed in a Box on the T4 form, the Box is left as BLANK. A zero amount or 'NIL' is __NOT__ allowed. *Users can sort inactive and active employees separately for mailing purposes. *If the Employment Status is A (Active) then the employee is considered active, otherwise the employee is considered inactive. *The T4 slip has an "Other Information" area to report up to 6 footnote codes and amounts for each form. *If there are more than 6 footnote codes to be reported, then subsequent T4 slips are generated until all footnote codes have been printed. ** Each subsequent T4 slip must report $1.00 in Employment Income Box 14 in order for Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA) to process the additional T4 slip. If all numeric boxes are zero, the T4 slip will be bypassed. ** If additional T4 slips are reported with $1.00 in Box 14, then the previous T4 slip is reduced by $1.00 in Box 14. *If an employee works in more than one province, then one T4 slip is produced for each province for the employee. The "Other Information" area T4 slips are also generated by Province. *The T4 Magnetic Media File also includes the subsequent T4 record(s) with the Other Information area in the same manner as the T4 slip. Consequently, an employee can have multiple "110" code records. The Box 14 reporting for the additional code "110" records will also contain $1.00. *The alphanumeric fields are left justified with no space between each character, such as JOHN DOE, not J O H N D O E. *The numeric fields are lined up with the decimal. *T4 grand totals are generated for all T4 forms as Execution Run Log Exception Messages to balance to the RPYEC Summary report *Users __MUST__ run the RMEX report with the RPT4/RPT4W run Mex ID to print the T4 grand totals to verify all records are printed. !!Generate GVT Run for T4 !RPYEC - Cdn Year End Summary Report - Selection Criteria This report extracts information from YTD records according to the Form Code on IDFDV and produces the Summary Total Report by Government Registration. This process also stores the results by GVT Run Number for each employee in the Government Reporting tables. * This report is used to balance to the Year-To-Date Register (RPREGT) * Users must check the exception messages from this Summary Report and correct any exceptions * Generate the T4 File in the federal format * Generate the XML file to populate the T4 Print Programs to print the T4 Forms for all processed employees ! RPYEC Report Parameters ||Field||Desciption |Form Code|Mandatory. Form Code that is defined on the IDFDV form.\\NOTE: Always use current year form code. DO NOT use a prior year form code as the Identifiers may be obsolete. \\For 2017-2018 reporting, the current year form code contains the Store Option field to store the Employer Addresses, Employee Addresses and Amounts in the government remittance tables, which can be viewed on the IPGR or IPGH forms. |Period Type|Enter the Year for Annual Reporting |Period End Date|Enter the Year Ending Date |As of Date|The start date of the reporting period |Govt Form Option|Mandatory. Defines the type of form to be run. Options are: \\* 01: New Forms only \\* 02: All normal forms \\* 03: Duplicte forms \\* 04: Amended forms \\* 05: Rejected forms \\* 06: Cancelled forms |Retain Amend/Reject Forms|Should the original forms be retained when issuing an amended or replacement form that was rejected by the Government? |Sort Level By|Mandatory. How should the employees be grouped for sorting? |Sort People By|Mandatory. How should the employees on the report be sorted? |Sort Active/Inactive|Mandatory. Should the employees on the report be sorted by their status? |Combine Fed Regist|Should all the selected Federal Registrations reporting be combined? \\If a Province code is defined in the report filters, users can combine the Fed Registration Numbers with the Prov Registration Numbers so that employees are grouped together for the same Prov Registration Numbers. |Directory Name|The name of the directory where the government Magnetic Media file will be stored. |File Name|The name of the government Magnetic Media file |Trace Level|Users should always run RPYEC with the Trace Level set to Exceptions Only for all employees.\\ \\If there is problem in RPYEC and a user needs to determine which employee has the problem, the user should run RPYEC with the Trace Level set to Program Trace. This will print a list of processed employees to determine which employee has the problem. \\ \\When the Trace Level is set to Program Trace, the Select Statements for Federal, State and Local levels are also written as Trace messages. Users can review the select statements by running RMEX for the RPYEC Execution ID. \\ \\After determining which employee has the problem, users should run RPYEC for one employee with the Trace Level set to Utility Trace to determine the problem in detail. |Regist/Set Up Audit|Option to print exceptions that may exist from set up. Options are:\\* 00:Do not print, run \\* 01: Print, do not run \\* 02: Print and Run \\* 03: Excp and run |Print Employee Detail|Option to print the report with employee’s detailed information |Trial Print Only|Defines if the Print Stage field on the IPGH form will be updated when the T4s are printed. \\When set to Yes, the field will not be updated. \\When set to No, the Print Stage will be changed to Forms Printed. |Create Trace File|To generate trace files. One file is for dynamic SQL Select statement, the other is a comma delimited spreadsheet to display all trace messages. |Create Data Dump|When set to Yes, the RPYEC process will generate data dump files with a .csv extension for the Federal information. Users can open these data dump files in Excel for debugging and balancing purposes. |Process Remittance|To generate monthly remittances |Update Remittance|To update monthly remittances !RPYEC Report Filters ||Field||Desciption |Entity|To define and report on a specific Entity |Federal Regist Set|To define and report on a specific Federal Registration Set (on IDGV) |Federal