[{TableOfContents }] !!!CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM- CAPERS CAPERS or ‘California Public Employees' Retirement System’ is responsible for administering the California Public Employees' Retirement Law, the Public Employees' Medical and Hospital Care Act, and the State Employees' Dental Care Act, all of which is part of the California Government Code.\\ Specialized Benefit Components (BC) and user fields are provided that may be set up to ensure that the report and interface file are created correctly. !CAPERS Contribution Codes The Contribution Code (‘CC’) is a column on the CAPERS report that defines the type of contribution being submitted. For each amount submitted, a code must be provided. The meaning of the code is shown in the table below. Benefit Components are used to define the codes (types of contributions) used at each organization. ||Normal Code||Tax Deferred Code||Description |01|11|Normal Current Contribution |02|12|Prior Period Contribution Adjustment |03|13|Prior Period Earning Adjustment |04|--|Contribution Receivable |05|15|Retroactive Salary Adjustment |06|16|Special Compensation |07|--|Prior Period Survivor Contribution Adjustment |08|--|Employee-Paid Additional Contributions (must be established prior to July 1, 1983) |09|--|Employer-Paid Additional Contributions (must be established prior to July 1, 1983) !Service Periods and Work Schedule Codes Service Period (MM-YY-T), where MMYY stands for the month and year of the service period and T stands for Service Period Type. ||Frequency||Number of Payroll Periods\\Per Year||Service Period\\Type Code||Description |Monthly|12|0| |Semi-Monthly|24|1|First half of Month (1st through the 15th) |Semi-Monthly|24|2|Second Half of Month (16th through the end of the month) |Bi-Weekly|26|3|First report in month (ending on the 1st through the 14th) |Bi-Weekly|26|4|Second report in month (ending on the 15th through the 28th) |Bi-Weekly|26|5|Third report in month (ending after 28th) |Quadri-Weekly|13|6|First report in month (ending on the 1st through the 28th) |Quadri-Weekly|13|7|Second report in month (ending after the 28th of the month) Work Schedule Code on the report is derived by the system using the employee’s master files and payroll information. ||Pay Code||Description and Formula||Work Schedule Code |‘01’ Monthly | Full time monthly paid employee works an average of 173 hours per month. To determine the monthly average when only a weekly average is known, use the following formula (rounded to nearest whole number): (Hrs per week * Weeks per Year) divided by Months per Year|173 |‘04’ Hourly|Full time Hourly paid employee works an average of 37.50 hrs/week.|375 |‘09’ Special|Only used for CC09 – Special| !!CAPERS Setup To create the required report and interface file users must use specific benefit components within a specific plan type, create user fields (if needed) and set up the required Interface Format form ([IDIF]). !Benefit Plan Types - [IBPT] All CAPERS benefit plans must be setup with a ‘CAPERS’ benefit plan type. \\ %%warning If this is spelled differently, the program will not work.%% !Benefit Plans - [IBPN] Benefit Components are used to calculate and store the values for CAPERS. These values must be qualified, for the report by what type of contribution they represent (which Contribution Code). Users must analyze the possible types of contributions made at their site, and set up the appropriate Benefit Component as described. \\ %%warning In the benefits components in the next section, the result of the component must be stored into a pay component where indicated. This may be zero but it must be stored. Define the appropriate pay component ('PC Code' field), on each Benefit Component, and ensure that the 'action' is "Store Line and Enroll".%%\\ ;Regular Enrollment Dates:Use Benefit Components B0020 through B0270 to define the Benefit Enrollment start and end dates. As with all Benefit Plans these BC must be defined. ;Member Earnings:Use Benefit Components B0320 through B0366 to define Regular Member Earnings, Prior Period Earning Adjustments, Retroactive Salary Adjustments, and Special Compensation Amounts. ;:The CAPERS ‘Member Earnings’ amount is the regular Member Earning plus the Contribution Amount required for that CAPERS Coverage group.\\ \\ ;Total Employee and Employer Contributions (Premium Amount):This ‘Premium Amount’ is not required by the CAPERS system; it may be necessary to use/set up the ‘Premium Amount’ if it is required, by the individual implementation, to include it in the Employee or Employer contribution amount. ;:Use Benefit Components B0600 through B0680 to define this amount, if needed. ;:If used, the premium rate should be entered as a percentage, i.e. 14.50% would be entered as 14.5000. ;Survivor Contribution:This is the amount of contribution a member pays for the 1959 Survivor Benefit. If a member has this coverage, the member contributes the following amounts based on the reporting frequency. ;:Monthly $2.00 ;:Semi-Monthly $1.00 ;:Bi-weekly $0.93 ;:Quadri-weekly $1.86 ;:Use Benefit Component B0695 to enter this amount. This amount can be entered either through the benefit component value, a UserCalc, or through the member’s enrollment record. ;Employer Contribution Amount:Use Benefit Component B0800 through B0849 to set up the Employer Contribution Amount. ;:This amount will appear only in the CAPERS Contribution Summary Report. ;:Enter the Employer Contribution Rate as a percentage, i.e. 8.25% would be entered as 8.2500. ;:This amount can be set up as either ‘Same as Premium Amount’, ‘Premium Amount Less Employee Contribution’, or as ‘Employer Percentage on Member Earnings’. ;:Additional Employer Contribution Amounts can only be derived using a pay element. ;Member Contributions (Employee Paid Amount):Use Benefit Component B1000 through B1048 to set up the Member Contributions. ;:This amount will appear on the CAPERS report as the Normal Member Contribution Amount. ;:Enter the Member Contribution Rate as a percentage, i.e. 7.00% would be entered as 7.0000. ;:This amount can be derived using the rules ‘Same as Premium Amount’, ‘Premium Amount Less Employer Contribution’, or as ‘Employee Percentage on Member Earnings’. ;:Additional Employee Contribution Amounts can only be derived using a Pay Element. ;Special Setup Situation for Contribution Receivables (Code ‘04’/’14’):This special Benefit Component Coverage setup applies only to installations where an employee is enrolled in a CAPERS Coverage who has Contribution Receivable that is contrary to the Normal Situation. ;:If this situation arises, then the Contribution Receivable amount (B0624) should be setup as computed from all output Pay Components (as stored in B1044, and/or B1274). ;:Also the ‘Component Action’ in B1044, and/or B1274 should not be ‘Stored in the Benefit Lines’. ;:This allows the Contribution Receivable amount (as it is entered through a Sundry Line), to be retained without overriding it. ;Tax Deferred Amount:Use Benefit Components B1270 through B1276 to set up the Tax Deferred Amount. This amount can be derived as either ‘Same as Employee Amount’, or ‘Same as Employer Amount’. ;:There is no Tax Deferred Amount for Contribution Codes 07, 08, and 09. ;Coverage Rates:The Employee Deduction Rate and Employer Contribution Rate must be entered through the [IBPN] screen (Rate step 1; Up to limit 999,999). !!List of Benefit Components Most Benefit Components have an implied Contribution Code attached, indicated as CC##. Components that represent values on the CAPERS report also require an output Pay Component to store the calculated value for later reporting.\\ \\ The Benefit Components provided in the following pages have been grouped based on their purpose under the following subheadings: \\ |0010 – 0299|Preprocessing/Qualification |0300 – 0399|Eligible Earnings/Amounts |0600 – 0699|Premiums |0800 – 0899|Employer Contributions |1000 – 1099|Employee Deduction |1200 – 1299|Tax Deferred Amounts Although the sheer number of options may seem daunting, not all components are required for every plan. They are provided to allow complete versatility when defining policies.\\ \\ __Note:__ *Bracketed words on the following pages represent fields in the Component Rules or the Enrollment Form to be filled in. i.e. <User Calc> **To create any UserCalcs that may be needed, please refer to the User Calculation Tool Workbook. *Each Component has a table to define the Rules that are available. The columns in the table are described below: **Rule the index number of the rule **Description a brief description of the rule **Logic what the rule will do if chosen, and what other ‘pieces’ it may need to complete it logic **Assoc. if there are any associated benefit components needed they are listed **Go to after this rule is chosen which benefit component should be evaluated next *The standard or most commonly used rule(s) for each component is indicated by the asterisk (*) in the rule column. !B0010 – B0299 Preprocess/Qualification\\ ---- ;B0010 Preprocess/Qualify UserCalc {optional} This component is required when a UserCalc is used to disqualify/qualify an employee from processing based on any criteria other than entity, unit, group, and/or employment status.\\ \\ Is a UserCalc required to disqualify/qualify an employee from processing?\\ Yes - Choose the rule to be used\\ No - Go to B0020\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to |00*|Use UserCalc Only|The pre-processing or qualifying <User Calc> specified will be executed. The UserCalc may be a qualifier to decide which employees to evaluate.\\ \\Specify the name of the <User Calc> on the component. The UserCalc must supply any logic required to disqualify an employee from being processed.\\ \\The UserCalc must be of the type ‘Function’, with a return value of the type ‘Boolean’. Use the RET operator to return the Boolean value of True or False.\\ \\The false value is interpreted by the component as an instruction to exit the coverage without further processing.| |B0020 \\ ---- ;B0020 Enrollment Base Date This component is required to establish the base date used in determining the effective date of an enrollment form.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the ‘Enrollment Base Date’ rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to |00|Use UserCalc Only|The <User Calc> specified will be executed. Specify the name of the UserCalc on the component. \\The UserCalc must be of the type `Function`, with a return value of the type `Date`. The UserCalc must use the RET operator to return a date value.\\ \\This value is interpreted by the component as a user provided enrollment base date from which the employee’s coverage effective date is determined.| |B0030 |01|Use Processing Date|Uses the date of the benefits run (or pay period end date if benefits are processed through payroll), to determine effective date of the employee’s coverage.| |B0030 |02*|Use Hire Date|Uses hire date from Employment Information ([IEEI]) form to determine effective date of employee’s coverage.| |B0030 |03|Use Seniority Date|Uses seniority date from Employment Information ([IEEI]) form to determine effective date of employee’s coverage.| |B0030 |04|Use Latest of Hire/Seniority/Processing Date|Uses the latest of hire date, seniority date, or date of the benefits run (or pay period end date if benefits are processed through payroll). This rule is often used when a benefit is completely optional, such as a 401K (US) or RRSP (CDN) plan.| |B0030 |05|Use Leave Date|Uses leave date from Employment Information ([IEEI]) form to determine effective date of the employee’s coverage. This rule is normally only used with disability type plans.| |B0030 |06|Use Birth Date|Uses employee’s birth date from Identity Information ([IEID]) form plus a qualifying period to determine effective date of employee’s coverage. Sometimes used for pension type plans that become mandatory at age 18 or 21.| |B0030 |07|Use Termination Date|Uses employee’s termination date from Employment Information ([IEID]) form to determine effective date of employee’s coverage. Used for special coverages available to an employee only after termination, for example, on retirement.| |B0030 \\ ---- ;B0030 Enrollment Effective Date Rule This component specifies whether a qualification period must be added to the enrollment effective date.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the ‘Enrollment Effective Base Date’ rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to |01|Use Base Date|Uses the exact date calculated by component B0020.|B0020|B0070 |02*|Use Base Date plus Qualifying Period|Uses the date calculated by component B0020, plus any additional qualifying period calculated by components B0040 and B0050.|B0020\\B0040\\B0050|B0040 \\ ---- ;B0040 Hiring Qualification {optional} This component specifies whether an employee must be hired by a certain day in the month in order for that month to be included in the qualification criteria.\\ \\ Must the employee be hired by a certain day in the month in order for month to be included in the qualification criteria? \\ Yes - Choose the rule to be used\\ No - Go to B0050\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to |00|Use Day from UserCalc Only|Specify the name of the <User Calc> on the component.\\ \\The UserCalc must be of the type `Function`, with a return value of the type `Numeric`. Use the RET operator to return a numeric value.