!!!Step By Number of Dependents {optional} This component specifies the number of dependents and/or beneficiaries used to determine the rates. Choose the rule to be used as the ‘Step By Number of Dependents’ rule. ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to |01|Dependents only|Uses the number of dependents from the Contacts\\file as the step code.|[B0500|BC-B0500](07)|[B0580|BC-B0580] |02|Beneficiaries only|Uses the number of beneficiaries from the Contacts file as the step code.|[B0500|BC-B0500](07)|[B0580|BC-B0580] |03|Both Dependents and Beneficiaries|Uses the number of dependents and beneficiaries\\from the Contacts file as the step code.|[B0500|BC-B0500](07)|[B0580|BC-B0580]