BC-B 0250
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Roll Forward/Back Rule {optional}#

This component specifies that eligibility ends on a specific day of the month, such as the last.

Is it necessary to roll the eligibility end date forward or backward to a specific day of the month?

Yes: Choose the rule to be used

No: Go to B0260

RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go to
01*Roll Forward to Day in Curr
Specify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.
Must be entered as DD (31 for the end of the
Rolls the expiration date forward to this day in
the current month.
Used when benefits may only expire on a specified
day of the month.

02Roll Back to Day in Prev
Specify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.
Must be entered as DD (31 for the end of the
Rolls the expiration date back to this day in the
previous month.
Used when benefit may only expire on a specified
day of the month.

03Roll Forward to Last Day in
Curr Quarter
Rolls the expiration date forward to the last day
in the current quarter.
Used when benefit eligibility may only end at
the end of a quarter.

04Roll Back to Last Day in
Prev Quarter
Rolls the expiration date back to the last day in
the previous quarter.
Used when benefit eligibility may only end at
the end of a quarter and the employee has to
be employed for the whole quarter in order to
be enrolled for quarter.


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