\\ \\This value is interpreted as a user provided day of the month by which an employee must be hired in order to sign up for benefits in the first month of hire.| |B0050 |01|Use Day from Element|Specify the name of the <Element> on the component.\\ \\The value of the element is used as the user provided day of the month by which an employee must be hired in order to sign up for benefits in the first month of hire.| |B0050 |02*|Hired By Specified Day|Specify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.\\ \\The <BC Value> of the component is used as the user provided day of the month by which an employee must be hired in order to sign up for benefits in the first month of hire.\\Must be entered as DD (15 for the 15th of the month.)| |B0050 \\ ---- ;B0050 Qualifying Period {optional} Is there a specific waiting period for enrollment?\\ Yes - Choose the rule to be used \\ No - Go to B0060 ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to |01|Number of Days|Specify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.\\ \\Adds the number of days to the enrollment base date.| |B0060 |02|Number of Weeks|Specify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.\\ \\Adds the number of weeks to the enrollment base date.| |B0060 |03*|Number of Months|Specify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.\\ \\Adds the number of months to the enrollment base date.| |B0060 |04|Number of Pay Periods|Specify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.\\ \\Adds the number of pay periods to the enrollment base date.| |B0060 |05*|Number of Years|Specify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.\\ \\Adds the number of years to the enrollment base date.| |B0060 \\ ---- ;B0060 Roll Forward/Back Rule {optional} This component specifies that enrollment takes place on a specific day of the month, such as the first.\\ \\ Is it necessary to roll the effective date forward or backward to a specific day of the month?\\ Yes - Choose the rule to be used\\ No - Go to B0070\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to |01*|Roll Forward to Day in Next Month|Specify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.\\ \\Must be entered as DD (01 for the 1tstof the month.)\\ \\Rolls effective date forward to this day in the following month.\\ \\Used when benefits may only start on a specified day of the month, such as the first.| |B0070 |02|Roll Back to Day in Curr Month|Specify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.\\ \\Must be entered as DD (01 for the 1tst of the month.)\\ \\Rolls effective date back to this day in the current month.\\ \\Used when benefits may only start on a specified day of the month, such as the first, and benefits may be backdated.| |B0070 |03|Roll Forward to First Day in Next Quarter|Rolls effective date forward to the first day in the following quarter.\\ \\Used when benefits may only start at the beginning of a quarter.| |B0070 |04|Roll Back to First Day in Curr Quarter|Rolls effective date back to the first day in the current quarter.\\ \\Used when benefits may only start at the beginning of a quarter and enrollment may be backdated.| |B0070 \\ ---- ;B0070 Effective Date This component stores the final effective date result. Choose the rule that is used as the ‘Effective Date’ rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to |01*|Calculate Effective Date|Stores the calculated effective date of the benefit coverage.| |B0080 \\ ---- ;B0080 Eligibility Base Date This component is required to establish the base date used in determining the eligibility date of an enrollment form.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Eligibility Base Date rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to |00|Use UserCalc Only|The pre-processing or qualifying <User Calc> specified will be executed. Specify the name of the UserCalc on the component.\\ \\The UserCalc must be of the type `Function`, with a return value of the type `Date`. The UserCalc must use the RET operator to return a date value.\\ \\This value is interpreted by the component as a user provided enrollment base date from which the employee’s coverage eligibility date is determined.| |B0090 |01|Use Processing Date|Uses date of the benefits run (or pay period start date if benefits are processed through payroll), to determine eligibility date of employee’s coverage.| |B0090 |02*|Use Hire Date|Uses hire date from Employment Information ([IEEI]) form to determine eligibility date of employee’s coverage.| |B0090 |03|Use Seniority Date|Uses seniority date from Employment Information (IEEI) form to determine eligibility date of the employee’s coverage.| |B0090 |04|Use Latest of Hire/Seniority/Processing Date|Uses latest of hire date, seniority date or date of the benefits run (or pay period end date if benefits are processed through payroll). This rule is often used when a benefit is completely optional, such as a 401K (US) or RRSP (CDN) plan.| |B0090 |05|Use Leave Date|Uses leave date from Employment Information ([IEEI]) form to determine eligibility date of employee’s coverage. This rule is normally only used with disability type plans.| |B0090 |06|Use Birth Date|Uses employee’s birth date from Identity Information ([IEID]) form plus a qualifying period to determine eligibility date of employee’s coverage. Sometimes used for pension type plans that become mandatory at age 18 or 21.| |B0090 |07|Use Termination Date|Uses employee’s termination date from Employment Information ([IEEI]) form to determine eligibility date of employee’s coverage. Used for special coverages available to an employee only after termination (for example, retirement).| |B0090 |08|Use Effective Date|Uses date calculated in component B0070.|B0070|B0090 \\ ---- ;B0090 Eligibility Date Rule This component specifies whether a qualification period must be added to the enrollment eligibility date.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the ‘Eligibility Date’ rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to |01|Use Base Date|Uses the exact date calculated by component B0080.|B0080|B0130 |02*|Use Base Date Plus Qualifying Period|Uses the date calculated by component B0080, plus any additional qualifying period calculated by components B0100 and B0110.|B0080\\B0100\\B0110|B0100 \\ ---- ;B0100 Hiring Qualification {optional} This component specifies whether an employee must be hired by a certain day in the month in order for that month to be included in the qualification criteria.\\ \\ Must the employee be hired by a certain day in the month in order for month to be included in the qualification criteria?\\ Yes - Choose the rule to be used \\ No - Go to B0110\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to |00|Use Day from UserCalc Only|Specify the name of the <User Calc> on the component.\\ \\The UserCalc must be of the type `Function`, with a return value of the type `Numeric`. Use the RET operator to return a numeric value.\\ \\ This value is interpreted as the user provided day of the month by which an employee must be hired in order to be eligible for benefits in the first month of hire.| |B0110 |01|Use Day from Element|Specify the name of the <Element> on the component.\\ \\The value of the element is used as the user provided day of the month by which an employee must be hired in order to be eligible for benefits in the first month of hire.| |B0110 |02*|Hired By Specified Day|Specify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.\\ \\The <BC Value> of the component is used as the user provided day of the month by which an employee must be hired in order to be eligible for benefits in the first month of hire.\\ \\Must be entered as DD (15 for the 15th of the month.)| |B0110 \\ ---- ;B0110 Qualifying Period {optional} This component specifies the waiting period for benefit eligibility.\\ \\ Is there a specific waiting period for eligibility? \\ Yes - Choose the rule to be used\\ No - Go to B0120\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to |01|Number of Days|Specify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.\\ \\Adds the number of days to the eligibility base date.| |B0120 |02|Number of Weeks|Specify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.\\ \\Adds the number of weeks to the eligibility base date.| |B0120 |03*|Number of Months|Specify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.\\ \\Adds the number of months to the eligibility base date.| |B0120 |04|Number of Pay Periods|Specify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.\\ \\Adds the number of pay periods to the eligibility base date.| |B0120 |05*|Number of Years|Specify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.\\ \\Adds the number of years to the eligibility base date.| |B0120 \\ ---- ;B0120 Roll Forward/Back Rule {optional} This component specifies that the eligibility date takes place on a specific day of the month, such as the first. \\ \\ Is it necessary to roll the eligibility date forward or backward to a specific day of the month? \\ Yes - Choose the rule to be used\\ No - Go to B0130 \\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to |01*|Roll Forward to Day in Next Month|Specify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.\\ \\Must be entered as DD (01 for the 1tstof the month.)\\ \\Rolls the eligibility date forward to this day in the following month.\\ \\Used when benefits may only start on a specified day of the month, such as the first.| |B0130 |02|Roll Back to Day in Curr Month|Specify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.\\ \\Must be entered as DD (01 for the 1tstof the month.)\\ \\Rolls the eligibility date back to this day in the current month.\\ \\Used when benefits may only start on a specified day of the month, such as the first, and benefits may be backdated.| |B0130 |03|Roll Forward to First Day in Next Quarter|Rolls the eligibility date forward to the first day in the following quarter.\\ \\Used when benefits may only start at the beginning of a quarter.| |B0130 |04|Roll Back to First Day in Curr Quarter|Rolls the eligibility date back to the first day in the current quarter.\\ \\Used when benefits may only start at the beginning of a quarter, and eligibility may be backdated.| |B0130 \\ ---- ;B0130 Eligible Date This component stores the final eligibility date result.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the ‘Eligible Date’ rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to |01*|Calculate Eligible Date|Stores the calculated eligibility date of the benefit coverage.| |B0140 \\ ---- ;B0140 Premium Start Date This component determines the date premiums will commence.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Premium Start Date rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to |00|Use UserCalc Only|Specify the name of the <User Calc> on the component.\\ \\The UserCalc must be of the type `Function`, with a return value of the type `Date`. The UserCalc must use the RET operator to return a date value.\\ \\This value is interpreted by the component as a user provided premium date.| |B0150 |01*|Use Effective Date|Uses component B0070 as the premium date.|B0070|B0150 |02|Use Eligible Date|Uses component B0130 as the premium date.|B0130|B0150 \\ ---- ;B0150 Expire Base Date This component is required to establish the base date used in determining the expiration of an enrollment form.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Expire Base Date rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to |00|UserCalc Only|Specify the name of the <User Calc> on the component.\\ \\The UserCalc must be of the type `Function`, with a return value of the type `Date`. The UserCalc must use the RET operator to return a date value.\\ \\This value is interpreted by the component as the user provided base date from which the employee’s enrollment is expired.| |B0160 |01|Use End of Time|Uses 31st December, 3999 as the base date from which the employee’s enrollment is expired.| |B0160 |02*|Use Termination Date|Uses the employee’s termination date from Employment Information ([IEEI]) form to determine the date the employee’s enrollment is expired, or 31st December, 3999 if there is no termination date available.| |B0160 |03|Use Leave Date|Uses the employee’s leave date from Employment Information ([IEEI]) form to determine the date that the employee’s enrollment is expired.| |B0160 |04|Use Earlier of Term or Leave Date|Uses the earlier of the termination date or the leave date as the date from which an employee’s enrollment is expired, or 31st December, 3999 if there is no termination date available.| |B0160 |05*|Use Birth Date|Uses the employee’s birth date from the Identity Information ([IEID]) form plus a continuation period to determine the date an employee’s enrollment is expired.\\ \\Sometimes used for life type plans that automatically expire at a specific age.| |B0160 |06|Use Spouse's Birth Date|Uses the spouse birth date from the Contact ([IECT]) form plus a continuation period to determine the date a spouse’s enrollment is expired. Sometimes used for dependent or spousal life type plans that automatically expire at a specific age.| |B0160 \\ ---- ;B0160 Expire Date Rule This component specifies whether a continuation period must be added to the enrollment expiration date.\\ \\ Choose the rule that will be used as the Expire Date rule. ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to |01|Use Base Date|Uses the exact date calculated by component B0150 to expire the enrollment.