!!BW - Beginning of Week Beginning of Week (BW) will return the 1st day of the week (Sunday) of the date found in Operand 2. ;Statement: If an employee is terminated in the 1st week of the pay period, divide the Life Plan deduction collected in half (the deduction is stored in PC 1700). ||Line||CMD||OT||Operand 1||OPER||OT||Operand2||OT||Operand3||If Goto|| Else GoTo |00010|IF|DB|DES.STATUS_CODE|EQ|A|TERMINATED| | |00100|99999 |00100|LET|V|WEEK 1 END DATE|BW|$S|PERIOD-END-DATE| | |00110| |00110|IF|DB|EEM.TERMINATION_DATE|GE|$S |PERIOD_START_DATE| | |00200| 99999 |00200|IF|DB|EEM.TERMNIATION_DATE|LE|V|WEEK 1 END DATE| | |00300| 99999 |00300|IF|PC|1700|GT|N|0| | |00400| 99999 |00400|LET|PC|1700|DIV|PC|1700|N|2|99999| |99999|EXIT| | | | | | | |99999| As with BD, the result of BW may also be changed by a value in Operand 3. Refer to BD in Section 6.5.2. for possible Operand 3 values. ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.BW_OPERATOR] [{InsertPage page='Internal.BW_OPERATOR' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]