Candidates are individual job seekers who seek employment with the entity. They may be current employees, prior employees or individuals who have never worked for the organization.

Employees may be applying for job openings because they wish to transfer, relocate or be considered for promotion.

The Recruiting application allows you to create and maintain candidate records, this is done in the Maintain Candidate Profile (IRCA) screen. Very little information is needed to create a candidate record; additional information can be filled in when the candidate becomes a more serious contender. It is up to the recruiter to decide how much information is required and when it should be captured.

Candidates are uniquely identified by a candidate code that may be entered manually or automatically generated. The date of submission is recorded and the source (employees, mail, email, web, kiosks, job boards, ads, etc.) is noted.

The amount of candidate information the system can hold is extensive - career objectives, demographic data, contact information, work history details, qualifications, education, references, job preferences, job applied for. Some organizations block the Government ID and other sensitive information.

Whenever possible, the initial candidate information is collected through self-service functions. Candidate information for current or prior employees is pulled from existing personnel records. The rehire status is always checked prior to considering a former employee. Candidates are able to indicate how long they wish companies to keep their information on file.

Resumes may accompany candidate profiles, in paper, fax or electronic form. Paper resumes may be scanned and held on file with candidate information. Electronically submitted and faxed resumes can be held in graphical or text form.

All candidate submissions are acknowledged. Some companies require a verbal (telephone) acknowledgment of internal applicants within a week. All other acknowledgments are done automatically by mail or email.

Candidate profiles can be submitted before or after job openings are available. Often job seekers like to submit their resumes for future consideration and be informed when jobs become available. The system keeps an up-to-date pool of potential candidates for when job openings become available. This helps recruiters as well as job seekers.

Candidates can return to their profile at any time to make changes and/or remove their profile in the event that they accept another job offer. Candidate profiles have an automatic expiration date. An email is sent to the candidate prior to expiration to warn them of the upcoming removal of their profile. Candidates may choose to extend the expiration date.

The addition, modification or removal of candidates can trigger activities.

The Publish Candidate Profiles (RRCA) screen allows you to print or produce a file to view a printed report of one or more candidates for off line review.

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