|B0150|B0200 |02*|Use Base Date plus Continuation Period|Uses the date calculated by component B0150, plus any additional continuance period calculated by components B0170 and B0180 to expire the enrollment.|B0150\\B0170\\B0180| |B0170 \\ ---- ;B0170 Termination Qualification {optional} This component specifies the day on or after which an employee must be terminated in order to remain enrolled.\\ \\ Must an employee be terminated on/after a certain day in the month in order for month to be included in the continuation criteria?\\ Yes - Choose the rule to be used\\ No - Go to B0180\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to |00|Use Day from Calc Only|Specify the name of the <User Calc> on the component.\\ \\The UserCalc must be of the type `Function`, with a return value of the type `Numeric`. Use the RET operator to return a numeric value.\\ \\This value is interpreted as a user provided day of the month after which an employee must be terminated by, in order to remain enrolled during the last month of employment.|B0160|B0180 |01|Use Day from Element|Specify the name of the <Element> on the component.\\ \\The value of the element is used as the user provided day of the month after which an employee must be terminated in order to remain enrolled during the last month of employment.|B0160|B0180 |02*|Terminated after Specified Day|Specify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.\\ \\The value of the component is used as the user provided day of the month after which an employee must be terminated in order to remain enrolled during the last month of employment.\\ \\Must be entered as DD (15 for the 15th of the month.)|B0160|B0180 |03|Terminated on Last Day in Month|Specifies an employee must not terminate until the last day of the month in order to remain enrolled during the last month of employment.|B0160|B0180 \\ ---- ;B0180 Continuation Period {optional} This component specifies the continuation period for benefit enrollment.\\ \\ Is there a continuation period for benefit enrollment?\\ Yes - Choose the rule to be used\\ No - Go to B0190\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to |01|Number of Days|Specify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.\\ \\Adds the number of days to the expiration base date.|B0160\\B0170|B0190 |02|Number of Weeks|Specify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.\\ \\Adds the number of weeks to the expiration base date.|B0160\\B0170|B0190 |03*|Number of Months|Specify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.\\ \\Adds the number of months to the expiration base date.|B0160\\B0170|B0190 |04|Number of Pay Periods|Specify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.\\ \\Adds the number of pay periods to the expiration base date.|B0160\\B0170|B0190 |05*|Number of Years|Specify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.\\ \\Adds the number of years to the expiration base date.|B0160\\B0170|B0190 \\ ---- ;B0190 Roll Forward/Back Rule {optional} This component specifies that enrollment expires on a specific day of the month, such as the last.\\ \\ Is it necessary to roll the expiry date forward or backward to a specific day of the month?\\ Yes - Choose the rule to be used\\ No - Go to B0200\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to |01|Roll Forward to Day in Curr Month|Specify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.\\ \\Must be entered as DD (31 for the end of the month.)\\ \\Rolls the expiration date forward to this day in the current or following month whichever is past the original expiration date month.\\ \\Used when benefits may only expire on a specified day of the month.| |B0200 |02*|Roll Back to Day in Prev Month|Specify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.\\ \\Must be entered as DD (31 for the end of the month.)\\ \\Rolls the expiration date back to this day in the previous month.\\ \\Used when benefit may only expire on a specified day of \\ \\the month.| |B0200 |03|Roll Forward to Last Day in Curr Quarter|Rolls the expiration date forward to the last day in the current quarter.\\ \\Used when benefits may only expire at the end of a quarter.| |B0200 |04|Roll Back to Last Day in Prev Quarter|Rolls the expiration date back to the last day in the previous quarter.\\ \\Used when benefits may only expire at the end of a quarter and the employee has to be employed for the whole quarter in order to be enrolled for that quarter.| |B0200 \\ ---- ;B0200 Expire Date This component stores the final expiration date result.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Expire Date rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to |01*|Calculate Expire Date |Stores the calculated expiration date of the enrollment.| |B0210 \\ ---- ;B0210 Eligibility End Base Date This component is required to establish the base date used in determining the eligibility end date of an enrollment form.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Eligibility End Base Date rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to |00|UserCalc Only|Specify the name of the <User Calc> on the component.\\ \\The UserCalc must be of the type `Function`, with a return value of the type `Date`. The UserCalc must use the RET operator to return a date value.\\ \\This value is interpreted by the component as a user provided base date from which the employee’s eligibility is expired.| |B0220 |01|Use End of Time|Uses 31st December, 3999 as base date from which employee’s eligibility is expired.| |B0220 |02*|Use Termination Date|Uses employee’s termination date from Employment Information ([IEEI]) to determine date employee’s eligibility is expired, or 31st December, 3999 if date is unavailable.| |B0220 |03|Use Leave Date|Uses employee’s leave date from Employment Information ([IEEI]) to determine date employee’s eligibility is expired, or 31st December, 3999 if date is unavailable.| |B0220 |04|Use Earlier of Term or Leave Date|Uses earlier of termination date or leave date as date from which an employee’s eligibility is expired, or 31st December, 3999 if date is unavailable.| |B0220 |05*|Use Birth Date|Uses employee’s birth date from Identity Information ([IEID]) plus a continuation period to determine date employee’s eligibility is expired. Sometimes used for life type plans that automatically expire at a specific age.| |B0220 |06|Use Spouse's Birth Date|Uses spouse’s birth date from Contact ([IECT]) form plus a continuation period to determine date spouse’s eligibility is expired. Sometimes used for dependent or spousal life type plans that automatically expire at a specific age.| |B0220 \\ ---- ;B0220 Eligibility End Date Rule This component specifies whether a continuation period must be added to the enrollment eligibility end date.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Eligibility End Date rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to |01|Use Base Date|Uses the exact date calculated by component B0210 to expire the benefit eligibility.|B0210|B0260 |02*|Use Base Date plus Continuation Period|Uses the date calculated by component B0210, plus any additional continuance period calculated by components B0230 and B0240 to expire the benefit eligibility.|B0210\\B0230\\B0240|B0230 \\ ---- ;B0230 Termination Qualification {optional} This component specifies whether an employee must be terminated on/after a certain day in the month in order for that month to be included in the continuation criteria.\\ \\ Must an employee be terminated on/after a certain day in the month in order for month to be included in the continuation criteria?\\ Yes - Choose the rule to be used \\ No - Go to B0240\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to |00|Use Day from Calc Only|Specify the name of the <User Calc> on the component.\\ \\The UserCalc must be of the type `Function`, with a return value of the type `Numeric`. Use the RET operator to return a numeric value.\\ \\This value is interpreted as a user provided day of the month after which an employee must be terminated in order to be eligible for benefits during the last month of employment.|B0220|B0240 |01|Use Day from Element|Specify the name of the <Element> on the component.\\ \\The value of the element is used as the user provided day of the month after which an employee must be terminated in order to be eligible for benefits during the last month of employment.|B0220|B0240 |02*|Terminated after Specified Day|Specify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.\\ \\The value of the component is used as the user provided day of the month after which an employee must be terminated in order to remain eligible for benefits during the last month of employment.\\ \\Must be entered as DD (15 for the 15th of the month.)|B0220|B0240 |03*|Terminated on Last Day in Month|Specifies an employee must not terminate until the last day of the month in order to remain eligible for benefits during the last month of employment.|B0220|B0240 \\ ---- ;B0240 Continuation Period This component specifies the length of the continuation period.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Continuation Period rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to |01|Number of Days|Specify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.\\ \\Add the number of days to the eligibility end base date.|B0220\\B0230|B0250 |02|Number of Weeks|Specify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.\\ \\Adds the number of weeks to the eligibility end base date.|B0220\\B0230|B0250 |03*|Number of Months|Specify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.\\ \\Adds the number of months to the eligibility end base date.|B0220\\B0230|B0250 |04|Number of Pay Periods|Specify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.\\ \\Adds the number of pay periods to the eligibility end base date.|B0220\\B0230|B0250 |05*|Number of Years|Specify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.|B0220|B0250 | | |Adds the number of years to the eligibility end base date.|B0230| | \\ ---- ;B0250 Roll Forward/Back Rule {optional} This component specifies that eligibility ends on a specific day of the month, such as the last.\\ \\ Is it necessary to roll the eligibility end date forward or backward to a specific day of the month?\\ Yes - Choose the rule to be used\\ No - Go to B0260\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |01*|Roll Forward to Day in Curr Month Specify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.\\ \\Must be entered as DD (31 for the end of the month.)\\ \\Rolls the expiration date forward to this day in the current month.\\ \\Used when benefits may only expire on a specified day of the month.| |B0260 |02|Roll Back to Day in Prev Month|Specify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.\\ \\Must be entered as DD (31 for the end of the month.)\\ \\Rolls the expiration date back to this day in the previous month.\\Used when benefit may only expire on a specified day of the month.| |B0260 |03|Roll Forward to Last Day in Curr Quarter|Rolls the expiration date forward to the last day in the current quarter.\\ \\Used when benefit eligibility may only end at the end of a quarter.| |B0260 |04|Roll Back to Last Day in Prev Quarter|Rolls the expiration date back to the last day in the previous quarter.\\ \\Used when benefit eligibility may only end at the end of a quarter and the employee has to be employed for the whole quarter in order to be enrolled for quarter.| |B0260 \\ ---- ;B0260 Eligibility End Date This component stores the final eligible end date result.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Eligibility End Date rule. ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to |01*|Calculate Eligibility End Date|Stores the calculated end date of the eligibility.| |B0270 \\ ---- ;B0270 Premium End Date This component determines the date premium collection will cease.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Premium End Date rule. ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to |00|UserCalc Only|Specify the name of the <User Calc> on the component.\\ \\The UserCalc must be of the type `Function`, with a return value of the type `Date`. The UserCalc must use the RET operator to return a date value.\\ \\This value is interpreted by the component as a user provided date from which the employee’s premium is ended.| |B0300 |01*|Use Expire Date|Uses the date calculated in component B0210 as the premium end date.|B0210|B0300 |02|Use Eligibility End Date|Uses the date calculated in component B0260 as the premium end date.|B0260|B0300 !B0300 - B0399 Eligible Earnings/Amounts \\ ---- ;B0320 Normal Member Earnings (Before Cap) Calculation Method CC01\\ This component specifies which earnings are considered eligible for benefit calculation purposes.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Normal Members Earnings Calculation Method rule. ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to |00|UserCalc Only|Specify the name of the <User Calc> on the component.\\ \\The UserCalc must be of the type `Function`, with a return value of the type `Numeric`. Use the RET operator to return the numeric value.\\ \\This value is interpreted by the component as a User provided normal member earnings.|B0300|B0323 |01*|Use Earnings from Element|Specify the name of the <Element> on the component.\\ \\The value of the element will be used as normal member earnings.