In order to create a new calendar, click the [Calendar Utility|CALENDAR UTILITY] button.  

You will be presented with the Work Calendar Utility Dialog form which you may use to define the calendar details.

#Manually add the first seven days of the calendar. 
#Click on the Create New Date Range utility button.
#In the Duplicate Range section enter the From Relative Day as 1 and the To Relative Day as 7. 
#In the Create Range section, enter the first day to create (8) and enter the last day in the To Date (which calculates the To Relative Day field). 
#Select the ‘OK’. 
#“Retrieving Data” will appear on the top of the form.  This will take a minute to complete, please be patient.
#After the calendar is complete manually modify the calendar accordingly. 

[{InsertPage page='Internal.CALENDAR+UTILITY' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]