High Line is pleased to announce a new and more efficient method for Employee W2’s!

Introducing “BEW2”. BEW2 allows employees to print their W2’s faster/easier. This solution is more performant than the existing “REW2”, as it does not utilize the Windward report server.

The BEW2 will produce current year W2’s only – if you’d like your employees to be allowed to print prior years, REW2 can be utilized – i.e. label the menu “W2 History”. The BEW2 output of the W2 form will be in a pdf format.

This function can be added to the employee pay menu.

Set Up/Implementation
For organizations that wish to use the BEW2 process, the implementation steps below must be followed:

  1. The new BEW2 function has been created from seed data supplied in the Year End Release.
  2. Add the BEW@ function to the appropriate menu and provide execution rights to the respective role and/or user.
  3. Update the Dashboard.war (Logi) with the following:
  • Copy the file W2-2018.pdf’ to:
    • /home/Oracle/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/’domain name’/servers/SelfService/stage/Dash/Dash.war/_SupportFiles

  • Copy the file ‘W2Print.lgx’ to:
    • /home/Oracle/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/’domain name’/servers/SelfService/stage/Dash/Dash.war/_Definitions/_Templates