|B0300|B0323 \\ ---- ;B0323 Eligible Prior Period Earnings Adjustment Earnings Calculation Method CC03\\ This component specifies which earnings are considered eligible for benefit calculation purposes.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Eligible Prior Period Earnings Adjustment Earnings Calculation Method rule. ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |00|UserCalc Only|Specify the name of the <User Calc> on the component.\\ \\The UserCalc must be of the type `Function`, with a return value of the type `Numeric`. Use the RET operator to return the numeric value.\\ \\This value is interpreted by the component as a User provided prior period earnings.| |B0325 |01*|Use Earnings Amount from Element|Specify the name of the <Element> on the component.\\ \\The value of the element will be used as prior period earnings.| |B0325 \\ ---- ;B0325 Eligible Retroactive Salary Adjustment Earnings Calculation Method CC05 This component specifies which earnings are considered eligible for benefit calculation purposes.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Eligible Retroactive Salary Adjustment Earnings Calculation Method rule. ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |00|UserCalc Only|Specify the name of the <User Calc> on the component.|The UserCalc must be of the type `Function`, with a return value of the type `Numeric`. Use the RET operator to return the numeric value.\\ \\This value is interpreted by the component as a user provided retroactive salary earnings.| |B0326 |01*|Use Earnings from Element|Specify the name of the <Element> on the component.\\ \\The value of the element will be used as retroactive salary earnings.| |B0326 \\ ---- ;B0326 Eligible Special Compensation Earnings Calculation Method CC06 This component specifies which earnings are considered eligible for benefit calculation purposes.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Eligible Special Compensation Earnings Calculation Method rule. ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |00|UserCalc Only|Specify the name of the <User Calc> on the component.\\ \\The UserCalc must be of the type `Function`, with a return value of the type `Numeric`. Use the RET operator to return the numeric value.\\ \\This value is interpreted by the component as a user provided special compensation amount.| |B0350 |01*|Use Earnings from Element|Specify the name of the <Element> on the component.\\ \\The value of the element will be used as special compensation amount.| |B0350 \\ ---- ;B0350 Round Normal Member Earnings {optional} This component enables the earnings to be rounded to the next or nearest specified value.\\ \\ Are the normal member earnings to be rounded? \\ Yes - Choose the rule to be used\\ No - Go to B0360\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to |01|Round Up To Next Value|Specify the rounding factor on the component (e.g. 1000).\\ \\Rounds the normal member earnings up to the next value specified. (e.g. 39,420 rounded to the next 1000 would be 40,000)|B0320|B0360 |02*|Round Up/Down To Nearest Value|Specify the rounding factor on the component (e.g. 1000).\\ \\Rounds the normal member earnings to the nearest value specified. (e.g. 39,4000 rounded to the nearest 1000 would be 39,000 and 39,5200 rounded to the nearest 1000 would be 40,000)|B0320|B0360 \\ ---- ;B0360 Normal Member Earnings (Sequence 581) CC01 This component determines whether the amount of the earnings replaces any previously calculated amount, or adds to it.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Normal Member Earnings rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to |01*|Replace Enrollment Value|Replaces the enrollment value with the newly calculated normal member earnings value.\\ \\A <PC Code> must be indicated.\\ \\This is the standard rule used.| |B0363 |02|Accumulate Enrollment Value|Accumulates the newly calculated eligible earnings value into the existing enrollment value.\\ \\Required when accumulating pensionable or similar types of earnings.| |B0363 \\ ---- ;B0363 Prior Period Earnings Adjustment Earnings (Sequence 583) CC03 This is the prior period earnings adjustment earnings used to calculate the prior period contribution for CAPERS. The prior period earnings amount replaces any previously calculated amount.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Prior Period Earnings Adjustment Earnings rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to |01*|Replace Enrollment Value|Replaces the enrollment value with the newly calculated prior period earnings value.\\ \\A <PC Code> must be indicated.| |B0365 \\ ---- ;B0365 Retroactive Salary Adjustment Earnings (Sequence 585) CC05 This component determines what the retroactive salary amount is.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Retroactive Salary Adjustment Earnings rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to |01*|Replace Enrollment Value|Replaces the enrollment value with the newly calculated retroactive salary earnings value.\\ \\A <PC Code> must be indicated.| |B0366 \\ ---- ;B0366 Special Compensation Amount (Sequence 588) CC06 This component determines what the amount of the special compensation is.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Special Compensation Amount rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to |01*|Replace Enrollment Value|Replaces the enrollment value with the newly calculated special compensation amount value.\\ \\A <PC Code> must be indicated.| |B0600 !B0600 - B0699 Premiums \\ ---- ;B0600 Premium Rate This component specifies the source of the premium rate.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Premium Rate rule ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to |00|Use Value from UserCalc|Specify the name of the <User Calc> on the component.\\ \\The UserCalc must be of the type `Function`, with a return value of the type `Numeric`. Use the RET operator to return the numeric value.\\ \\This value is interpreted by the component as a user provided premium rate.| |B0620 |02*|Use Value from Coverage Rate Step|Uses the premium rate from the Rates tab.| |B0620 \\ ---- ;B0620 Normal Member Premium Calculation Method CC01 This component determines how the premium amount will be calculated.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Normal Member Premium Calculation Method rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to |10|Premium Rate × Normal Member Earnings / 100|Multiplies the premium rate from the Rates tab by the Normal Member earnings (B0360) divided by 100.\\ \\The premium rate must be specified as a percentage not a decimal.\\ \\Rule should be used in PERS plan only|B0360|B0622 \\ ---- ;B0622 Prior Period Adjustment Premium Calculation Method CC02 This component determines how the prior period amount will be calculated.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Prior Period Adjustment Premium Calculation Method rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |01|Use Value from Element|Specify the name of the <Element> on the component.\\ \\The value of the element will be used as the Prior Period Contribution amount.| |B0622 \\ ---- ;B0623 Prior Period Earnings Premium Calculation Method CC03 This component determines how the prior period earnings amount will be calculated.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Prior Period Earnings Premium Calculation Method rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |10|Premium Rate × Prior Period Adjustment Earnings / 100|Multiplies the premium rate from the Rates tab by the prior period earnings (B0363) divided by 100.\\ \\The premium rate must be specified as a percentage not a decimal.\\ \\Rule should be used in PERS plan only.|B0363|B0624 \\ ---- ;B0624 Contribution Receivable Premium Calculation Method CC04 This component determines how the contribution receivable amount will be calculated.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Contribution Receivable Premium Calculation Method rule. ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |01|Use Value from Element|Specify the name of the <Element> on the component.\\ \\The value of the element will be used as the Contribution Receivable amount.| |B0625 \\ ---- ;B0625 Retroactive Salary Premium Calculation Method CC05 This component determines how the retroactive salary amount will be calculated.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Retroactive Salary Premium Calculation Method rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to |10|Premium Rate × Retroactive Salary Earnings / 100|Multiplies the premium rate from the Rates tab by the retroactive salary earnings (B0365) divided by 100.\\ \\The premium rate must be specified as a percentage not a decimal.\\ \\Rule should be used in PERS plan only.|B0365|B0626 \\ ---- ;B0626 Special Compensation Premium Calculation Method CC06 This component determines how the special compensation amount will be calculated.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Special Compensation Premium Calculation Method rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |10|Premium Rate × Special Compensation Amount / 100|Multiplies the premium rate from the Rates tab by the Special Compensation Amount (B0366) divided by 100.\\ \\The premium rate must be specified as a percentage not a decimal.\\ \\Rule should be used in PERS plan only.|B0366|B0627 \\ ---- ;B0627 Prior Period Survivor Adjustment Premium Calculation Method CC07 This component determines how the prior period survivor amount will be calculated.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Prior Period Survivor Adjustment Premium Calculation Method rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |01|Use Value from Element|Specify the name of the <Element> on the component.\\ \\The value of the element will be used as the Prior Period Survivor Adjustment amount.| |B0670 \\ ---- ;B0670 Round Normal Member Premium Amount {optional} This component enables the calculated premium amount to be rounded up or down to the <BC Value> specified (e.g. 1000).\\ \\ Round the premium amount up or down?\\ \\ Yes - Choose the rule to be used\\ No - Go to B0680\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |01|Round Up To Next Value|Specify the rounding factor on the component (e.g. 1000).\\ \\Rounds the premium amount up to the next value specified. (e.g. 39,420 rounded to the next 1000 would be 40,000)|B0610|B0680 |02*|Round Up/Down To Nearest Value|Specify the rounding factor on the component (e.g. 1000).\\ \\Rounds the premium amount to the nearest value specified. (e.g. 39,4000 rounded to the nearest 1000 would be 39,000 and 39,5200 rounded to the nearest 1000 would be 40,000)|B0610|B0680 \\ ---- ;B0680 Normal Member Premium Amount CC01 This component determines whether the premium amount replaces any previously calculated amount, or adds to it.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Normal Member Premium Amount rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |01*|Replace Value|Replaces the enrollment value with the newly calculated premium amount.| |B0682 \\ ---- ;B0682 Prior Period Adjustment Premium Calculation Method CC02 This component determines whether the prior period premium amount replaces any previously calculated amount, or adds to it.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Prior Period Adjustment Premium Calculation Method rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |01*|Replace Value|Replaces the enrollment value with the newly calculated premium amount.|B0622|B0683 \\ ---- ;B0683 Prior Period Earnings Adjustment Premium Amount CC03 This component determines whether the prior period adjustment earnings amount replaces any previously calculated amount, or adds to it.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Prior Period Adjustment Earnings Premium Amount rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |01*|Replace Value|Replaces the enrollment value with the newly calculated premium amount.|B0623|B0684 \\ ---- ;B0684 Contribution Receivable Premium Amount CC04 This component determines whether the contribution receivable premium amount replaces any previously calculated amount, or adds to it.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Contribution Receivable Premium Amount rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |01*|Replace Value|Replaces the enrollment value with the newly calculated premium amount.|B0624|B0685 \\ ---- ;B0685 Retroactive Salary Adjustment Premium Amount CC05 This component determines whether the retroactive salary amount replaces any previously calculated amount, or adds to it.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Retroactive Salary Premium Amount rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |01*|Replace Value|Replaces the enrollment value with the newly calculated premium amount.|B0625|B0686 \\ ---- ;B0686 Special Compensation Premium Amount CC06 This component determines whether the special compensation premium amount replaces any previously calculated amount, or adds to it.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Special Compensation Premium Amount rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |01*|Replace Value|Replaces the enrollment value with the newly calculated premium amount.|B0626|B0687 \\ ---- ;B0687 Prior Period Survivor Adjustment Premium Amount CC07 This component determines whether the prior period survivor amount replaces any previously calculated amount, or adds to it.