Regist Number|Employer Identification Number (on IDGV) |People List|This field limits the process to the people in the defined list. |Person|Person Code of employee you are testing with |Prov Regist Set|To define and report on a specific Provincial Registration Set (on IDGV). Not required for Annual reporting. |Prov Regist Numbers|To define and report on a specific Province Registration Number. __Notes for RPYEC__ * The RPYEC process produces a Summary Total Report by Government Registrations. Users must balance this report to the RPREGT report. * Each RPYEC run generates one Government Run Number (GVT Run). * All employees processed by the RPYEC run belong to this GVT Run Number. * At end of RPYEC, the Government Reporting Statistics are printed with the generated GVT Run Number. * After RPYEC is run, users can go into the IPGR (Government Run) form to view the details by GVT Run Number. * On the IPGR form, the employee’s detail government reporting information can be viewed. Alternately, users can go directly to the IPGH (Government Header) form by employee to view this information. * Alternately, users can go directly to IPGH (Government Header) inquiry form by employee * Users can process many RPYEC runs for different sets of employees. This generates multiple GVT Run numbers. Users can run one RPGRC (Government Reporting) run to pick up all GVT Runs to generate one Print Form file for printing and one government interface file. * Employee's Government Header information are re-generated by subsequent RPYEC runs if the Government Header has not been filed to the government. The same IPGH information is removed automatically when a new IPGH is re-generated. * At the end of each run, RPYEC removes any GVT Run Number that does not have GVT Header associated with it. * Users can run the RPYEC process concurrently for different sets of employees. * At the beginning of the RPYEC run, the Execution Run Log is stamped with the Execution Start Date. At the end of RPYEC run, the Execution End Date is stamped. * For concurrent RPYEC runs that have not been finished with the Execution End Date, any other concurrent RPYEC runs will not remove the GVT Run Number, even if there are no GVT Headers. !!Canadian Government Reporting - RPGRC This is the Government Payroll Reporting for Canada. This process reads the Government Reporting table information generated by the RPYEC process. \\ \\ A Summary Total Report, by government registration, or by employee detail, for a selected Form Code, as defined on IDFDV, is generated. \\ \\ Users should run the [RPGRC] process to generate the: * Internal xml files for the Form Print programs, such as RPT4 and RPT4W/RPT4AW, to print the T4 and T4A forms * Magnetic Media xml file to submit to the government. The government requires users to validate the government xml file according to the downloaded government xml schema, using a validating parser prior to submitting it to the government. Each RPGRC run generates one GVT Run (Government Run Number). All employees processed by the RPGRC run belong to this GVT Run Number. \\ \\ After RPGRC is run, users can go into the IPGR form to view the details by GVT Run number. \\ \\ On the IPGR form, the employee’s detail government reporting information can be viewed. Alternately, users can go directly to the IPGH (Government Header) form by employee to view this information. \\ \\ Users can process many RPGRC runs for different sets of employees. This generates multiple GVT Run Numbers. \\ \\ At the end of each run, the RPGRC process removes any GVT Run Number that does not have GVT Headers associated with it. \\ \\ Once the government xml file is generated, it is ready for an xml parser validation prior to sending the file to the government. !RPGRC Report Parameters ||Field||Description |Form Code|Mandatory. Form Code that is defined on the IDFDV form.\\NOTE: Always use current year form code. DO NOT use a prior year form code as the Identifiers may be obsolete. \\ \\For 2017-2018 reporting, the current year form code contains the Store Option field to store the Employer Addresses, Employee Addresses and Amounts in the government remittance tables, which can be viewed on the IPGR or IPGH forms. |Govt Interface Format|Enter HL$CAN-T4-YYYY\\This Interface Format is defined on the IDIF form and is provided in our software |Period Type|Enter the Year for Annual Reporting |Period End Date|Enter the Year Ending Date |As of Date|The start date of the reporting period |Govt Form Option|Mandatory. Defines the type of form to be run. Options are: \\* 01: New Forms only \\* 02: All normal forms \\* 03: Duplicte forms \\* 04: Amended forms \\* 05: Rejected forms \\* 06: Cancelled forms |Sort Level By|Mandatory. How should the employees be grouped for sorting? |Sort People By|Mandatory. How should the employees on the report be sorted? |Sort Active/Inactive|Mandatory. Should the employees on the report be sorted by their status? |Directory Name|The name of the directory where the government Magnetic Media file will be stored. |File Name|The name of the government Magnetic Media file |Trace Level|Users should always run RPYEC with the Trace Level set to Exceptions Only for all employees. \\ \\If there is problem in RPYEC and a user needs to determine which employee has the problem, the user should run RPYEC with the Trace Level set to Program Trace. This will print a list of processed employees to determine which employee has the problem. \\ \\When the Trace Level is set to Program Trace, the Select Statements for Federal, State and Local levels are also written as Trace messages. Users can review the select statements by running RMEX for the RPYEC Execution ID. \\ \\After determining which employee has the problem, users should run RPYEC for one employee with the Trace Level set to Utility Trace to determine the problem in detail. |Print Employee Detail|Option to print the report with employee’s detailed information |Trial Print Only|Defines if the Print Stage field on the IPGH form will be