This area within the product was recently enhanced to populate a toggle dynamically when a leave has cascaded due to insufficient bank balances.  Leave reasons can now be made ‘required’ and selected within [IPTS] or All Professional and Self Service Leave screens.

!!Cascade and Leave Reason Functionality
* [IAAL] now displays a Cascade toggle that will dynamically populate when the leave cascades.  It is easier for the user to see at a glance if the cascade has occurred.
* [IALP] (Details Tab) - The LWOP Time Code MUST be defined.  When the Cascade Tab is blank the leave will cascade to the ‘LWOP Time Code’.
* [IALP] (Details Tab) - When the ‘Leave Reason Req’d toggle’ is checked the user will be prompted / required to fill in the leave reason.

!!Cascade and Leave Reason Setup 
In order to use the Cascade functionality there are set up requirements that must be fulfilled. 

!Set Up – Cascade
*In order for a Leave to cascade a user MUST first define the ‘LWOP Time Code’ and optionally the Cascade Tab may be defined with a leave time code. 
*Launch [IALP] and ensure there is a LWOP time code selected.  
*If desired advance to the Cascade Tab and define a leave time code.
*Set the ‘Time Warning Rule’ to ‘Error, Do Not Allow’.
*Leave time codes defined on the Leave Plan MUST be attached to a Leave Schedule in [IALS].  If the time code is not on the leave schedule the cascade toggle will still populate in [IAAL] but the balance of the leave time will not cascade. 

Once defined the cascade functionality will operate when the employee’s leave bank has been depleted.

!Set Up – Leave Reason Req’d
To make the leave reason a requirement the Leave Reason Req’d Toggle must be checked in [IALP].  

!IAAL – Entering Leaves and Leave Reasons
*Leaves may be entered directly into the Requested Tab of [IAAL].
*In [IAAL], when a leave is first entered the leave status defaults to ‘1-Requested’.  It is at this time the user MUST select a leave reason or the record will not save.  Failing to enter a leave reason will produce the message ‘You need to enter a leave reason before save’.  
*Any leaves entered in [IAAL] and saved will dynamically display the cascade toggle if the leave was cascaded.
*Any leaves entered in [IAAL] will display in [IPTS] and vice versa.

!IPTS – Entering Leaves and Leave Reasons
*Leaves may be entered directly on the timesheet in [IPTS].
*After saving the records, an indicator will display in the Value field. If the record is not in focus, the indicator may be a red disc marked with a white ‘x’ in the center, this indicates a leave reason is required. When the mouse is hovered over the icon a bubble text will appear with a message indicating the leave reason is required. If the record is in focus, the value will be crossed out, the red disc icon will not display. If the indicator is a yellow triangle marked with a white ‘!’ in center, this indicates the leave has cascaded. Again, the user may hover their mouse over the icon to display the message. 
*Since the leave line is created on the fly the leave reason can only be filled by selecting the [Show Require Leave Reason| ACT_SHOW_LEAVE_REASON_REQUIRED] button.  This button is available in the header of [IPTS].  Note:  The [Show Require Leave Reason|ACT_SHOW_LEAVE_REASON_REQUIRED] button may be added on any timesheet screen or leave entry screen similar to the way it displays in [IPTS].
*When the user clicks on this button a window displays with the leave entries that require a leave reason.  The user may then fill the leave reason.  The user may also enter a Leave Reason free form description in the ‘Leave Reason Text’ field.  If the window is blank there are no leave reasons to fill. 
*The timesheet cannot be submitted until all the leaves that require a leave reason has one of following columns with information “Reason” or “Leave Reason Text”.
!IPTR – Entering Leaves and Leave Reasons

*Leaves may be entered directly as a pay transaction in the grid of [IPTR].
*After saving the records, an indicator will display in the Value field. If the record is not in focus, the indicator may be a red disc marked with a white ‘x’ in the center, this indicates a leave reason is required. When the mouse is hovered over the icon a bubble text will appear with a message indicating the leave reason is required. If the record is in focus, the value will be crossed out, the red disc icon will not display. If the indicator is a yellow triangle marked with a white ‘!’ in center, this indicates the leave has cascaded. Again, the user may hover their mouse over the icon to display the message. 
!IPPH – Entering Leaves and Leave Reasons

!UPCTSP – Load Timesheets to Pay Headers
*Leave Reason is currently carried over and supported through [UPCTSP] only.
*When [UPCTSP] runs all [IAAL] “3-In Payroll” leaves are tagged as” 3-Reevaluated” (non display) and reinserted as “3-In Payroll” leaves lines again.
*After [UPCTSP] completes the leave reasons will carry over to the newly inserted “3-In Payroll leave lines in [IAAL].
*Leave reasons will not display in [IPPH].

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