BD - Beginning of Day #

Beginning of Day (BD) is the basic Relative Date Operator. It refers to the date found in Operand 2 (not the current day’s date).

For example, an employee was hired May 1, 1980, so the BD of that date would be May 1, 1980.

The BD Operator is used with a value in Operand 3 to change the date of Operand 2 and store the result in Operand 1.

In the example above, if Operand 3 is set to +1d (plus one day), the result would be May 2, 1980.

If used alone, BD would return the same date as the one found in operand 2.

Operand 3 must be coded to contain:

Possible values in Operand 3 would be, but are not limited to:
+1w (plus one week)
-4d (minus 4 days)
+3m (plus 3 months)
-1y (minus one year)

There is no restriction of matching the BD Operator with a number of days being offset.

Let the date variable be the Hire Date plus 3 months then go to section 2.

LineCMDOTOperand 1OPEROTOperand2OTOperand3If Goto Else GoTo

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