updated when the T4s are printed. \\When set to Yes, the field will not be updated. \\When set to No, the Print Stage will be changed to Forms Printed. |Create File|To generate trace files. One file is for dynamic SQL Select statement, the other is a comma delimited spreadsheet to display all trace messages. !RPGRC Report Filters ||Field||Description |GVT Run Number|Enter the GVT Run Number from the RPYEC run |Entity|To define and report on a specific Entity |Federal Regist Set|To define and report on a specific Federal Registration Set (on IDGV) |Federal Regist Number|Employer Identification Number (on IDGV) |People List|This field limits the process to the people in the defined list. |Person|Person Code of employee you are testing with |Prov Regist Set|To define and report on a specific Provincial Registration Set (on IDGV). Not required for Annual reporting. |Prov Regist Numbers|To define and report on a specific Province Registration Number. After the [RPGRC] process is run, the government xml file is generated and is ready for an xml parser validation prior to sending to the government. The internal xml file is generated for printing of the T4s by the RPT4 process. !!Form Print Selection Criteria !T4 Printing and Balancing Once the year-to-date information is correct, run the RPT4/RPT4W report to print the T4 Forms. * This report completes and prints the T4 forms, as well as the T4 Media file, based on the parameter selections * Produces the T4 Forms * Users should write down the Execution ID of the RPT4/RPT4W run and run RMEX to obtain the grand total report For Oracle Reports, before running any reports, users must define the Destination Format as PDF on the 'Run Options' tab. \\ \\ Users should run all Government Form Print programs, such as RPT4, RPT4W, RPT4AW, RPT4ANRW, RPNR4, RPRL1, RPRL2 with this setting. \\ \\ All T4 Form Print programs are aligned with the government forms in the PDF format. Users can adjust the parameters for the Top Margin and the Between Form Space when generating the PDF file. Once the PDF file is generated, users will not need to adjust the Page Set up when printing. \\ \\ The PDF file is generated in the working directory of your P2K path. \\ \\ Write down the Execution ID of the T4 Print Program report and run RMEX to obtain a grand total report. %%warning IMPORTANT: When printing from the pdf file, users must set the Page Sizing and Handling to “Actual Size” to print on the pre-printed government forms to avoid re-sizing of the form.%% !RPT4 Report Parameters __* Oracle Report Only * __ ||Field||Description |Print T4 Copy|Defines if the Employer or Employee copy will be printed. Options are: \\*01: Employer Copy. Prints 3 employees on one page. Use as the Employer Copy to send to government or keep for reference. \\*02: Employee Copy. Prints 1 employee 3 times on 1 page. Use as the Employee Copy to distribute to the employees |Exception Level|Defines the level of detail on the exception report. Users should always run with 'Exception Only' unless for needed for tracing |Duplicate/Amended|Optional. Defines the text to print on the T4 form to indicate if it is a 'Duplicate' or an 'Amended' copy. |Test Form Set-Up|Allows users to test their printer set up prior to printing the actual T4 forms. \\High Line recommends all users should run RPT4 with this toggle set to YES to print a sample on the actual T4 form to confirm the correct margin page set up. \\Users should do a printer set up test each time a different printer is used.\\Optional |Trial Print only|When this toggle is set to YES, users can print T4 forms for verification. When set to NO (non-trial mode), RPT4 updates the GVT Headers Govt Print Stage of the run. \\Optional. |Show T4 Form|Allows users the option to print the T4s with the form set up lines. \\ \\When users are running RPT4 for the actual T4 form printing, __DO NOT__ set this toggle to ON. \\ \\The downloaded form is for viewing and testing purpose only and should not be used to submit to the government or distributed to the employees. Users must print the T4s on the pre-printed forms provided by the government as these forms contain the correct wording on the back of the form. \\Optional. Default is NO. |Directory Name|Defines the directory where the file will be saved. Must be the same as the RPGRC run. |XML File Name|Defines the xml file name generated from RPGRC with the _HL.xml extension. |Slips Per Segment|Defines how many forms to print before breaking and totaling. \\Users are no longer required to send in T4 Segments when filing less than 500 slips on paper forms, however, users have the option to use the T4 segments at their discretion.\\ \\If a user sends in T4 slips in a bundle of 200 or other quantities, then users must define this field. \\Optional. |Adjust Top Margin|Defines the adjustment spacing for the Top Margin when printing the T4 form\\ \\Users should default to NULL or '00 - 0 line' adjustment to begin testing\\ \\After the PDF file is generated, print one page on blank paper, align the paper with the pre-printed form and check if the alignment fits into the box\\ \\If adjustment is needed, re-run RPT4 by entering the Top Margin adjustment. \\From Lexicon [Top Margin Adjust.