!!!Contribution Calculation Method

This component determines how the contribution amount will be calculated.

Choose the rule that is used as the ‘Contribution Calculation Method’ rule

||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to
|00|Use Value from UserCalc|Specify the name of the <User Calc> on the\\component.\\The usercalc must be of the type `Function`,\\with a return value of the type `Numeric`. Use\\the RET operator to return the numeric value.\\This value is interpreted by the component as a\\user provided contribution amount.|\\|[B0820|BC-B0820]
|01|Use Value from Element|Specify the name of the <Element> on the component.\\The value of the element will be used as the\\contribution amount.|\\|[B0820|BC-B0820]
|02|Use Contribution Amt on\\Enrollment|Use the contribution amount from the\\employee's current enrollment detail, or the\\<BC Value> specified in the component.\\The employee’s enrollment detail (IBEN) must\\be initialized with a value, either by conversion\\or manual input, or through the component\\value.|\\|[B0820|BC-B0820]
|03*|Use Contribution Rate|Uses the contribution rate from the Rates tab or\\B0800 as the contribution amount.|[B0800|BC-B0800]|[B0820|BC-B0820]
|04*|Use Premium Amount|Uses the whole premium amount (B0680) as\\the contribution amount.\\Rule used when the employer pays the total\\premium.|[B0800|BC-B0800]|[B0820|BC-B0820]
|05*|Use Percentage of Pre-\\mium Amount|Specify the <BC Value> on the component.\\Uses the specified value as a percentage to\\apply to the premium amount (B0680) as the\\contribution amount.\\Rule used when only a percentage of the premium\\is paid by the employer.|[B0680|BC-B0680]|[B0820|BC-B0820]
|06|Premium Amt less EE\\Deduction|Uses the difference between the premium\\amount (B0680) and the employee deduction\\(B1040) as the contribution amount.\\When using this rule, the sequence numbers of\\the contribution components B0800 to B0850\\must be changed to calculate after the deduction\\component B1040 has already been calculated.|[B0680|BC-B0680]\\[B0800|BC-B0800]\\[B0810|BC-B0810]\\[B0820|BC-B0820]\\[B0830|BC-B0830]\\[B0840|BC-B0840]\\[B0850|BC-B0850]\\[B1040|BC-B1040]|[B0820|BC-B0820]
|07|Take from Flex Fund|Takes the premium amount from the flex fund\\on the Rates tab\\Rule used on any plan within a flexible benefit\\program.|\\|[B0820|BC-B0820]
|08|Flex Fund Credit Amount|Supplies the flex fund credit amount.\\Rule used only on the flexible benefit plan.|\\|[B0820|BC-B0820]
|09|Contribution Rate + Admin\\Fee (SI)|Uses the contribution rate from the Rates tab or\\B0800 plus the administration fee as the contribution\\amount.\\Rule may be used for self-insured plans only.|[B0730|BC-B0730]\\[B0800|BC-B0800]|[B0820|BC-B0820]
|10|Percentage of Prem Amt +\\Admin Fee (SI)|Specify the <BC Value> on the component.\\Uses the specified value as a percentage to\\apply to the premium amount (B0680) plus the\\administration fee (B0730) as the contribution\\amount.\\Rule used for self-insured plans only.|[B0680|BC-B0680]\\[B0730|BC-B0730]|[B0820|BC-B0820]
|11|Percentage of Eligible\\Earnings|The contribution (B0800) divided by 100 multiplied\\by the Eligible Earnings (B0360)|[B0360|BC-B0360]\\[B0800|BC-B0800]|[B0820|BC-B0820]
|12|Percentage of Employee\\Deduction|Uses the <BC Value> on the component as the\\percentage to be applied to the value of the\\employee’s deduction (B1040) as the contribution\\amount.\\When using this rule, the sequence numbers of\\the contribution components B0800 to B0850\\must be changed to calculate after the deduction\\component B1040 has already been calculated.|[B0800|BC-B0800]\\[B0810|BC-B0810]\\[B0820|BC-B0820]\\[B0830|BC-B0830]\\[B0840|BC-B0840]\\[B0850|BC-B0850]\\[B1040|BC-B1040]|[B0820|BC-B0820]
|13|Contribution Rate × Earn-\\ings|Multiplies the Contribution Rate (B0800) by the\\Eligible Earnings (B0360)|\\|\\
|14|Percentage of Coverage /\\Unit Value|Percentage (B0800) of Coverage divided by the\\Unit Value (B0640).|\\|\\
|15|Percent of Coverage / Unit\\+Admin Fee|Percentage (B0800) of Coverage divided by the\\Unit Value (B0640) plus Administration Fees\\(B0730)

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