!!!Taxable Benefit Calculation Method 

This component determines how the taxable benefit amount will be calculated.

Choose the rule that is used as the ‘Taxable Benefit Calculation Method’ rule.

||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to
|00|Use Value from UserCalc|Specify the name of the <User Calc> on the\\component.\\The usercalc must be of the type `Function`,\\with a return value of the type `Numeric`. Use\\the RET operator to return the numeric value.\\This value is interpreted by the component as a\\user provided taxable benefit amount.|\\|[B1250|BC-B1250]
|01|Use Value from Element|Specify the <Element> on the component.\\The value of the element will be used as the taxable benefit amount.|\\|[B1250|BC-B1250]
|02|Use Taxable Benefit on Enrollment|Use the taxable benefit amount from the\\employee’s current enrollment detail or the <BC\\Value> specified in the component.\\The employee’s enrollment detail ([IBEN]) must be initialized with a value, either by conversion\\or manual input, or through the component\\value.|\\|[B1250|BC-B1250]
|03|Use Taxable Benefit Rate|Uses the taxable benefit rate from the Rates tab\\or B1200 as the taxable benefit amount.|[B1200|BC-B1200]|[B1250|BC-B1250]
|04|Premium Amount|Uses the entire premium amount ([B0680|BC-B0680]) as\\the taxable benefit amount.|[B0680|BC-B0680]|[B1250|BC-B1250]
|05|Contribution Amount|Uses the employer contribution amount\\([B0840|BC-B0840]) as the taxable benefit amount.|[B0840|BC-B0840]|[B1250|BC-B1250]
|06|Premium + ER Sales Tax|Uses the premium amount ([B0680|BC-B0680]) plus the\\employer sales tax ([B0910|BC-B0910]) as the taxable benefit amount.|[B0680|BC-B0680]\\[B0910|BC-B0910]|[B1250|BC-B1250]
|07*|Contribution + ER Sales \\Tax.|Uses the employer contribution amount\\([B0840|BC-B0840]) plus the employer sales tax ([B0910|BC-B0910]) as\\the taxable benefit amount.|[B0840|BC-B0840]\\[B0910|BC-B0910]|[B1250|BC-B1250]
|08|Dedn. + Contr.+ Admin. +\\ER Sales Tax (SI QC)|Takes the contribution component ([B0840|BC-B0840]) plus the deduction component ([B1040|BC-B1040]) plus the\\administration fee component ([B0730|BC-B0730]) plus the\\employer sales tax ([B0910|BC-B0910]) as the taxable benefit\\amount.\\Rule used for self-insured plans only.|[B0730|BC-B0730]\\[B0840|BC-B0840]\\[B0910|BC-B0910]\\[B1040|BC-B1040]|[B1250|BC-B1250]
|09|(Dedn + Contr) * Tax Ben\\Rate – Deduction|Multiplies the contribution component ([B0840|BC-B0840]) plus the deduction component ([B1040|BC-B1040]) by the \\taxable benefit rate and then subtracts the \\deduction amount.|[B0840|BC-B0840]\\[B1040|BC-B1040]|[B1250|BC-B1250]
|10*|Apply IRS Rate Based on\\Age @ 31st Dec|U.S. only – the age range needs to be indicated\\on the Rates tab. Uses the taxable benefit rate\\from the Rates tab or [B1200|BC-B1200] as the taxable\\benefit amount.\\ Indicates components [B1220|BC-B1220] and [B1230|BC-B1230] and\\[B1240|BC-B1240] are required.|[B1200|BC-B1200]\\[B1220|BC-B1220]\\[B1230|BC-B1230]\\[B1240|BC-B1240]|[B1220|BC-B1220]