|X_TOP_MARGIN_ADJ] \\Optional. |Between Form Space|Defines the adjustment spacing between 2 forms printed on the same page\\ \\Users should default to NULL or '0 - 0 line space' to begin testing\\ \\After the PDF file is generated, print one page on blank paper, align the paper with the pre-printed form and check if the alignment fits between 2 forms\\ \\If adjustment is needed, re-run RPT4 by entering the 'Between Form Space'. From Lexicon [Between Form Space|X_BTWN_FORM_SPACE] \\Optional. |Show Frame (Test Only)|Allows users the option to print the T4s with the form set up lines. Default is NO. \\ \\When users are running RPT4 for the actual T4 form printing, __DO NOT__ set this toggle to ON. \\The downloaded form is for viewing and testing purpose only and should not be used to submit to the government or distributed to the employees. Users must print the T4s on the pre-printed forms provided by the government as these forms contain the correct wording on the back of the form. __NOTE:__ If the combination of Adjust Top Margin and Between Form Space pushes the Form to go over onto the next page, users should check the alignment with the actual pre-printed form and re-run RPT4 with different Top Margin and Between Form Space options. !RPT4 Report Filters ||Field||Description |Person Code|Optional. Person code of the employee being tested with. If a Person Code is not defined, all the employees in the xml file will be printed. __Execution Report__ * Produces the grand total report from RPT4/RPT4W by running RMEX for the execution ID of T4 run. * Enter the Execution ID of the RPT4/RPT4W run to generate a grand total report and balance to the RPYEC report. !RPT4W Report Parameters __* Windward Report Only* __ ||Field||Description |Print T4 Copy|Defines if the Employer or Employee copy will be printed. Options are: \\*01: Employer Copy. Prints 3 employees on one page. Use as the Employer Copy to send to government or keep for reference. \\*02: Employee Copy. Prints 1 employee 3 times on 1 page. Use as the Employee Copy to distribute to the employees |Exception Level|Defines the level of detail on the exception report. Users should always run with 'Exception Only' unless for needed for tracing |Duplicate/Amended|Optional. Defines the text to print on the T4 form to indicate if it is a 'Duplicate' or an 'Amended' copy. |Test Form Set-Up|Allows users to test their printer set up prior to printing the actual T4 forms. \\High Line recommends all users should run RPT4 with this toggle set to YES to print a sample on the actual T4 form to confirm the correct margin page set up. \\Users should do a printer set up test each time a different printer is used.\\Optional |Trial Print only|When this toggle is set to YES, users can print T4 forms for verification. When set to NO (non-trial mode), RPT4 updates the GVT Headers Govt Print Stage of the run. \\Optional. |Show T4 Form|Allows users the option to print the T4s with the form set up lines. \\ \\When users are running RPT4 for the actual T4 form printing, __DO NOT__ set this toggle to ON. \\ \\The downloaded form is for viewing and testing purpose only and should not be used to submit to the government or distributed to the employees. Users must print the T4s on the pre-printed forms provided by the government as these forms contain the correct wording on the back of the form. \\Optional. Default is NO. !RPT4W Report Filters ||Field||Description |GVT Run (WW Only)|Mandatory (when running Windward report only). Defines the GVT Run number to extract data from and produce the T4 form. |Person Code|Optional. Person code of the employee being tested with. If a Person Code is not defined, all the employees in the xml file will be printed. |Status Type|Optional. Defines the pre-defined generic statuses allowing users to categorize the employment status into a specified type. __Execution Report__ * Produces the grand total report from RPT4/RPT4W by running RMEX for the execution ID of T4 run. * Enter the Execution ID of the RPT4/RPT4W run to generate a grand total report and balance to the RPYEC report. !!Processing !RPT4/RPT4W Form Print Processing The RPT4/RPT4W Program Print Format is based on the Government published T4 (15) Form. High Line recommends using the same form version as the RPT4/RPT4W program. \\ \\ If you are using other versions of the T4 form, such as T4(14), please test the RPT4/RPT4W form layout prior to printing. If the RPT4/RPT4W program does not align with the form, users should re-order the form from the government so it is the same version that the RPT4/RPT4W process is programmed for. \\ \\ * The RPT4/RPT4W Form Print program prints all information retrieved from the RPGRC xml file, according to the selection criteria. * If an employee has multiple footnote codes to be reported, each T4 Form is printed with 6 footnote codes until all footnote codes are printed. * If there are more than 6 footnote codes to be printed, then subsequent T4 slips are produced until all footnote codes have been printed. * The RPT4/RPT4W program generates Summary Totals, by each Business Number, at the end of the RPT4/RPT4W run. A grand total is generated for all Business Numbers of the run. * Users must run RMEX with the RPT4/RPT4W Mex ID to obtain the summary and grand totals to balance to the RPYEC Summary report. * The RPT4/RPT4W summary and grand totals are accumulated for the Boxes shown on the T4 Form. The footnote codes are not totaled. * Users should verify the RPT4/RPT4W Boxes balance to the RPYEC report. If the RPT4/RPT4W process cannot select any information from the xml file to print, users must run RMEX with the RPT4/RPT4W Mex ID to review any errors or exception messages to locate the problem. Typically, the problem is because of an invalid directory or file name. !Laser Form Printing When printing T4 forms using the Laser forms, users are required to print the Employer Copy and Employee Copy of the T4s. * When RPT4/RPT4W is run, the "Print T4 Copy" parameter defines if the Employer or the Employee Copy should be printed. * Users must run RPT4/RPT4W twice; once to print the Employer Copy, and once to print the Employee Copy * Employer Copy: ** On one sheet, the T4 information is printed for two separate employees. ** The Box 54 Business Number is printed. ** The Employer Copy is sent to the government or is kept by your organization. * Employee Copy: ** On one sheet, two copies of the T4 is printed for one employee. ** The Box 54 Business Number is NOT printed. ** The Employee Copy is distributed to the employees !Duplicate Copies If an employee loses their T4 Form, organizations can issue a duplicate copy of the T4 form. To issue Duplicate Copies:\\ 1. Go to the IPGH form for the employee and highlight the form to be duplicated. * Change the Print Stage to 'Duplicate requested'. * Click Save * Repeat for all employees who have requested duplicate copies. 