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Prior Period Survivor Adjustment Premium Amount rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |01*|Replace Value|Replaces the enrollment value with the newly calculated premium amount.\\ \\A <PC Code> must be indicated if Prior Period Amounts are to have their own Survivor Contribution attached and not the normal Survivor Amount from B0695. This amount may be 0.00|B0627|B0695 \\ ---- ;B0695 Survivor Amount This component determines the total required contribution amount for survivor amounts.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Survivor Amount rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |00|Use Value from UserCalc|Specify the name of the <User Calc> on the component.\\ \\The UserCalc must be of the type `Function`, with a return value of the type `Numeric`. Use the RET operator to return the numeric value. This value is interpreted by the component as a User provided premium rate.\\ \\A <PC Code> must be indicated.| |B0800 |02*|Use Value from Enrollment|Uses the override amount provided on the employee’s current enrollment details form ([IBEN]) for this component. This is for individual employees.\\ \\Or the coverage <BC Value> on the component, this is for all enrolled employees.\\ \\A <PC Code> must be indicated.\\ \\The employee’s enrolment detail must be initialized with a value, either by conversion or manual input, or through the component value.| |B0800 !B0800 - B0899 Employer Contributions \\ ---- ;B0800 Contribution Rate This component specifies the source of the contribution rate to be used by B0800’s Rule 11.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Contribution Rate rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |00|Use Value from UserCalc|Specify the name of the <User Calc> on the component.\\ \\The UserCalc must be of the type `Function`, with a return value of the type `Numeric`. Use the RET operator to return the numeric value. This value is interpreted by the component as a user provided contribution rate.| |B0810 |01*|Use Specified Value|Specify the <BC Value> on the component.\\ \\The specified value is used as the contribution rate.| |B0810 |02*|Use Value from Coverage Rate Step|Uses the contribution rate from the __Rates tab__.| |B0810 |03 |Use Value from Enrollment|Specify the value on the employee’s enrollment.\\ \\The specified value is used as the contribution rate.| |B0810 \\ ---- ;B0810 Employer Paid Amount Contribution Method CC01 This component determines how the contribution amount will be calculated.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Employer Paid Amount Contribution Method rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |04|Use Premium Amount|Uses the whole premium amount (B0680) as the contribution amount.\\ \\Rule used when the employer pays the total premium.|B0680|B0812 |06|Premium Amt Less EE Deduction|Uses the difference between the premium amount (B0680) and the employee deduction (B1040) as the contribution amount.\\ \\When using this rule, the sequence numbers of the contribution components B0800 to B0850 must be changed to calculate after the deduction component B1040 has already been calculated.|B0680\\B0800\\B1040|B0812 |11*|Percentage of Eligible Earnings|The contribution (B0800) divided by 100 multiplied by the Eligible Earnings (B0360)|B0800\\B0360|B0812 \\ ---- ;B0812 Prior Period Contribution Calculation Method This component determines how the prior period amount will be calculated.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Prior Period Contribution Calculation Method rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |04*|Use Premium Amount|Uses the whole premium amount (B0682) as the contribution amount.\\ \\Rule used when the employer pays the total premium.|B0682|B0813 |05|Use Percentage of Premium Amount|Specify the <BC Value> on the component.\\ \\Uses the specified value as a percentage to apply to the premium amount (B0682) as the contribution amount. Rule used when only a percentage of the premium is paid by the employer.|B0682|B0813 |06|Premium Amt Less EE Deduction|Uses the difference between the premium amount (B0682) and the employee deduction (B1042) as the contribution amount.\\ \\When using this rule, the sequence numbers of the contribution components B0800 to B0850 must be changed to calculate after the deduction component B1042 has already been calculated.|B0682\\B1042|B0813 \\ ---- ;B0813 Prior Period Earnings Adjustment Contribution Calculation Method CC03 This component determines how the prior period adjustment amount will be calculated.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Prior Period Adjustment Contribution Calculation Method rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |04|Use Premium Amount|Uses the whole premium amount (B0683) as the contribution amount.\\ \\Rule used when the employer pays the total premium.|B0683|B0814 |06|Premium Amt less EE Deduction|Uses the difference between the premium amount (B0683) and the employee deduction (B1043) as the contribution amount.\\ \\When using this rule, the sequence numbers of the contribution components B0800 to B0850 must be changed to calculate after the deduction component B1043 has already been calculated.|B0683\\B0800\\B1043|B0814 |11*|Percentage of Eligible Earnings| The contribution rate (B0800) divided by 100 multiplied by the Prior Period Adjustment Earnings (B0363).|B0800\\B0363|B0814 \\ ---- ;B0814 Contribution Receivable Contribution Calculation Method This component determines how the contribution receivable amount will be calculated.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Contribution Receivable Contribution Calculation Method rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |04*|Use Premium Amount|Uses the whole premium amount (B0684) as the contribution amount.\\ \\Rule used when the employer pays the total premium.|B0684|B0815 |05|Use Percentage of Premium Amount|Specify the <BC Value> on the component.\\ \\Uses the specified value as a percentage to apply to the premium amount (B0684) as the contribution amount.\\ \\Rule used when a percentage of the premium is paid by the employer.|B0684|B0815 |06|Premium Amt Less EE Deduction|Uses the difference between the premium amount (B0684) and the employee deduction (B1044) as the contribution amount.\\ \\When using this rule, the sequence numbers of the contribution components B0800 to B0850 must be changed to calculate after the deduction component B1044 has already been calculated.|B0684\\B1044|B0815 \\ ---- ;B0815 Retroactive Salary Adjustment Contribution Calculation Method CC05 This component determines how the retroactive salary amount will be calculated.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Retroactive Salary Adjustment Contribution Calculation Method rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |04|Use Premium Amount|Uses the whole premium amount (B0685) as the contribution amount.\\ \\Rule used when the employer pays the total premium.|B0685|B0816 |06|Premium Amt less EE Deduction|Uses the difference between the premium amount (B0685) and the employee deduction (B1045) as the contribution amount.\\ \\When using this rule, the sequence numbers of the contribution components B0800 to B0850 must be changed to calculate after the deduction component B1045 has already been calculated.|B0685\\B0800\\B1045|B0816 |11*|Percentage of Eligible Earnings|The contribution rate (B0800) divided by 100 multiplied by the Retroactive Earnings (B0365).|B0800\\B0365|B0815 \\ ---- ;B0816 Special Compensation Contribution Calculation Method CC06 This component determines how the special compensation amount will be calculated.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Special Compensation Contribution Calculation Method rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |04|Use Premium Amount|Uses the whole premium amount (B0686) as the contribution amount.\\Rule used when the employer pays the total premium.|B0686|B0817 |06|Premium Amt less EE Deduction|Uses the difference between the premium amount (B0686) and the employee deduction (B1046) as the contribution amount.\\ \\When using this rule, the sequence numbers of the contribution components B0800 to B0850 must be changed to calculate after the deduction component B1046 has already been calculated.|B0686\\B0800\\B1046|B0817 |11*|Percentage of Eligible Earnings|The contribution rate (B0800) divided by 100 multiplied by the Special Compensation Earnings (B0366).|B0800\\B0366|B0817 \\ ---- ;B0817 Prior Period Survivor Adjustment Contribution Calculation Method CC07 This component determines how the prior period survivor amount will be calculated.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Prior Period Survivor Adjustment Contribution Calculation Method rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |04*|Use Premium Amount|Uses the whole premium amount (B0687) as the contribution amount.\\ \\Rule used when the employer pays the total premium.|B0687|B0819 |05|Use Percentage of Premium Amount|Specify the <BC Value> on the component.\\ \\Uses the specified value as a percentage to apply to the premium amount (B0687) as the contribution amount.\\ \\Rule used when only a percentage of the premium is paid by the employer.|B0687|B0819 |06|Premium Amt less EE Deduction|Uses the difference between the premium amount (B0687) and the employee deduction (B1047) as the contribution amount.\\ \\When using this rule, the sequence numbers of the contribution components B0800 to B0850 must be changed to calculate after the deduction component B1047 has already been calculated.|B0687\\B1047|B0819 \\ ---- ;B0819 Employer Paid Additional Contribution Calculation Method CC09 This component determines how the employer paid additional amount will be calculated.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Employer Paid Additional Contribution Calculation Method rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |01*|Use Amount from Element|Specify the name of the <Element> on the component.\\ \\The value of the element will be used as the Employer Paid Additional Contribution Amount.| |B0830 \\ ---- ;B0830 Round Employer Paid Contribution Amount {optional} This component enables the calculated contribution amount to be rounded up or down to the <BC Value> specified (e.g. 0.01). Used to indicate that it is the employer who picks up the odd one cent when a premium is not divisible exactly in half.\\ \\ If the premium is not evenly divisible by the processing frequency should the employer pick up the extra cent?\\ Yes – continue with Rule 1\\ No – go to next question\\ \\ Round the contribution amount up?\\ Yes - Choose the rule to be used\\ No - Go to B0840\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |01*|Company picks up extra cent|Specify the rounding factor on the component (e.g. 0.01) in the <BC Value> field.\\ \\Adds the extra cent to the contribution amount when the premium is split between the company and the employee and the result is not exact cents. i.e. If the premium were $132.69/mo and the split was 50/50 between the employee and the company the amounts would be $66.345. Rounding the company portion would mean that the employee pays $66.34 and the company’s portion is $66.35.|B0810|B0840 |02|Rounded to the Nearest Cent|Specify the rounding factor on the component (e.g. 0.01) in the <BC Value> field.\\ \\Rounds the deduction amount to the nearest cent when the dollar amount calculated is more than two decimal places.|B0810|B0840 |03|Rounded Down to the Next Cent|Specify the rounding factor on the component (e.g. 0.01) in the <BC Value> field.\\ \\Rounds the deduction amount down to the next cent when the dollar amount calculated is more than two decimal places.|B0810|B0840 \\ ---- ;B0840 Employer Paid Contribution Amount CC01 This component determines whether the contribution amount replaces any previously calculated amount or adds to it.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is to be used as the Employer Paid Contribution Amount rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |01*|Replace Value on Enrollment|Replaces the enrollment value with the newly calculated contribution amount.\\ \\A <PC Code> must be indicated.| |B0842 \\ ---- ;B0842 Prior Period Contribution Adjustment Contribution Amount CC02 This component determines whether the amount replaces any previously calculated amount or adds to it. This is the final prior period amount for CAPERS.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Prior Period Adjustment Contribution Amount rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |01*|Replace Value on Enrollment|Replaces the enrollment value with the newly calculated contribution amount.\\ \\A <PC Code> must be indicated.| |B0843 \\ ---- ;B0843 Prior Period Earnings Adjustment Contribution Amount CC03 This component determines whether the contribution amount replaces any previously calculated amount or adds to it. This is the final prior period adjustment contribution amount for CAPERS.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Prior Period Earnings Adjustment Contribution Amount rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |01*|Replace Value on Enrollment|Replaces the enrollment value with the newly calculated contribution amount.\\ \\A <PC Code> must be indicated.