!!!Contract Amount {optional} This component calculates and stores the amount of the contract amount. Is there a contract amount? ''Yes: Choose the rule to be used'' ''No: Go to B0800'' ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to |00|Use Value form UserCalc|Specify the name of the <User Calc> on the\\component.\\The usercalc must be of the type `Function`,\\with a return value of the type `Numeric`. Use\\the RET operator to return the numeric value.\\This value is interpreted by the component as a\\user provided contract amount.|\\|[B0780|BC-B0780] |01|Use Specified Amount|Specify the <BC Value> on the component.\\The specified value is used as the contract\\amount.|\\|[B0780|BC-B0780] |02*|Deposit Liability + Admin\\Fee|Takes the total of the deposit liability (B0750)\\plus the administration fee (B0730).|[B0730|BC-B0730]\\[B0750|BC-B0750]|[B0780|BC-B0780] ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.BC-B0770] [{InsertPage page='Internal.BC-B0770' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]