2. Run RPGRC with the "GVT Form Option" set to "Duplicate forms" and the "Trial Print Only" set to Yes * RPGRC retrieves all GVT Headers with the Print Stage of 'Duplicate Requested' and generates the HL xml file for the Form Print RPT4, RPT4W, RPT4AW, RPRL1 programs * There is no need to generate a government xml file for duplicate forms. * Users do not need to enter the 'Govt Interface Format' field for RPGRC * Set the 'Trial Print Only' field to YES for RPGRC 3. Run RPT4/RPT4W to print the duplicate forms * Run the Form Print RPT4/RPT4W programs to read the HL xml file from RPGRC to print the duplicate forms * At the end of the Form Print, if the 'Trial Print Only' field is set to No, the GVT Header stage will be updated to 'Duplicate Printed' * Users can re-run the Form Print program for the Employee or the Employer Copy from the same HL xml file. The GVT Header stage will be updated to 'Duplicate Printed' depending on the 'Trial Print Only' field setting. !Amended Copies If a user discovers erroneous box information on the T4 form and needs to revise the Box information, users should either correct the employee amounts or modify the IDFDV set up and then re-run the RPYEC, RPGRC and RPT4/RPT4W processes. This produces the Amended T4 form. To issue Amended copies:\\ 1. Update the employee’s YTD information through payroll. 2. Check the IDFDV set up and revise the box information, if necessary 3. Go to the IPGH form for the employee. Locate the form to be amended * Change the Print Stage to Amendment Requested * Save * Repeat this for all employees who requested Amended copies of their forms. * Run RPYEC with the GVT Form Option set to Amended Forms * Do not set the Trial Print Only toggle to ON, for the RPYEC process * Users can set the Retain Amend/Reject Form to ON, to retain the original copy prior to generating the amendment. * The RPYEC process will retrieve all GVT Headers with the Print Stage set to Amendment Requested and re-derives the YTD according to the IDFDV setup to generate the GVT Header with: ** Print Stage = Amend, Form not Printed ** File Stage = Amend, File not Created 4. Run RPGRC with the GVT Form Option set to Amended Forms * Do not set the Trial Print Only toggle to ON, for the RPGRC process * The RPGRC process will retrieve all GVT Headers with the Print Stage set to Amend, File not Created and generates the HL xml file for the RPT4/RPT4W print program. * Users should enter the Govt Interface Format definition for the RPGRC to generate the amended government xml file. * At the end of the RPGRC, the GVT Headers is updated with: ** Print Stage = No Change, Existing Value ** File Stage = Amend File Created 5. Run RPT4/RPT4W to print the Amended forms. * When the user is running RPT4/RPT4W with the new _HL.xml file, RPT4/RPT4W will automatically print the word DUPLICATE COPY or AMENDED on the T4 form, depending on the GVT Run option of the RPGRC run. * If other wording is required to print on the T4 form, in the Duplicate/Amended parameter, users can enter the text for RPT4/RPT4W, such as CANCEL COPY or ORIGINAL COPY. * At the end of the RPT4/RPT4W run in non-trial mode, the GVT Header Stage will be updated with either the DUPLICATE or AMENDED stage. !RPT4/RPT4W Void Forms * After the T4 slips are printed, the RPT4/RPT4W process will generate an intermediate Summary Total for the RMEX report * Users will bundle the Summary Total with the current year T4 slips to send to the government * If an employee requires more than one T4 form, and this employee’s T4 information is split between 2 summaries, then this employee’s T4 information will be printed on the first Summary Total. Consequently, there may be more T4 slips on the Summary. * When the last T4 form is printed for the first Summary, if the last T4 information prints on the TOP T4 slip, the BOTTOM T4 slip will be VOIDED so users can separate the T4 slips by Summary. * When RPT4/RPT4W is run, if there is more than one Government Registration Number from IDGR: ** The T4 forms will be sorted by Government Registration Numbers ** RPT4/RPT4W will generate totals for each Government Registration Number on the RMEX report. * When the last T4 form is printed for the first Government Registration Number, if the last T4 information prints on the TOP T4 slip, the BOTTOM T4 slip will be VOIDED so users can separate the T4 slips by Government Registration Number. !!UPGRUNDO - Undo GVT Run The UPGRUNDO process allows users to undo a GVT Run number by employee. This process should be used to undo an erroneous GVT Run due to set up issues or to remove any archived GVT information. !UPGRUNDO Selection Criteria ||Field||Description |GVT Run Number|Mandatory. Users must enter at least one GVT Run Number |Person Code|Enter one or more Person Codes. The selected Person codes within the GVT Run Numbers are processed. Optional. |Trace Level|Users should always run this process with this field set to Exceptions Only unless required for tracing purposes. |Trial|When set to ON, allows users to review the report for verification prior to running the undo process. \\ \\In non-trial mode, UPGRUNDO removes GVT Headers and GVT Run for the qualified GVT Run.