| |B0844 \\ ---- ;B0844 Contribution Receivable Contribution Amount CC04 This component determines whether the contribution amount replaces any previously calculated amount or adds to it. This is the final contribution receivable contribution amount for CAPERS.\\ \\ Choose the Contribution Receivable Contribution Amount rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |01*|Replace Value on Enrollment|Replaces the enrollment value with the newly calculated contribution amount.\\ \\A <PC Code> must be indicated.| |B0845 \\ ---- ;B0845 Retroactive Salary Adjustment Contribution Amount CC05 This component determines whether the contribution amount replaces any previously calculated amount or adds to it. This is the final retroactive salary contribution amount for CAPERS.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Retroactive Salary Adjustment Contribution Amount rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |01*|Replace Value on Enrollment|Replaces the enrollment value with the newly calculated contribution amount.\\ \\A <PC Code> must be indicated.| |B0846 \\ ---- ;B0846 Special Compensation Contribution Amount CC06 This component determines whether the contribution amount replaces any previously calculated amount or adds to it. This is the final special compensation contribution amount.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Special Compensation Contribution Amount rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |01*|Replace Value on Enrollment|Replaces the enrollment value with the newly calculated contribution amount.\\ \\A <PC Code> must be indicated.| |B0847 \\ ---- ;B0847 Prior Period Survivor Contribution Adjustment Amount CC07 This component determines whether the contribution amount replaces any previously calculated amount or adds to it. This is the final prior period survivor contribution amount for CAPERS.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Prior Period Survivor Contribution Adjustment Amount rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |01*|Replace Value on Enrollment|Replaces the enrollment value with the newly calculated contribution amount.\\ \\A <PC Code> must be indicated.| |B0849 \\ ---- ;B0849 Employer Paid Additional Contribution Amount CC09 This component determines whether the contribution amount replaces any previously calculated amount or adds to it. This is the final employer paid additional contribution amount for CAPERS.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Employer Paid Additional Contribution Amount rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |01*|Replace Value on Enrollment|Replaces the enrollment value with the newly calculated contribution amount.\\ \\A <PC Code> must be indicated.| |B0860 \\ ---- ;B0860 Contribution Cap Rule (Sequence 811) {optional} This component stores the value of the percentage cap.\\ \\ Is there a limit/cap placed on the percentage of the employer contribution?\\ Yes – choose the rule to be used\\ No – go to B1000\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |01*|Use Supplied Percentage of Eligible Normal Member Earnings|Multiplies the specified percentage by the eligible earnings (B360) and ensures that the calculated employer contribution (B0840) does not exceed this amount.\\ \\Specify the <BC Value> on the component.|B360\\B0840|B1000 |03|Use Supplied Percentage of Employee Amount|Multiplies the specified percentage by the employee amount (B1040) and ensures that the calculated employer contribution (B0840) does not exceed this amount.\\ \\Contributions must be calculated after the employee amount in order for this rule to work.\\ \\Specify the <BC Value> on the component.|B0840\\B1040|B1000 |04|Use Flat Amount|Ensures that the calculated employer contribution (B0840) does not exceed the amount specified in the <BC Value> on the component.|B0840|B1000 !B1000 - B1099 Employee Deductions \\ ---- ;B1000 Deduction Rate This component specifies the source of the deduction rate to be used by B1000’s Rule 11.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Deduction Rate rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |00|Use Value from UserCalc|Specify the name of the <User Calc> on the component.\\ \\The UserCalc must be of the type `Function`, with a return value of the type `Numeric`. Use the RET operator to return the numeric value.\\ \\This value is interpreted by the component as a user provided deduction rate.| |B1010 |01|Use Specified Value|Specify the <BC Value> on the component.\\ \\The specified value is used as the deduction rate.| |B1010 |02*|Use Value from Coverage Rate Step|Uses the deduction rate from the __Rates tab__.| |B1010 |03|Use Value from Enrollment|Specify the <BC Value> on the employee’s enrollment.\\ \\The specified value is used as the deduction rate.| |B1010 \\ ---- ;B1010 Normal Member Deduction Calculation Method CC01 This component determines how the normal member deduction amount will be calculated.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Normal Member Deduction Calculation Method rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |04|Premium Amount|Uses the whole premium amount (B0680) as the deduction amount.\\ \\Rule used when the employee pays the total premium.|B0680|B1012 |06|Premium Amt less Contribution|Uses the difference between the premium amount (B0680) and the employer contribution (B0840) as the deduction amount.|B0680\\ \\B0840|B1012 |11*|Percentage (B1000) of the eligible earnings (B0363).|Percentage (B1000) of the eligible earnings (B0363)|B0360\\ \\B1000|B1012 \\ ---- ;B1012 Prior Period Deduction Calculation Method CC02 This component determines how the prior period deduction amount will be calculated.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Prior Period Deduction Calculation Method rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |04|Premium Amount|Uses the whole premium amount (B0682) as the deduction amount.\\ \\Rule used when the employee pays the total premium.|B0682|B1013 |06*|Premium Amt Less Contribution|Uses the difference between the premium amount (B0682) and the employer contribution (B0842) as the deduction amount.|B0682\\B0842|B1013 \\ ---- ;B1013 Prior Period Earnings Adjustment Deduction Calculation Method CC03 This component determines how the prior period earnings deduction amount will be calculated.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Prior Period Earnings Adjustment Deduction Calculation Method rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |04|Premium Amount|Uses the whole premium amount (B0680) as the deduction amount.\\ \\Rule used when the employee pays the total premium.|B0683|B1014 |06|Premium Amount Less Contribution|Uses the difference between the premium amount (B0683) and the employer contribution (B0843) as the deduction amount.|B0683\\B0843|B1014 |11*|Deduction Rate x Eligible Earnings|Percentage (B1000) of the eligible earnings (B0363).|B0363\\B1000|B1014 \\ ---- ;B1014 Contribution Receivable Deduction Calculation Method CC04 This component determines how the contribution receivable deduction amount will be calculated.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Contribution Receivable Deduction Calculation Method rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |04|Premium Amount|Uses the whole premium amount (B0684) as the deduction amount.\\ \\Rule used when the employee pays the total premium.|B0684|B1015 |06*|Premium Amount Less Contribution|Uses the difference between the premium amount (B0684) and the employer contribution (B0844) as the deduction amount.|B0684\\B0844|B1015 \\ ---- ;B1015 Retroactive Salary Adjustment Deduction Calculation Method CC05 This component determines how the retroactive salary deduction amount will be calculated.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Retroactive Salary Adjustment Deduction Calculation Method rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |04|Premium Amount|Uses the whole premium amount (B0685) as the deduction amount.\\Rule used when the employee pays the total premium.|B0685|B1016 |06|Premium Amount less Contribution|Uses the difference between the premium amount (B0685) and the employer contribution (B0845) as the deduction amount.|B0685\\B0845|B1016 |11*|Percentage of Eligible Earnings|Percentage (B1000) of the eligible earnings (B0365).|B0365\\B1000|B1016 \\ ---- ;B1016 Special Compensation Deduction Calculation Method CC06 This component determines how the special compensation deduction amount will be calculated.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Special Compensation Deduction Calculation Method rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |04|Premium Amount|Uses the whole premium amount (B0686) as the deduction amount.\\Rule used when the employee pays the total premium.|B0686|B1017 |06|Premium Amount less Contribution|Uses the difference between the premium amount (B0686) and the employer contribution (B0846) as the deduction amount.|B0686\\B0846|B1017 |11*|Percentage of Eligible Earnings|Percentage (B1000) of the eligible earnings (B0366).|B0366\\B1000|B1017 \\ ---- ;B1017 Prior Period Survivor Adjustment Deduction Method CC07 This component determines how the prior period survivor deduction amount will be calculated.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Prior Period Survivor Adjustment Deduction Calculation Method rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |04|Premium Amount|Uses the whole premium amount (B0687) as the deduction amount.\\Rule used when the employee pays the total premium.|B0687|B1018 |06*|Premium Amount less Contribution|Uses the difference between the premium amount (B0687) and the employer contribution (B0847) as the deduction amount.|B0687\\B0847|B1018 \\ ---- ;B1018 Employee Paid Additional Deduction Calculation Method CC08 This component determines how the employee paid additional deduction amount will be calculated.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Employee Paid Additional Deduction Calculation Method rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |01*|Use Value from Element|Specify the name of the <Element> on the component.\\The value of the element will be used as the deduction amount.| |B1030 \\ ---- ;B1030 Round Deduction Amount {optional} This component enables the calculated deduction amount to be rounded up to the next 0.01. Used to indicate that it is the employee who picks up the odd one cent when a premium is not evenly divisible.\\ \\ If the premium is not evenly divisible by the processing frequency should the employee pick up the extra cent?\\ Yes – continue with rule 1\\ No – go to next question \\ \\ Round the contribution amount up?\\ Yes – continue with either rule 2 or 3\\ No – go to B1040\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |01|Employee picks up extra cent|Adds the extra cent to the deduction amount when the premium is split between the company and the employee and the result is not exact cents.\\ \\i.e. If the Premium were $132.69/mo and the split was 50/50 between the employee and the company the amounts would be $66.345. Rounding the employee portion would mean that the employee pays $66.35 and the company’s portion is $66.34.|B1010|B1040 |02*|Round to the Nearest Cent|Specify the rounding factor on the component (e.g. 0.01) in the <BC Value> field.\\ \\Rounds the deduction amount to the nearest cent when the dollar amount calculated is more than two decimal places.|B1010|B1040 |03|Rounded Down to the Next Cent|Specify the rounding factor on the component (e.g. 0.01) in the <BC Value>.\\ \\ Rounds the deduction amount down to the next cent when the dollar amount calculated is more than two decimal places.|B1010|B1040 \\ ---- ;B1040 Normal Member Deduction Amount CC01 This component determines whether the normal member deduction amount replaces any previously calculated amount or adds to it.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Normal Member Deduction Amount rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |01*|Replace Enrollment Value|Replaces the enrollment value with the newly calculated deduction amount.\\ \\A <PC Code> must be indicated.| |B1042 \\ ---- ;B1042 Prior Period Adjustment Deduction Amount CC02 This component determines whether the prior period deduction amount replaces any previously calculated amount or adds to it.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is sued as the Prior Period Deduction Amount rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |01*|Replace Enrollment Value|Replaces the enrollment value with the newly calculated deduction amount.\\ \\A <PC Code> must be indicated.| |B1043 \\ ---- ;B1043 Prior Period Adjustment Deduction Amount CC03 This component determines whether the prior period adjustment deduction amount replaces any previously calculated amount or adds to it.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Prior Period Adjustment Deduction Amount rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |01*|Replace Enrollment Value|Replaces the enrollment value with the newly calculated deduction amount.\\ \\A <PC Code> must be indicated.| |B1044 \\ ---- ;B1044 Contribution Receivable Deduction Amount CC04 This component determines whether the contribution receivable deduction amount replaces any previously calculated amount or adds to it.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Contribution Receivable Deduction Amount rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |01*|Replace Enrollment Value|Replaces the enrollment value with the newly calculated deduction amount.