!!B0520 Step By Wage ''{optional}''

This component specifies the wage that should be used to determine the rate step.

Choose the rule to be used as the “Step By Wage” rule


||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to
|01*  | Use Annual Amount | Uses the annualized wage rate component [B0300|BC-B0300] to look up the lower and upper limits of the Rates tab and determine the step code. | [B0300|BC-B0300]\\[B0500|BC-B0500]-(06) | [B0580|BC-B0580]

|02   |Use Monthly Amount | Uses the wage rate component [B0300|BC-B0300] converted to a monthly amount to look up the lower and upper limits of the Rates tab and determine the step code. | [B0300|BC-B0300]\\[B0500|BC-B0500]-(06)| [B0580|BC-B0580]

|03   | Use Hourly Amount | Uses the wage rate component [B0300|BC-B0300] converted to an hourly amount to look up the lower and upper limits of the Rates tab and determine the step code.| [B0300|BC-B0300]\\[B0500|BC-B0500]-(06) | [B0580|BC-B0580]

* Most commonly selected option 

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