!!!Deduction Amount This component determines whether the deduction amount replaces any previously calculated amount or adds to it. Choose the rule that is used as the ‘Deduction Amount’ rule. ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to |01*|Replace Enrollment Value|Replaces the enrollment value with the newly\\calculated deduction amount.\\This is the standard rule used.|\\|[B1050|BC-B1050] |02|Accumulate Enrollment\\Value|Accumulates the newly calculated deduction\\amount into the existing enrollment value.|\\|[B1050|BC-B1050] Enter a pay component in the <PC Code> field if the result is to be viewed for Payroll processing or reporting. The BC action must be ‘Store on Line & Enroll'. If the Deduction Amount needs to be converted to a Pay Period Amount place the <PC Code> on B1050 instead. ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.BC-B1040] [{InsertPage page='Internal.BC-B1040' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]