\\ \\A <PC Code> must be indicated.| |B1045 \\ ---- ;B1045 Retroactive Salary Adjustment Deduction Amount CC05 This component determines whether the retroactive salary adjustment deduction amount replaces any previously calculated amount or adds to it.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Retroactive Salary Adjustment Deduction Amount rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |01*|Replace Enrollment Value|Replaces the enrollment value with the newly calculated deduction amount.\\ \\A <PC Code> must be indicated.| |B1046 \\ ---- ;B1046 Special Compensation Deduction Amount CC06 This component determines whether the special compensation deduction amount replaces any previously calculated amount or adds to it.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Special Compensation Deduction Amount rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |01*|Replace Enrollment Value|Replaces the enrollment value with the newly calculated deduction amount.\\ \\A <PC Code> must be indicated.| |B1047 \\ ---- ;B1047 Prior Period Survivor Adjustment Deduction Amount CC07 This component determines whether the prior period survivor deduction amount replaces any previously calculated amount or adds to it.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Prior Period Survivor Adjustment Deduction Amount rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |01*|Replace Enrollment Value|Replaces the enrollment value with the newly calculated deduction amount.\\ \\A <PC Code> must be indicated.| |B1048 \\ ---- ;B1048 Employee Paid Additional Deduction Amount CC08 This component determines whether the employee paid additional deduction amount replaces any previously calculated amount or adds to it.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Employee Paid Additional Deduction Amount rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |01*|Replace Enrollment Value|Replaces the enrollment value with the newly calculated deduction amount.\\A <PC Code> must be indicated.| |B1270 !B1200 - B1299 Tax Deferred Amount \\ ---- ;B1270 Normal Member Tax Deferred Amount This component determines the tax-deferred amount on the normal current contribution.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is the used as the Normal Member Tax Deferred Amount rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |01|Same as Employer Amount|The Employer amount (B0840) will be used as the tax deferred amount.\\ \\A <PC Code> must be indicated.|B0840|B1272 |02|Same as Employee Amount|The Employee amount (B1040) will be used as the tax deferred amount.\\ \\A <PC Code> must be indicated.|B1040|B1272 |03*|Premium Amount - Employer Amount|The tax deferred amount is the premium (B0680) minus the employer amount (B0840)\\A <PC Code> must be indicated.|B0680\\B0840|B1272 |04|Normal Member Earnings X User Rate 1|Multiples the normal member earnings (B0360) times the rate from the __Rates tab__ for User Rate 1. Tax Deferred is Eligible Amount times User Rate 1.\\ \\A <PC Code> must be indicated.|B0360|B1272 \\ ---- ;B1272 Prior Period Adjustment Tax Deferred Amount CC02 TDC12 This component determines the tax-deferred amount on the Prior Period Adjustment.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Prior Period Adjustment Tax Deferred Amount rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |01|Same as Employer Amount|The Employer amount (B0842) will be used as the tax deferred amount.\\ \\A <PC Code> must be indicated.|B0842|B1273 |02|Same as Employee Amount|The employee amount (B1042) will be used as the tax deferred amount.\\ \\A <PC Code> must be indicated.|B1042|B1273 |03*|Premium Amount - Employer Amount|The tax deferred amount is the premium (B0682) minus the employer amount (B0842)\\ \\A <PC Code> must be indicated.|B0682\\B0842|B1273 \\ ---- ;B1273 Prior Period Earnings Adjustment Tax Deferred Amount CC03 TDC13 This component determines how the tax-deferred amount on the Prior Period will be calculated.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Prior Period Earnings Adjustment Tax Deferred Amount rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |01|Same as Employer Amount|The employer amount (B0843) will be used as the tax deferred amount.\\ \\A <PC Code> must be indicated.|B0843|B1274 |02|Same as Employee Amount|The employee amount (B1043) will be used as the tax deferred amount.\\ \\A <PC Code> must be indicated.|B1043|B1274 |03*|Premium Amount - Employer Amount|The tax deferred amount is the premium (B0683) minus the employer amount (B0843).\\ \\A <PC Code> must be indicated.|B0683\\B0843|B1274 |04|Prior Period Earnings X User Rate 1|Multiples the normal member earnings (B0363) times the rate from the Rates tab for User Rate 1.\\ \\A <PC Code> must be indicated.|B0363|B1274 \\ ---- ;B1274 Contribution Receivable Tax Deferred Amount CC04 TDC14 This component determines the tax-deferred amount on the Contribution Receivable.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Contribution Receivable Tax Deferred Amount rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |01*|Same as Employer Amount|The employer amount (B0844) will be used as the tax deferred amount.\\ \\A <PC Code> must be indicated.|B0844|B1275 |02|Same as Employee Amount|The employee amount (B1044) will be used as the tax deferred amount.\\ \\A <PC Code> must be indicated.|B1044|B1275 |03|Premium Amount – Employer Amount|The tax deferred amount is the premium (B0684) minus the employer amount (B0844).\\ \\A <PC Code> must be indicated.|B0684\\B0844|B1275 \\ ---- ;B1275 Retroactive Salary Adjustment Tax Deferred Amount CC05 TDC15 This component determines the tax-deferred amount on the Retroactive Salary Adjustment\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Retroactive Salary Adjustment Tax Deferred Amount rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |01|Same as Employer Amount|The employer amount (B0845) will be used as the tax deferred amount.\\ \\A <PC Code> must be indicated.|B0845|B1276 |02|Same as Employee Amount|The employee amount (B1045) will be used as the tax deferred amount.\\ \\A <PC Code> must be indicated.|B1045|B1276 |03*|Premium Amount - Employer Amount|The tax deferred amount is the premium (B0685) minus the employer amount (B0845).\\ \\A <PC Code> must be indicated.|B0685\\B0845|B1276 |04|Retroactive Salary Earnings X User Rate 1|Multiples the normal member earnings (B0365) times the rate from the Rates tab for User Rate 1.\\ \\A <PC Code> must be indicated.|B0365|B1276 \\ ---- ;B1276 Special Compensation Tax Deferred Amount CC06 TDC16 This component determines how the tax-deferred amount on Special Compensation will be calculated.\\ \\ Choose the rule that is used as the Special Compensation Tax Deferred Amount rule.\\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go To |01|Same as Employer Amount|The employer amount (B0846) will be used as the tax deferred amount.\\ \\A <PC Code> must be indicated.|B0846|DONE |02|Same as Employee Amount|The employee amount (B1046) will be used as the tax deferred amount.\\ \\A <PC Code> must be indicated.|B1046|DONE |03*|Premium Amount - Employer Amount|The tax deferred amount is the premium (B0686) minus the employer amount (B0846)\\ \\A <PC Code> must be indicated.|B0686\\B0846|DONE |04|Special Compensation Amount X User Rate 1|Multiples the normal member earnings (B0366) times the rate from the Rates tab for User Rate 1.\\ \\A <PC Code> must be indicated.|B0366|DONE !!Sample CAPERS Plan In this example the coverage is for 70001 – Misc. CAPERS is processed biweekly. \\ |0010 – 0299|Pre-processing/Qualification |0300 – 0399|Eligible Earnings/Amounts |0600 – 0699|Premiums |0800 – 0899|Employer Contributions |1000 – 1099|Employee Deduction |1200 – 1299|Tax Deferred Amounts %%information This is a sample, so the pay element and pay component may be renamed to best suit your set up.\\This sample has also been written so users can follow a contribution codes complete set up.%% ||BC||RULE||CC||TDC||ELEMENT||PC||RATE |B0020 Enrollment Base Date|02 Hire Date| | | | | |B0030 Enrollment Effective Date|01 Use Base Date| | | | | |B0070 Effective Date|01 Calculate Effective Date| | | | | |B0080 Eligibility Base Date|02 Hire Date | | | | | |B0090 Eligibility Date Rule|01 Use Base Date| | | | | |B0130 Eligibility Date|01 Calculate Eligible Date| | | | | |B0140 Premium Start Date|01 Use Effective Date| | | | | |B0150 Expire Base Date|02 Termination Date| | | | | |B0160 Expire Date Rule|01 Use Base Date| | | | | |B0200 Expire Date|01 Calculate Expire Date| | | | | |B0210 Eligibility End Base Date|02 Termination Date| | | | | |B0220 Eligibility End Date Rule|01 Use Base Date| | | | | |B0260 Eligibility End Date|01 Calculate Eligible End Date| | | | | |B0270 Premium End Date|01 Use Expiration Date| | | | | |B0320 Eligible Amount (before cap)|01 Use Earnings from Element|01| |CAPERS NORM| | |B0360 Eligible Amount|01 Replace Enrollment Value|01 | | |6800 CAPERS Norm Earns| |B0600 Premium Rate|02 Use Value from Coverage Rate Step|ALL| | | |Rate: Premium Rate 1 = 7.00 |B0620 Premium Calculation Method|10 Eligible Amount X Prem Rate / 100|01| | | | |B0680 Premium Amount|01 Replace Value|01| | | | |B0695 Survivor Amount|02 Use Value from Enrollment|01| | |3695 CAPERS Surv|0.93 in the <BC Value> on the Component |B0800 Contribution Rate|02 Use Value from Coverage Rate Step|ALL| | | |0.0000 |B0810 Contribution Method|11 Contribution Rate X Eligible Earnings|01| | | | |B0830 Round Contribution Amount|01 Company picks up extra cent|ALL| | | | |B0840 Contribution Amount|01 Replace Enrollment Value|01| | |4800 CAPERS Norm ER| |B1000 Deduction Rate|02 Use Value from Coverage Rate Step|ALL| | | |0.0000 |B1010 Deduction Method|11 Deduction Rate X Eligible Earnings|01| | | | |B1040 Deduction Amount|01 Replace Value|01| | |3800 CAPERS Norm EE| |B1270 Normal Member Tax Defer Amount|03 Premium Amount - Employer Amount|01|11| |5800 CAPERS Norm TD| |B0622 Prior Period Contribution Premium Method|01 Use Value from Element|02| |May be blank if there is no direct ER Prior Period contribution| | |B0682 Prior Period Contribution Amount|01 Replace Value|02| | | | |B0812 Prior Period Contribution Method|04 Premium Amount|02| | | | |B0842 Prior Period Contribution Amount|01 Replace Enrollment Value|02| | |4802 CAPERS PP Cont ER| |B1012 Prior Period Contribution Deduction Method|06 Premium Amt less Contribution|02| | | | |B1042 Prior Period Contribution Deduction Amount|01 Replace Enrollment Value|02| | |3802 CAPERS PP Cont EE| |B1272 Prior Period Contribution Tax Defer Amount|03 Premium Amount -Employer Amount|02|12| |5802 CAPERS PP Cont TD| |B0323 Eligible Prior Period Earnings|01 Use Amount from Element|03| |CAPERS PR PER| | |B0363 Eligible Amount|01 Replace Enrollment Value|03| | |6803 CAPERS PP Earns| |B0623 Prior Period Premium Calculation Method|10 Eligible Amount X Prem Rate / 100|03| | | | |B0683 Prior Period Earnings Amount|01 Replace Value|03| | | | |B0813 Prior Period Earnings Contribution Method|11 Contribution Rate X Eligible Earnings|03| | | | |B0843 Prior Period Earning Amount|01 Replace Enrollment Value|03| | |4803 CAPERS PP ER| |B1013 Prior Period Deduction Method|11 Contribution Rate X Eligible Earnings|03| | | | |B1043 Prior Period Earnings Deduction Amount|01 Replace Enrollment Value|03| | |3803 CAPERS PP EE| |B1273 Prior Period Earnings Tax Deferred Amount|03 Premium Amount - Employer Amount|03|13| |5803 CAPERS PP TD| |B0624 Contribution Receivable Calculation Method|01 Use Value from Element|04| |CAPERS RECEIV (Usually contains one PC that is entered as a Sundry or a Pay Line that is processed on a Pay Point PRIOR to the CAPERS)| | |B0684 Contribution Receivable Amount|01 Replace Value|04| | | | |B0814 Contribution receivable Contribution Method|06 Premium Amt less EE Deduction|04| | | | |B0844 Contribution receivable Contribution Amount|01 Replace Enrollment Value|04| | |4804 CAPERS Rec ER| |B1014 Contribution receivable Deduction Method|06 Premium Amt less Contribution |04 | | | | |B1044 Contribution receivable Deduction Amount|01 Replace Enrollment Value|04| | |3804 CAPERS Rec EE| |B1274 Contribution Receivable Tax Defer Amount|01 Same as Employer amount|04|14| |5804 CAPERS Rec TD| |B0325 Eligible Retroactive Salary Earnings|01 Use Amount from Element|05| |CAPERS RETRO| | |B0365 Eligible Amount|01 Replace Enrollment Value|05| | |6805 CAPERS Retro Earns| |B0625 Retroactive Salary Premium Calculation Method|10 Eligible Amount X Prem Rate / 100|05| | | | |B0685 Retroactive Salary Premium Amount |01 Replace Value |05 | | | | |B0815 Retroactive Salary Contribution Method|11 Contribution Rate X Eligible Earnings|05| | | | |B0845 Retroactive Salary Contribution Amount|01 Replace Enrollment Value|05| | |4805 CAPERS Retro ER| |B1015 Retroactive Salary Deduction Method|11 Contribution Rate X Eligible Earnings|05 | | | | |B1045 Retroactive Salary Deduction Amount|01 Replace Enrollment Value|05| | |3805 CAPERS Retro EE| |B1275 Retroactive Salary Tax Deferred Amount|03 Premium Amount - Employer Amount|05 |15 | |5805 CAPERS Retro TD| |B0326 Eligible Special Compensation Amount|01 Use Amount from Element|06| |CAPERS SPECIAL| | |B0366 Eligible Amount|01 Replace Enrollment Value|06| | |6806 CAPERS Spec Earns| |B0626 Special Compensation Prem Calculation Method |10 Eligible Amount X Prem Rate / 100 |06| | | | |B0686 Special Compensation Premium Amount|01 Replace Value |06 | | | | |B0816 Special Compensation