BW - Beginning of Week Beginning of Week (BW) will return the 1st day of the week (Sunday) of the date found in Operand 2. Statement: If an employee is terminated in the 1st week of the pay period, divide the Life Plan deduction collected in half (the deduction is stored in PC 1700).

LineCMDOTOperand 1OPEROTOperand2OTOperand3If Goto Else GoTo
00010 IF DB DES.STATUS_CODE EQ A TERMINATED 00100 99999 00100 LET V WEEK 1 END DATE BW $S PERIOD-END-DATE 00110 00110 IF DB EEM.TERMINATION_DATE GE $S PERIOD_START_DATE 00200 99999 00200 IF DB EEM.TERMNIATION_DATE LE V WEEK 1 END DATE 00300 99999 00300 IF PC 1700 GT N 0 00400 99999 00400 LET PC 1700 DIV PC 1700 N 2 99999 99999 EXIT 99999

As with BD, the result of BW may also be changed by a value in Operand 3. Refer to BD in Section 6.5.2. for possible Operand 3 values.