Recipient Types may be defined in [IBPT] and in [IBPN] to determine which type of recipients are allowed to be elected for a particular plan type or coverage.  The type of recipient defined will filter the list of benefit recipients available to the employee for that plan during the election period. The filtration is done by comparing the recipient type lexicon values to the stored values of the relation lexicon in [IECT]. The system will check for a recipient type at the coverage first, if none are found it will then check the plan type to see if one has been defined at that level. If the system cannot locate a recipient type for either the coverage or plan type, all of the employee’s contacts defined in [IECT] will be listed for the employee to elect. 

The matrix below shows which relation is available for each of the recipient types. 

||Beneficiary (BE)||	Children  (CH)||	Dependents (DE)||	Spouse/Others (SO)
|Aunt|College Student|College Student|Common-Law Spouse
|Brother|Daughter|Common-Law-Spouse| Domestic Partner
|Brother-in-law|Domestic Partner’s Son|Daughter|Ex-Spouse
|College Student|Domestic Partner’s Daughter|Domestic Partner|Partner
|Common-Law-Spouse|Granddaughter|Domestic Partner’s Son|Significant Other
|Cousin|Grandson|Domestic Partner’s Daughter|Spouse
|Domestic Partner|Son|Grandson|
|Domestic Partner’s Son|Step-Daughter|Partner|
|Domestic Partner’s Daughter|Step-Son|Nephew|
|Father| |Significant Other|
|Father-in-law| |Son|
|Friend| |Spouse|
|Granddaughter| |Step-Daughter|
|Grandfather| |Step-Son|
|Grandmother| |Unknown|
|Grandson| | |
|Guardian| | |
|Mother| | |
|Mother-in-law| | |
|Nephew| | |
|Niece| | |
|Partner| | |
|Significant Other| | | 
|Sister| | |
|Sister-in-law| | |
|Son| | |
|Son-in-Law| | |
|Spouse| | |
|Step-Brother| | |
|Step-Daughter| | |
|Step-Father| | |
|Step-Mother| | |
|Step-Sister| | |
|Step-Son| | | 
|Uncle| | |
|Unknown| | |

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