Contribution Method|11 Contribution Rate X Eligible Earnings |06| | | | |B0846 Special Compensation Contribution Amount |01 Replace Enrollment Value |06| | |4806 CAPERS Spec ER| |B1016 Special Compensation Deduction Method|11 Contribution Rate X Eligible Earnings|06| | | | |B1046 Special Compensation Deduction Amount |01 Replace Enrollment Value|06| | |3806 CAPERS Spec EE| |B1276 Special Compensation Tax Defer Amount|03 Premium Amount - Employer Amount|06|16| |5806 CAPERS Spec TD| |B0627 Prior Period Survivor Prem Calculation Method|01 Use Value from Element|07| |May be blank if there is no separate PP Survivor amount| | |B0687 Prior Period Survivor Amount|01 Replace Value |07| | |3687 CAPERS PP Surv| |B0817 Prior Period Survivor Contribution Method|04 Premium Amount |07 | | | | |B0847 Prior Period Survivor Contribution Amount|01 Replace Enrollment Value |07| | |4807 CAPERS PP Surv ER | |B1017 Prior Period Survivor Deduction Method|06 Premium Amt less Contribution|07| | | | |B1047 Prior Period Survivor Deduction Amount|01 Replace Enrollment Value|07| | |3807 CAPERS PP Surv EE| |B1018 Employee Paid Additional Deduction Method|01 Use Amount from Element|08| |May be blank if there is no direct EE Additional contribution| | |B1048 Employee Paid Additional Deduction Amount|01 Replace Enrollment Value|08| | |3808 CAPERS Add EE| |B0819 Employer Paid Additional Contribution Method|01 Use Amount from Element|09| |May be blank if there is no direct ER Additional contribution| | |B0849 Employer Paid Additional Contribution Amount|01 Replace Enrollment Value|09| | |4809 CAPERS Add ER| ||Step||Up to Limit||Premium Rate 1||ER Contribution||EE Deduction||User Rate 1 |1| |7.0000|0.0000|0.0000|7.0000 !Exceptions / Notes The sample provided previously is a fairly generic example. You and your consultant will need to discuss your specific requirements. Below is a list of some of the additional options that are available to you. \\ \\ ---- ;Earnings If you pay prior period and/or retro earnings in the same pay components used for normal earnings then you MUST pay them in separate categories and use a UserCalc to return the value of the earnings in BC0300s.\\ \\ i.e. BC0320 use Rule 01 with an element of CAPERS EARNS, and a UserCalc that has the following logic: \\ |10|LET|V|Norm Earns|EQ|$P|Numeric Parameter| 10 | |20 |IF|DB|PCT.Pay_Category_Code|NE|A|Regular|30|99999 |30|LET|V|Norm Earns|EQ|N| |0 |99999 |99999|RET|V|Norm Earns| | | | | On BC0323 use Rule 01 with an element of CAPERS EARNS, and a UserCalc that has the following logic:\\ |10|LET|V|PP Earns|EQ|$P|Numeric Parameter|10| |20|IF|DB|PCT.Pay_Category_Code|NE|A|Prior Period|30|99999 |30|LET|V|PP Earns|EQ|N | | 0 |99999 |99999|RET|V|PP Earns | | | | | On BC0325 use Rule 01 with an element of CAPERS EARNS, and a UserCalc that has the following logic: |10 |LET |V |Retro Earns |EQ |$P |Numeric Parameter |10 | |20 |IF |DB |PCT.Pay_Category_Code |NE |A |Retro |30 |99999 |30 |LET |V |Retro Earns |EQ |N | | 0 |99999 |99999|RET|V |Retro Earns | | | | | \\ \\ ---- ;Survivor Amount If the Contribution Category is 03 – Prior Period, you need to determine if a Survivor amount is to be calculated. \\ \\ If you are paying in the same Pay Header as Normal/Regular Earnings then the 07-Contribution Components should be established to come up with 0 (no element needed on B0627), as the B0695 will be the one amount paid for the period.\\ \\ If, however, you are paying in a different pay header/category and want a Survivor amount calculated you do NOT need the BC for CC07 as B0695 will be used if there is no B0687. \\ \\ ---- ;EPMC – Employer Paid Member Contribution The Employer Paid Tax Deferred amount needs to be calculated as special earnings and reported as additional income.\\ \\ The ER Contribution Rate on the Rates Tab needs to be completed.\\ \\ B0326 – Special Earnings UC Rule 00 instead of Rule 01 |00010|LET|V|Spec Amt|PERC|EC|CAPERS SPEC| | | | | | |DB|BCGR.ER_CONTRIBUTION_RATE|00020 |00020|LET|V|Spec Amt|RDN |V |Spec Amt | | | | | | |N |.01 |00030 |00030|LET|V|Norm Amt|PERC|EC|CAPERS NORM| | | | | | |DB|BCGR.ER_CONTRIBUTION_RATE|00040 |00040|LET|V|Norm Amt|RDN|V|Norm Amt | | | | | | |N|.01|00050 |00050|LET|V|Special Earns|ADD|V|Spec Amt | | | | | | |V|Norm Amt|00060 |00060|LET|V|Special Earns|ADD|V|Spec Earns | | | | | |EC|CAPERS SPEC|99999 |99999|RET|V|Special Earns| | | B1200s – Tax Deferred should be 01 - Same as Employer !User Fields - [IMUF] There is one mandatory and four optional user fields that need to be set up. \\ \\ ---- ;POSTED [UPCAPERS] This user field is MANDATORY. CAPERS cannot operate without adding this user field. When the [UPCAPERS] program is run in update mode (Trial = ‘N’), this user field is used to ‘stamp’ each pay run as ‘Processed by CAPERS’. This prevents pay runs from being processed twice.\\ This is a SYSTEM updated User Field. \\ ||Table||User Field Name||Prompt||Field Type||Fld Seq |P2K_PR_PAY_HEADERS|POSTED UPCAPERS|Posted CAPERS|Char|1 \\ \\ ---- ;CALPERS BUYBACK The ‘CALPERS’ buyback (contribution receivable) situation for an employee may be contrary to the normal situation in the CALPERS coverage in which the employee is enrolled. If this is the case, then a user field ‘CALPERS BUYBACK’ must be setup for this employee in the ENROLLMENTS table or all amounts calculated for the prior period will be under the CC04.\\ This is a USER updated user field. Enter whether the buyback is employee paid (enter - 04), or employer paid (enter – 14 – Tax Deferred).\\ ||Table||User Field Name||Prompt||Field Type||Fld Seq |P2K_BE_ENROLLMENTS|CALPERS BUYBACK|CALPERS BuyBack|Char|1 \\ \\ ---- ;CAPERS UNIT The ‘CAPERS’ unit code is established with the user field ‘CAPERS UNIT’. It can be defined on any of the [P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS], [P2K_CM_UNIT_DETAILS], or [P2K_CM_DEPARTMENT_DETAILS] tables.\\ The unit code is picked up for each employee separately in the order of employment, department and then unit. Normally, you would decide which table best describes the CAPERS unit grouping and set up the CAPERS units as a user field at that level. If either unit or department does not apply to your situation then you can always define it separately for each employee.\\ This is a USER updated user field. If this user field does not exist then '000' is used.\\ ||Table||User Field Name||Prompt||Field Type||Fld Seq |[P2K_CM_UNIT_DETAILS]|CAPERS UNIT|CAPERS Unit|Char|1 \\ \\ ---- ;ELECTED OFFICIAL The Elected Officials user field will allow user to indicate which employees are 'elected officials' who need to be reported monthly and not biweekly.\\ ||Table||User Field Name||Prompt||Field Type||Fld Seq |[P2K_BE_COVERAGES]|ELECTED OFFICIALS|CAPERS ELECTEDOFFF|Char|1 \\ \\ ---- ;CALPERS PAY CODE The ‘CALPERS’ pay code is a required reporting column that determines the basis of the pay rate. [UPCAPERS] supports ONLY 01-Monthly and 04-Hourly.\\ [UPCAPERS] assumes that WEEKLY/BIWEEKLY paid employees are to be reported as ‘Hourly’, and that MONTHLY/SEMI-MONTHLY employees are to be reported as ‘Monthly’.\\ Attaching a user field to the ‘Payrolls’ table can change this behavior. The user field must be named ‘CALPERS PAY CODE’ and contain a value of either ‘01’ OR ‘04’.\\ ||Table||User Field Name||Prompt||Field Type||Fld Seq |P2K_PR_PAYROLLS|CALPERS PAY CODE|CALPERS Pay Code|Char|1 \\ \\ ---- ;CALPERS DISABILITY ||Table||User Field Name||Prompt||Field Type||Fld Seq |P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS|CALPERS DISABILITY PC|CALPERS Disabilities|Char|1 !!Process California PERS This update will process all bond plans, and produce a flat file to be remitted.\\ \\ CAPERS reports are due within 30 calendar days after the close of a service period. The report can be produced only after the CAPERS plan/coverages are set up, employees properly enrolled, and payrolls have been closed. At payroll time, the benefit routine will be invoked which populates the CAPERS pay components with values that are derived from pay components/elements as defined in the benefit components. Reporting will be done after the Pay closes; it will extract the numbers from the Benefit Components and produce the CAPERS report using the required format.\\ \\ Function [UPCAPERS] produces the CAPERS report and optionally the associated file for transmission. The function must be executed separately for each payroll due to the different processing frequencies. When run in update mode (Trial = ‘N’), the pay will be marked as ‘processed’, by the program, and will not be processed again in later [UPCAPERS] runs.\\ \\ The output file will contain exactly what is shown on the report. Do not execute the function in update mode before reviewing the report carefully, and creating the file for transmission. ||REPORT FIELD||SOURCE||NOTES |Social Security Number|Government Code|[P2K_HR_IDENTITIES] |Member Name|Name (Last, First, M.)|[P2K_HR_IDENTITIES] |Coverage Group|Coverage Code|[P2K_BE_COVERAGES] |Service Period|MM-YY-T(ype)|Program finds unprocessed and closed payruns for the earliest pay end date for this component to get the service period MM-YY. The type is derived from pay frequency. (In update mode, the payruns will be stamped as ‘processed’ and will be skipped thereafter). |Pay Code|Derived from Assignment Rate Basis ([IEAS])|Support ONLY the following Pay Codes\\ \\‘01’ Monthly Pay Rate is used for Monthly and Semi-Monthly paid Employees only.\\ \\‘04’ Hourly Pay Rate is used for Biweekly and Weekly paid employees only.\\ \\‘09’ Special Rate used for CC09 only |Pay Rate|Wage Rate|P2K will always obtain the employee wage rate and basis from the prime assignment record as of the end of the service period. Although CAPERS requires that changes in pay rate be shown as separate lines on the report, P2K does not presently support this requirement. |Member Earnings| | |Member Normal Contribution Rate|Premium1 Rate|[P2K_BE_COVERAGE_RATES] |Member Normal Contribution Code|Derived from Benefit Component| |Member Normal Contribution Amount|From PC| |Survivor Contribution Amount|From PC| |Work Schedule Code|Derived from Pay Code and standard Hours per month/week| |Unit Code|Policy Number|The Unit Code is obtained from a ‘User Field’ named ‘CAPERS UNIT’. If units are used, then attach this User field to each ‘Unit Detail’. If the User Field cannot be located, then unit code ‘000’ is used.\\Those clients not using Unit Code require no setup here at all, and the default of ‘000’ will always be used. |Tax Deferred Member Contribution Code|Derived from Benefit Component| |Tax Deferred Member Contribution Amount|From PC| [CAPERS/CAPERS_1.JPG] [CAPERS/CAPERS_2.JPG] Output Transmission File from the above Report\\ \\ 082140000000000001219984CONT.PAYROLL041490100\\ 182140004730012981119983USBENEFITSVKSECON04008800002058900123534010600369400123534\\ 182140004730070881119983USBENEFIT J FIRST04060000002058900144123010700295400144123\\ 982140009999999991219984TRAIL RECORD00002\\ [{InsertPage page='UPCAPERS' section=2}] !Interface Format If not already defined in the Interface Formats Definition form ([IDIF]), load the standard interface file format using the starter_idif_hl$capers.sql script.\\ \\ Modify the standard CAPERS file requirements using the [IDIF] function. Rename the code from HL$CAPERS to a user-defined code. ||RECORD||FIELD||START POSITION||ENDING POSITION||NAME||VARIABLE NUMBER||NOTES |1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | Record ID| |Constant = 0 |1 | 2 | 2 | 5 | Employer Code| |Enter in Constant Value |1| 3 | 6 | 8 | Unit Code | |Enter in Constant Value or leave blank |1 | 4 | 9 | 17| Filler| |Zero-filled |1| 5 | 18| 19| Service Period Month| |MM of the Pay End Date |1| 6| 20| 23| Service Period Year| |YY of the Pay End Date |1| 7| 24| 24| Service Period Type| |0-7 based on the Frequency and Date being run |1| 8| 25| 36| Identifier| |‘CONT.PAYROLL’ |1| 9| 37| 41| Creation Date| |Server Date |1| 10| 42| 44| Office Code| |Enter in Constant Value or leave blank |1| 11| 45| 45| Special Payroll Code| |Enter in Constant Value 0Normal or 1=Special |1| 12| 46| 96| Filler| |Space or zero-filled |2| 1| 1| 1| Record ID| |Constant = 1 |2| 2| 2| 5| Employer Code| | |2| 3| 6| 8| Unit Code | | |2| 4| 9| 17| Social Security Number | | |2| 5| 18| 19| Service Period Month | | |2| 6| 20| 21| Service Period Year | | |2| 7| 24| 24| Service Period Type | | |2| 8| 25| 34| Last Name | | |2| 9| 35| 35| First Name | | |2| 10| 36| 36| Middle Initial | | |2| 11| 37| 41| Coverage Group| | |2| 12| 42| 43| Pay Code | | |2| 13| 44| 51| Pay Rate | | |2| 14| 52| 58| Member Earnings| | |2| 15| 59| 64| Contribution Amount| | |2| 16| 65| 66| Contribution Code| | |2| 17| 67| 70| Contribution Rate| | |2| 18| 71| 73| 1959 Survivor Contribution| | |2| 19| 74| 76| Work Schedule Code| | |2| 20| 77| 82| Employer Paid Contribution Amount| | |2| 21| 83| 84| Employer Paid Contribution Code| | |2| 22| 85| 96| Filler| | Space or Zero-filled |3| 1| 1 | 1 | Record ID| | Constant = 9 |3| 2| 2 | 5 | Employer Code| | |3| 3| 6 | 8 | Unit Code| | |3| 4| 9 | 17| Filler| | Constant = 999999999 |3| 5| 18| 19| Service Period Month | | |3| 6| 20| 23| Service Period Year | | |3| 7| 24| 24| Service Period Type | | |3| 8| 25| 36| Identifier| | Constant = TRAIL RECORD |3| 9| 37| 41| Record Count | | |3| 10| 42| 96| Filler| | Space or zero-filled ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.CAPERS] [{InsertPage page='Internal.CAPERS' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]