\\Optional. !!T4 Slip Print Distribution On the T4 Form, the last line in the Address Box is used to print the user defined distribution information for users to dsitribute the T4 forms to the employees. Users must set up the following identifiers:\\ ||Field Identifier||Field Variable||Suggested Field Variable |T4-EE-DISTR|Constant|Blank or 1| |T4-EE-DESTIN|Constant|Blank or 1| |T4-EE-DISTR1| |DED.ENTITY_CODE |T4-EE-DISTR2| |EID.PERSON_CODE If T4-EE-DISTR = 1 (not null), the distribution will be printed below the employee address for distribution purposes, and the distribution will be visible outside the window envelope. Otherwise, the distribution will not be printed. If T4-EE-DESTIN = 1, the employee's pay destination will be printed along with T4-EE-DISTR1 and T4-EE-DISTR2 fields. Therefore, the logic for printing the distribution on the T4 form is:\\ If T4-EE-DISTR = 1, the distribution information is printed from: *The employee's pay destination T4-EE-DESTIN, if defined, such as Department or Pay destination *Concatenates with the values from T4-EE-DISTR1 and T4-EE-DISTR2 !!T4 Statement of Remuneration !Box Descriptions Users should read the following Form Descriptions and refer to "Employers' Guide - Filing the T4 Slips and Summary Forms" RC4120(E) Rev. 16" prior to setting up the IDFDV form. __Box - Year__\\From user defined Calendar Year YYYY \\ \\ __Box - Employer's Name and Address__\\ Derived from the IDFDV form ||Seq||Field Identifier||Description||Field Variable |1220|T4-ER-ADDR1|Employer Address Line 1|MAIL |1230|T4-ER-ADDR2|Employer Address Line 2|Blank |1240|T4-ER-ADDR3|Employer City|Blank |1250|T4-ER-ADDR4|Employer Province|Blank or NAME |1260|T4-ER-ADDR5|Employer Country|Blank or NAME |1270|T4-ER-POSTAL|Employer Postal Code |Blank |1280|T4-ER-MAG-PROV|Employer Prov for Mag File|Blank |1290|T4-ER-MAG-CNTRY|Employer Country for Mag File|Blank *The IDFDV Reference Text field will guide the user to set up each Address Identifier.\\ *If the Employer mailing address is not defined on IDLN or IDEN location, the primary address on IDLN will be used.\\ *If there was an Address set up prior to 2006, and the word ‘MAIL’ is defined, the mailing address will be used, otherwise the primary address will be used. *If the Country Code is not Canada or USA, the 1280 T4-EE-MAG-PROV Identifier should be set to 'ZZ-Other'. \\ \\ __Box 54 - Business Number__\\ The Business Number is derived automatically according to employee’s YTD federal government registration number from IDGV or the employee's Group IDGR form. When users are printing the 'Employee Copy', Box 54 is not printed. \\ \\ __Box 10 - Province of Employment__ \\ The Province of Employment is derived automatically according to employee's YTD information \\ \\ __Box 12 - Employee's Social Insurance Number__\\ Derived from the IDFDV form ||Field Identifier||Suggested Field Variable |T4-BOX-SIN|EID.GOVERNMENT_CODE * Invalid SIN numbers are reported on the RPYEC exception report * SIN numbers defined as 999999999 are invalid * If a SIN number does not exist, leave this field blank. \\ \\ __Box - Employee's name__ \\ Derived from the IDFDV form ||Field Identifier||Suggested Field Variable |T4-EE-NAME1|EID.LAST_NAME |T4-EE-NAME2|EID.FIRST_NAME |T4-EE-NAME3|EID.MIDDLE_NAME \\ \\ __Box - Employee's address__\\ Derived from the IDFDV form ||Seq||Field Identifier||Description||Field Variable |2100|T4-EE-ADDR1|Employee Address Line 1|Blank or MAIL |2110|T4-EE-ADDR2|Employee Address Line 2|Blank |2120|T4-EE-ADDR3|Employee City |Blank |2130|T4-EE-ADDR4|Employee Province|Blank or NAME |2140|T4-EE-ADDR5|Employee Country|Blank or NAME |2150|T4-EE-POSTAL|Employee Postal Code |Blank |2160|T4-EE-MAG-PROV|Employee Prov for Mag File|Blank |2170|T4-EE-MAG-CNTRY|Employee Country for Mag File|Blank \\ \\ *The IDFDV Reference Text field will guide the user to set up each Address Identifier. *If the mailing address for the employee is not defined on IEPI, the primary address on IEPI will be used *If there was an Address set up prior to 2006, and the word ‘MAIL’ is defined, the mailing address will be used, otherwise the primary address will be used. *If the Country Code is not Canada or USA, the 2160 T4-EE-MAG-PROV Identifier should be set to 'ZZ-Other'. \\ \\ __Box - Last line of Employee Address__\\ Derived from the IDFDV form The last line in the Address Box is used to print the user defined distribution information for users to distribute the T4 forms to employees. ||Field Identifier||Field Variable||Suggested Field Variable |T4-EE-DISTR|Constant|Blank or 1 |T4-EE-DESTIN|Constant|Blank or 1 |T4-EE-DISTR1| |DED.ENTITY_CODE |T4-EE-DISTR2| |EID.PERSON_CODE * If T4-EE-DISTR value = 1 (not null), the distribution will be printed below the employee address and the distribution is visible outside the window envelope. *Otherwise, the distribution will not be printed. *If T4-EE-DESTIN value = 1, then the employee's pay destination is printed along with T4-EE-DISTR1 and T4-EE-DISTR2. Therefore, the logic for printing the distribution on the T4 form is:\\ If T4-EE-DISTR = 1, the distribution information is printed from: *The employee's pay destination T4-EE-DESTIN, if defined, such as Department or Pay destination *Concatenates with the values from T4-EE-DISTR1 and T4-EE-DISTR2 \\ \\ __Box 14 - Employment Income__\\ Derived from the IDFDV form ||Field Identifier||Suggested Field Variable |T4-BOX-14|T4-BOX-14 This is the taxable earnings applicable for federal income tax withheld \\ \\ __Box 16 - Employee's CPP Contributions__\\ Derived from the IDFDV form ||Field Identifier||Suggested Field Variable |T4-BOX-16|T4-BOX-16 *Leave Box 16 and 17 blank if the employee did not contribute to either CPP or QPP during the year *The Employer portion of CPP contribution is also retrieved from the IDFDV form, Field Identifier T4-BOX-16-ER *The CPP Employer contribution is not printed on the T4 form for each employee. It is accumulated into the Total CPP Employer contribution amount and will be reported on the government Magnetic Media T4 Summary Record file \\ \\ __Box 17 - Employee's QPP contributions__\\ Derived from the IDFDV form ||Field Identifier||Suggested Field Variable |T4-BOX-17|T4-BOX-17 *Leave Box 16 and 17 blank if the employee did not contribute to either CPP or QPP \\ *The Employer portion of QPP contribution is also retrieved from the IDFDV form, Field Identifier T4-BOX-16-ER *The QPP Employer contribution is not printed on the T4 form for each employee. It is accumulated into the Total CPP Employer contribution amount and will be reported on the government Magnetic Media Releve 1 file \\ \\ __Box 18 - Employee's EI Premiums__\\ Derived from the IDFDV form ||Field Identifier||Suggested Field Variable (Element) |T4-BOX-18|T4-BOX-18 *The Employer portion of the EI contribution is also retrieved from the IDFDV form, Field