!!BOM - Beginning Of Month Check This command checks if the pay period for which the UserCalc is being performed contains the first day of a calendar month. i.e. A specific pay period is May 20th to June 3rd. In this case, the first day of a calendar month (June 1) is contained within the pay period. June 1st would be the BOM looked for. This command has a true path (If Goto) and a false path (Else Goto). Statement: Suppose there are only two employee groups, full time and part time. If the beginning of the month falls within this pay period for a full time employee, create a Dental Insurance deduction of $20.00 (stored in PC 300). If the employee is part-time, create a deduction of $10.00 (stored in PC 300). ||Line||CMD||OT||Operand 1||OPER||OT||Operand2||OT||Operand3||If Goto||Else GoTo |00010 |BOM| | | | | | | |00100|99999 |00100|IF|DB|DGR.GROUP_CODE|EQ|A|FULL TIME| | |00110|0200 |00110|LET|PC|300|EQ|N|20| | |99999| |00200|LET|PC|300|EQ|N|10| | |99999| |99999|EXIT| | | | | | | |99999|