!!!Premium End Date

This component determines the date premium collection will cease.

Choose the rule that is used as the ‘Premium End Date’ rule.
||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to
|00|UserCalc Only|Specify the name of the <User Calc> on the\\component.\\The usercalc must be of the type `Function`,\\with a return value of the type `Date`. The usercalc\\must use the RET operator to return a date\\value.\\This value is interpreted by the component as a\\User provided date from which the employee’s\\premium is ended.|\\|[B0300|BC-B0300]
|01*|Use Expire Date|Uses the date calculated in component B0210\\as the premium end date.|[B0210|BC-B0210]|[B0300|BC-B0300]
|02|Use Eligibility End Date|Uses the date calculated in component B0260\\as the premium end date.|[B0260|BC-B0260]|[B0300|BC-B0300]

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