Identifier T4-BOX-18-ER *The EI Employer contribution is not printed on the T4 form for each employee. It is accumulated into the Total EI Employer contribution amount and will be reported on the government Magnetic Media file T4 Summary Record \\ \\ __Box 20 - RPP Contributions__\\ Derived from the IDFDV form ||Field Identifier||Suggested Field Variable (Element) |T4-BOX-20|T4-BOX-20 \\ \\ __Box 22 - Income Tax Deducted__\\ Derived from the IDFDV form ||Field Identifier||Suggested Field Variable (Element) |T4-BOX-22|T4-BOX-22 \\ \\ __Box 24 - EI Insurable Earnings__\\ Derived from the IDFDV form ||Field Identifier||Suggested Field Variable (Element) |T4-BOX-24|T4-BOX-24 *This box will be blank under one of the following conditions: # There are no insurable earnings. Example: If Box 24 = 0, then Box 24 = blank. # Insurable earnings are the same as the employment income in Box 14. Example: If Box 24 = Box 14, then Box 24 = blank. # Insurable earnings are over the EI maximum earnings for the year, from IPCT, Tax Rate Code '011001', EI Annual Maximum Earnings. Example: If Box 24 >= EI maximum earnings, then Box 24 = Blank. *The derived EI Insurable Earnings are printed according to the IDFDV form set up on RPYEC Summary report. *The EI Insurable Earnings that are printed on the T4 Form and reported on the Magnetic Media file will be printed on the RPYEC Summary report under the T4-BOX-24-PRT Identifier. Users should verify the reported EI Insurable Earnings are correct according to the government specifications. \\ \\ __Box 26 - CPP/QPP Pensionable Earnings__\\ For all provinces except Quebec: ||Field Identifier||Suggested Field Variable (Element) |T4-BOX-26-CPP|T4-BOX-26-CPP \\ \\ For Quebec only: ||Field Identifier||Suggested Field Variable (Element) |T4-BOX-26-QPP|T4-BOX-26-QPP \\ \\ For all provinces and Quebec: ||Field Identifier||Suggested Field Variable (Element) |T4-BOX-26-EXCEPT|T4-BOX-26-EXCEPT |T4-BOX-26-OTHER|T4-BOX-26-OTHER *The T4-BOX-26-EXCEPT entry should define the remuneration that are taxable, but not pensionable such as: **Remuneration paid to an employee while the employee worked in excluded employment, not subject to CPP/QPP **Amount paid for clergy member's residence from which CPP/QPP is not deducted **Remuneration paid to Status Indian on reserve where no CPP/QPP is deducted *The T4-BOX-26-OTHER entry should define the remuneration that are pensionable but not taxable. *Box 26 will be blank under one of the following conditions: **There are no pensionable earnings. Example: if Box 26 = 0, then Box 26 = Blank **Pensionable earnings are the same as the employment income in Box 14. Example: if Box 26 = Box 14, then Box 26 = Blank **Pensionable earnings are over the CPP/QPP maximum earnings for the year, from IPCT, Tax Rate Code '010101', CPP Annual Maximum Earnings. Example: if Box 26 >= CPP/QPP maximum earnings, then Box 26 = Blank *Otherwise, perform one of the following conditions: **If Box 14 > Box 26 CPP/QPP earnings: ***Use the T4-BOX-26-EXCEPT Field Identifier entry to obtain the amount for the excepted employment ***The excepted employment amount is then subtracted from Box 14 ***If the new Box 14 amount is equal to Box 26 CPP/QPP earnings, this box will be blank, otherwise Box 26 CPP/QPP earnings will be printed.\\ *The following conditions are covered by this logic: **Remuneration paid to an employee before age 18 or after age 70 during the year, then this box will be printed. **An employee is being remunerated by excepted employment as defined from the "Employer's Guide", this box will be printed. *If Box 14 < CPP/QPP earnings **For Quebec, if Box 26 QPP earnings > Box 14, Box 26 is always printed **For all other provinces: **Use the T4-BOX-26-OTHER Field Identifier entry to obtain the amount for pensionable employment **The pensionable employment amount is then added to Box 14 **If the new Box 14 amount is equal to Box 26 CPP/QPP earnings, this box will be blank. Otherwise Box 26 CPP/QPP earnings will be printed. *The derived CPP/QPP Pensionable Earnings are printed according to the IDFDV form set up on the RPYEC Summary report. *The CPP/QPP Pensionable Earnings that are printed on the T4 Form will also be printed on the RPYEC Summary report, under the T4-BOX-26-PRT Identifier. Users should verify the reported CPP/QPP Pensionable Earnings are correct according to the government specifications. \\ __Box 28 - Exempt (CPP-QPP and EI and PPIP)__ *"X" will be entered under CPP-QPP if there is no contribution to CPP/QPP (such as Box 16, 17 and 26 are blank), and the CPP/QPP method from the IPRLC form = 'Do not calculate' *"X" will be entered under EI if there is no EI premium (such as Box 18 and Box 24 are blank) and the EI method from the IPRLC form = 'Do not calculate' *"X" will be entered under PPIP if the province is 'Quebec' and there is no PPIP premium (such as Box 55 and Box 56 are blank) and the PPIP method from the IPRLC form = 'Do not calculate' *The following identifiers from the IDFDV form are for Information Purpose only. There is no need to set these identifiers up. ||Field Identifier |T4-BOX-28-CPP-PRT |T4-BOX-28-QPP-PRT |T4-BOX-28-EI-PRT |T4-BOX-28-PPIP-PRT \\ __Box 29 - Employment Code__\\ Report the appropriate code if one of the following situations applies: |11|Placement agency - self employed |12|Driver of taxi or other passenger-carrying vehicle |13|Barber or hairdresser |14|Withdrawal from a prescribed salary deferral arrangement plan |15|Seasonal Agriculture Workers Program |16|Detached employee - social security agreement *Set up the T4 EMPLOYMENT CODE field on the IMUF form, then enter the appropriate Employment Code on the IDGR form, if the above situation applies *The following identifier from the IDFDV form is for Information Purpose only. There is no need to set this identifier up ||Field Identifier|| |T4-BOX-29-PRT|This is used for the XML file only \\ \\ __Box 44 - Union Dues__\\ Derived from the IDFDV form and the IDUN form, T4 UNION DUES field ||Field Identifier||Suggested Field Variable (Element) |T4-BOX-44|T4-BOX-44 *This box should NOT be used if the Union issues Union Dues receipts directly to the employees *If the Union has NOT issued receipts for union dues, then specify the T4 UNION DUES field on the IDUN form **On the IDUN form, if the Report T4 Union Dues Indicator = 'Y', then the value of 'T4-BOX-44' is printed **the Union Dues that are printed on T4 Form are also printed on the RPYEC Summary report under the T4-BOX-44-PRT Identifier for user verification \\ \\ __Box 46 - Charitable Donations__\\ Derived from the IDFDV form ||Field Identifier||Suggested Field Variable (Element) |T4-BOX-46|T4-BOX-46 \\ \\ __Box 50 - RPP or DPSP Registration Number__\\ Derived from the IDFDV form ||Field Identifier||Suggested Field Variable||Suggested Field Variable (Element) |T4-BOX-50-REG1|Constant| |T4-BOX-50-REG2|Constant| |T4-BOX-50-REG3|Constant| |T4-BOX-50-REG4|Constant| |T4-BOX-50-REG5|Constant| |T4-BOX-50-RPP1| |T4-BOX-50-RPP1 |T4-BOX-50-RPP2| |T4-BOX-50-RPP2 |T4-BOX-50-RPP3| |T4-BOX-50-RPP3 |T4-BOX-50-RPP4| |T4-BOX-50-RPP4 |T4-BOX-50-RPP5| |T4-BOX-50-RPP5 *The values from T4-BOX-50-RPP1, T4-BOX-50-RPP2, T4-BOX-50-RPP3, T4-BOX-50-RPP4 and T4-BOX-50-RPP5 are used for comparison. *The largest value from T4-BOX-50-RPP1, T4-BOX-50-RPP2, T4-BOX-50-RPP3, T4-BOX-50-RPP4 and T4-BOX-50-RPP5 are used and the corresponding T4-BOX-50-REG1, T4-BOX-50-REG2, T4-BOX-50-REG3, T4-BOX-50-REG4 and T4-BOX-50-REG5 are reported *The T4-BOX-50-PRT Identifier is for the XML file only. There is no need to set this Identifier up. \\ \\ __Box 52 - Pension Adjustment__\\ Derived from the IDFDV form ||Field Identifier||Suggested Field Variable |T4-BOX-52|T4-BOX-52 *Box 52 is rounded up to the nearest Dollar. No cents are printed. \\ \\ __Box 55 - Employee's PPIP Premiums__\\ Derived from the IDFDV form ||Field Identifier||Suggested Field Variable |T4-BOX-55|T4-BOX-55 \\ __Box 56 - PPIP Insurable Earnings__\\ Derived from the IDFDV form ||Field Identifier||Suggested Field Variable |T4-BOX-56|T4-BOX-56 *Box 56 will be blank under one of the following conditions: *#If there are no insurable earnings. Example: if Box 56 = 0, then Box 56 = blank *#Insurable earnings are the same as the employment income in Box 14. Example: if Box 56 = Box 14, then Box 56 = blank *#Insurable earnings are over the PPIP maximum earnings for the year, from IPCT, Tax Rate Code '011201', QPIP Annual Employee Maximum for the Province. Example: if Box 56 >= QPIP maximum earnings, then Box 56 = blank *The derived PPIP Insurable Earnings is printed according to the IDFDV form set up on the RPYEC Summary report. *The PPIP Insurable Earnings that are printed on the T4 Form and reported on the Magnetic Media file will be printed on the RPYEC Summary report under the T4-BOX-56-PRT Identifier. Users should verify the reported PPIP Insurable Earnings are correct according to the government specifications. \\ __Box - Other Information__\\ Derived from the IDFDV form ||Field Identifier||Suggested Field Variable |OTHER-nn|T4-BOX-OTH-nn *Up to 6 footnote codes can be printed on each T4 form *If there are more than 6 footnote codes to be reported, subsequent T4 form will be produced *The subsequent T4 slip numeric boxes will be blank. The employee's demographic information will be printed along with the footnote codes. !!Magnetic Media File - Government XML file !IDIF - T4 Government XML File layout The government XML file layouts are provided by the government on their web site each year. High Line uses the IDIF form to define the government file as specified, in an xml format. \\ The IDIF layout is provided by High Line with the year end software (SEED_IDIF_HL$CAN_T4_YYYY). Users do not need to modify this form. Users must run the RPYEC and RPGRC processes to generate the Magnetic Media file in the government XML file format. Please refer to the 'Government Reporting Procedures, Sequence' section that describes how the process is run. !Validating the Govt XML File %%warning IMPORTANT: The government requires users to validate the government XML file according to the downloaded government XML schema, using a validating parser prior to sending the file to the government.%% A validating parser tool from any third party will perform the following checks on the government XML file generated by RPGRC: # Verify the government XML file is properly created according to the XML syntax rules, such as the file is well formed, no missing xml tags, etc. # Verify the government XML file conforms to the schema downloaded from the government web site. Validating parser software is NOT provided by High Line. Organizations can use any third party validating parser tool. High Line uses the XML SPY Home edition tool to validate the T4 and T4A xml files. !!Electronic T4 Print Facility Employees can consent, or withdraw their consent, to print their T4 form through Self Service. If an employee chooses to receive electronic T4 forms, they must enter their consent in the My T4 Consent form (WEPT4). \\ Employees must run the RET4 process and select the Reporting Year they want to print. The output T4 will be in a pdf format. \\ \\ If an employee has chosen to receive electronic T4 forms, using either the consent WEPT4 or IEPT4 form, a paper copy is __NOT__ printed during the RPT4 T4 printing process. \\ \\ Organizations can: * Manage the consent for employees to receive electronic T4 forms using the Maintain Employee T4 Consent (IEPT4) form. * Control the years that T4 forms are available for employees to print, by setting a Preference on the IMST form, as below. !Setup/Implementation Users must set up the EE_T4_GVT_RUN Preference with the values of the Gvt Run Numbers that contain the information for the employee’s T4s (from the RPYEC run) on the IMST form, 'Preference' tab. The GVT Run numbers must be entered with comma separators and no spaces, such as 1234,3333,4567). ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.CDN T4 PROCESS] [{InsertPage page='Internal.CDN T4 PROCESS' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]