!!!Coverage Rate Step {optional}

This component establishes which coverage rate step will be read from the Rates tab.

Choose the rule to be used as the ‘Coverage Rate Step’ rule.

||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to
|01|Use Specified Step|Uses the step code to look up the Coverage\\Rate Step on the Rates tab.|\\|[B0600|BC-B0600]
|02*|Determine Step Based on\\Upper/Lower Limits|Uses the step value to look up the \\lower and\\upper limits of the coverage rates from the\\Rates tab.|\\|[B0600|BC-B0600]
|03|Determine Step Based on\\Step Sequence|Determines the step code based on Stepping\\By User date.|\\|[B0600|BC-B0600]
|04|Determine rate Based on\\Pay Issue Date|Determines the step rate based on Pay Issue\\Date|\\|\\

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