!!B0500 Coverage Rate Step ''{optional}''

This component specifies the rate stepping criteria.

Choose the rule that is used as the ‘Coverage Step Calculation Method’ rule. Ensure that you complete the Rates tab.

||Table||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to
|00  | Use Step from UserCalc | Specify the name of the [User Calc|IMUC] on the component.\\The usercalc must be of the type `Function`, with a return value of the type `Number`. Use the RET operator to return the numeric value. This value is interpreted by the component as a User provided step code.| |[B0580|BC-B0580]
|01  | Use Step from Element | Specify the name of the [Element|IPPE] on the component. The value of the element will be used as the step code.| | [B0580|BC-B0580]
|02* | Use Enrollment Step | Uses the step code from the employee’s current enrollment detail, or the <BC Value> specified in the component. The employee’s enrollment detail ([IBEN]) must be initialized with a value, either by conversion or manual input, or through the component value.| | [B0580|BC-B0580]
|03* | Use Eligible Earnings | Uses the value of the eligible earnings as the step code. | [B0360|BC-B0360] | [B0580|BC-B0580]
|04  | Use Employee’s Gender | Uses the lexicon value of male (01) or female (02) from the employee’s Identity Information form ([IEID]) as the step code.| | [B0580|BC-B0580]
|05* | Use Employee’s Age | Uses the employee’s age (as of the date specified in [B0510|BC-B0510]) to look up the lower and upper limits of the Rates tab and  determine the step code.| | [B0510|BC-B0510]
|06  | Use Employee’s Wage Rate | Uses the employee’s wage (as specified in [B0520|BC-B0520]) to look up the lower and upper limits of the Rates tab and determine the step code. | | [B0520|BC-B0520]
|07  | Use Number of Dependents| Uses the number of dependents and/or beneficiaries (as specified in [B0530|BC-B0530]) in the Contacts file as the step code.| | [B0530|BC-B0530]
|08 | Use Employee’s Service| Uses the employee’s number of years of service (calculated from [B0540|BC-B0540]and [B0550|BC-B0550], as of the date specified in [B0560|BC-B0560]) to look up the lower and upper limits of the Rates tab and determine the step code.| [B0540|BC-B0540]\\[B0550|BC-B0550]\\[B0560|BC-B0560]| [B0540|BC-B0540]
|09 | Use Spouse’s Age | Uses the spouse’s age (as of the date specified in [B0510|BC-B0510]) to look up the lower and upper limits of the Rates tab and determine the step code. | | [B0510|BC-B0510]
|10 | Use Spouse’s Gender | Uses the lexicon value of male (01) or female (02) from the spouse’s contact form as the step code.| | [B0580|BC-B0580]
|11 | User Provided Step Date | Moves the enrollment to the next step code when the user provided step date falls within the processing period.| | [B0570|BC-B0570]
'*' Most commonly selected option 
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