Deposit Liability {optional}#

This component calculates and stores the amount of the deposit liability.

Is there a deposit liability?

Yes: Choose the rule to be used

No: Go to B0770

RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go to
00Use Value from UserCalcSpecify the name of the <User Calc> on the
The usercalc must be of the type `Function`,
with a return value of the type `Numeric`. Use
the RET operator to return the numeric value.
This value is interpreted by the component as a
user provided deposit liability.

01*Use Specified ValueSpecify the <BC Value> on the component.
The specified value is used as the deposit liability.

02*Use Premium AmountTakes the premium amount (B0680) as the
deposit liability.

Enter a pay component in the <PC Code> field if the result is to be viewed for Payroll processing or reporting.

The BC action must be ‘Store on Line & Enroll'.

If the deposit liability needs to be converted to a pay period amount place the <PC Code> on B0760 instead.

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