!!!CANDIDATE WORK PREFERENCES Work Preferences is an optional feature which may be used by Candidates and by Recruiters in Self Service. Candidates are presented with a list of client defined filters they can select to create their own work preference. This work preference will then automatically search the list of open postings and will display back to the Candidate a list of postings that match their preferences. The Candidate can change their work preferences at any given time. !!Candidate Work Preferences Candidates are given the ability to define work preferences so that they may be able to narrow the list of postings to ones which match their defined work preferences. There are two screens for Candidate Self Service. # [WCRWP] where new external candidates set up their work preferences. This is called in the New Candidate procedure # [WCRWPO] where internal/external Candidates can reset work preferences and where they can see the list of matching postings Any changes made to the work preference will update the postings list. Only Postings that are OPEN or PARTIALLY FILLED and whose Closed Date is either null or greater than the As Of Date will be displayed to the Candidate. If a Candidate drills down from a posting, the posting details will be shown. A Candidate can apply to a posting by clicking on the Apply button. An application will be created to the selected posting. This button will only be available for open postings and if the Candidate is not already hired. A Candidate can apply multiple times to the same postings but only one application at a time will be active. If a Candidate does re-apply to the same posting the status for the previous application will become stale. Any fields that are mandatory will display a red star beside the prompt. Mandatory fields are determined by the web administrator who defines the work preference options. Depending on the options set up by the web administrator Candidates may be able to select multiple values for a preference ie: multiple cities There is a Work Preference Status which reflects if all of the mandatory work preferences have been completed or not. If there are mandatory work preference options that have not been selected, the status will be Not Completed. If all of the mandatory preference options have been selected, the status will be Completed. These messages are handled via RCA_00029 and RCA_00030 and may be translated if needed. [WCRWPO] now calls a header html file that includes step by step instructions for the Candidates on how to fill in the work preferences. [{If var='loginstatus' contains 'authenticated' ---- ![Discussion|Edit:Internal.CANDIDATE WORK PREFERENCES] [{InsertPage page='Internal.CANDIDATE WORK PREFERENCES' default='Click to create a new discussion page'}] }]